
sī cháo
  • trend of thought;ideological trend;thoughts;climate;current
思潮 [sī cháo]
  • (1) [trend of thought; ideological trend]∶某一时期内在社会上流行的思想倾向

  • 反动思潮

  • (2) [thoughts]∶脑海里涌现的念头

  • 我百感交集,思潮翻滚。--《一件珍贵的衬衫》

思潮[sī cháo]
  1. STS教育思潮出现的时候,正是人们意识到科学教育危机所产生的痛苦,并试图摆脱这种痛苦的时候。

    STS trend of thought appears , when the people wake up to the crisis of science and education , and they try their best to get rid of it .

  2. 由于缺乏军事外交手段,加上日本政府和国民比较支持ODA的实施,以及90年代后日本国内思潮的变化都为日本在联合国外交中运用ODA提供了条件。

    Military diplomatic tools shortage , Japanese government and people 's strong support for ODA and the change of the trend of thought in Japan in 1990 's are all reasons for such a diplomatic change . Japan 's ODA diplomacy has yielded some positive results .

  3. 每个党派代表一种不同的思潮。

    Each party represents a distinct current of thought

  4. 我们目前对操作所引起的整个内分泌和代谢反应的了解,溯源于两种思潮。

    Our current awareness of an integral endocrine and metabolic response to injury may be traced to two streams of thought .

  5. 玄学思潮下的魏晋山水文学之一瞥

    Landscape Literature in Wei and Jin Dynasties : Influence of Metaphysics

  6. 现代性视阈中的二十世纪初浪漫主义思潮

    Early 20th Century Romantic Trend in the Visual Threshold of Modernity

  7. 近代爱国主义思潮层次再论

    Restudying the Administrative Levels of the Ideological Trend of Modern Patriotism

  8. 论当代美国基督教中的反进化论思潮

    On the Anti-Evolutionary Current of Thoughts in the Contemporary American Christianity

  9. 中国现代美术大众化思潮的兴起

    On the Emergence of Mass Transformation in Chinese Modern Fine Arts

  10. 谈当代西方的一些建筑流派思潮及其与文化之关联

    On Some architectural Schools thoughts and relationships between them and culture

  11. 刍议当代社会思潮与管理科学研究的结合

    Preliminary Discussion on Intergration of Contemporary Ethos and Management Science Study

  12. 文学思潮研究的对象与方法

    Research on the Object and Method of Literary Trends Studies

  13. 左翼文学思潮和世界华文文学

    The left-wing literary trend and Chinese literature of the world

  14. 新历史主义文艺思潮解析

    An Analysis of New Historicism Trend of Thought in Literature and Art

  15. 机遇和回应:面对全球伦理思潮

    Opportunity and Response : in Face of " Global Ethics " Thoughts

  16. 本章将从老舍的生存经历、个性气质及外在社会思潮、文化氛围等内在和外在的角度来加以论述。

    It talks about survival experience , individual temperament and culture atmosphere .

  17. 论近代经世致用史学思潮的兴起

    On the Rise of Practical Historiography Trend in Modern China

  18. 近代中国唯科学主义思潮评析

    Analyzing the Trend of Thought of Scientism in Modern China

  19. 同时,它也指一种文化思想,一种文艺思潮。

    It also means a kind of culture ideology or literature trend .

  20. 从现代思潮的演变探析当代建筑创作的变革

    Probe into Innovation of Modern Architectural Creation from Evolution of Architectural Trends

  21. 中国近代民众教育思潮研究

    A Study on the Mass Education Thought in Modern China

  22. 五四思潮对中国近现代美术的影响

    On the Influence of New Culture Movement for the Modern Chinese Painting

  23. 体验经济新思潮下的体育营销

    Discussion on the Sport Marketing under the New Trend of Experience Economy

  24. 后现代思潮对历史研究的影响

    The Influence of Post-Modern Trend of Thought on Historical Research

  25. 宗教极端思潮与宗教压迫;

    Religious and extreme current of thought and religion oppression ;

  26. 新教育思潮影响下的数学课程理念

    On the Principle of Math Course under the Influence of New Education Thoughts

  27. 当代西方教育管理研究新思潮论析

    Analysis of New Thoughts in Contemporary Western Education Administration

  28. 现代主义思潮导致现实主义定义内涵的扩大化。

    Trend of thought in modernism results in the expansion of realistic connotation .

  29. 30年代中国人文主义文学思潮

    Chinese Humanism Ideological Frend of Literature in 1930 's

  30. 康有为与中国近代启蒙思潮

    Kang Youwei and The Enlightenment Thought of Temporary China