
sī xiǎng
  • thought;idea;ideological;ideology;think of;consider
思想 [sī xiǎng]
  • (1) [thought]∶客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果

  • (2) [idea]∶想法;心里的打算

  • 他早就有回家的思想

  • (3) [consider]∶考虑

  • 千思想,万算计

  • (4) [think of]∶想念

  • 谁知娘娘终日思想储君,哭的二目失明。--《三侠五义》

  • 思想故国江山之胜

  • [ideological] 意识形态的;观念的

  • 思想动向

  • 思想工作

  • 思想解放

  • 思想境界

思想[sī xiǎng]
  1. 这些观念在弗洛伊德的思想中也有极相似之处。

    These ideas have parallels in Freud 's thought too .

  2. 亚里士多德的科学理论统治了西方思想达1,500年。

    Aristotle 's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years

  3. 书不仅给孩子们以思想,而且使他们玩得更有意思。

    Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play .

  4. 她试图从思想上将这两件事分开。

    She tried to dissociate the two events in her mind .

  5. 我想把这一思想深化一步。

    I 'd like to take this idea a step further .

  6. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。

    His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism .

  7. 尽管他的思想屡遭非难,他似乎仍然百折不挠。

    He seemed undaunted by all the opposition to his idea .

  8. 这部小说准确地传达了一代人的感情和思想。

    The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation .

  9. 让儿童看图画有时有助于他们用言语表达思想。

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas .

  10. 我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。

    We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information .

  11. 在某些行业,老好人思想成不了大事。

    In some professions , niceness does not get you very far .

  12. 当时的宗教气候容不得新思想。

    The religious climate at the time was uncongenial to new ideas .

  13. 未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。

    A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas .

  14. 研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。

    The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas .

  15. 英国人常被指责为思想褊狭。

    The British are often accused of being insular .

  16. 他的态度显示他的思想有些狭隘。

    His attitudes show a certain narrowness of mind .

  17. 他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。

    He was burned at the stake for heresy .

  18. 你可以培养自己有乐观思想的能力。

    You can train your mind to think positively .

  19. 这是思想堕落者所为。

    This is the work of a depraved mind .

  20. 最近的流行思想是促进妇女对体育的兴趣。

    The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport .

  21. 这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。

    The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas .

  22. 这篇课文解释了这位哲学家的早期思想。

    This text illuminates the philosopher 's early thinking .

  23. 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。

    My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage .

  24. 他确实是个天才,可是难以用语言表达他的思想。

    He 's a real genius but he has difficulty verbalizing his ideas .

  25. 他的思想与众不同。

    He has an unusual cast of mind .

  26. 他发表演说时热烈鼓吹自己的思想。

    He delivered his speech with evangelical fervour .

  27. 这种思想与我们的宗教不相容。

    The idea is alien to our religion .

  28. 她思想活跃,善于探索。

    She had a lively and enquiring mind .

  29. 尽管这种思想可能已无人相信,但还远没被人遗忘。

    Though the idea may be dead , it is far from being buried .

  30. 他的作品大部分都是以这些主题思想为基础。

    These ideas underlie much of his work .