
sī xiǎnɡ ɡǎn qínɡ
  • Thoughts and emotions;being;feelings and understanding
  1. 然而他们(在思想感情上)与我们仍有距离。

    They , however , maintained a distance from us .

  2. 这是一首向读者充分地表达出诗人思想感情的诗篇。

    This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the readers what the poet feels .

  3. 这是一个简洁地表达了我思想感情的形容词。

    It is an epithet that sums up my feelings .

  4. 他的音乐反映了他激荡的思想感情、他的痛苦和欢乐。他非常赞同法国大革命的理想。

    He deeply sympathized with the ideals of the French Revolution .

  5. 他浑身洋溢着关怀嘉莉的思想感情。

    He was alive with thoughts and feelings concerning carrie .

  6. 不喜欢与他人交流思想感情的

    Not liking to share thoughts and feelings with others

  7. 我们也记日记来记录我们的思想感情。

    We also write diaries about how we feel .

  8. 诗人将丰富的思想感情浓缩于几个精选的词语里。

    The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words .

  9. 陈、吴二人的诗作,反映了他们人生哲学、文化观念、思想感情。

    Their poems reflect their life philosophy , cultural ideas , thought and feelings .

  10. 意指的是创作主体的思想感情,象指的是作为创作客体的客观物象。

    Hint is the emotion of poets and appearance is the objects of creation .

  11. 他亲身体验到了,感受到自己的思想感情是与其他事物割裂开来的某种东西

    He experiences himself , his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest

  12. 在岛上住了四年,你已经失去掩饰思想感情的本领。

    You 've lost the art of dissembling in four years on this island .

  13. 唱歌教学在培养学生良好的道德情操和思想感情方面具有重要作用。

    Singing plays an important role in cultivating students ' good morality and feeling .

  14. 歌唱是用优美动人的歌声表达人们思想感情的艺术。

    Singing is an art of expressing human feelings and thoughts with tuneful songs .

  15. 并把自己的思想感情用音乐表现出来。

    And he put those ideas to music .

  16. 我们现在感到在思想感情上和劳动人民接近多了。

    We now find ourselves much closer to the working people in thought and feeling .

  17. 使学生无拘无束、心情愉快地在本课程的讨论中,表达自己的思想感情。

    To make the students express themselves freely and happily in intimate and familiar Discussion-in-class .

  18. 可是所有这些思想感情都是孩子气的,天真烂漫的。

    But the sentiment of all this was as boyish and innocent as could be .

  19. 他的思想感情从来不流露出来,他安静得就像一间没人住的房间。

    He seemed to do all his mental operations without the aid of physical expression .

  20. 通过夸张变形,轻松随意的绘画体现作者的思想感情。

    Through exaggeration , relaxed and optional paintings embody the thoughts and feelings of the author .

  21. 语言不仅是人类思想感情的交流工具,还是文化的组成部分和载体,所以我们在与英美国家的人进行交际时由于不懂对方的文化,往往会产生文化迁移。

    Language is not only the tool of communication , but also a part of culture .

  22. 是揭示剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义手法。

    Is to reveal the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters of a romantic way .

  23. 她总是能够准确地表达自己的思想感情。

    She always expressed herself precisely .

  24. 词语的不断丰富和发展,使得语言使用者能更好、更准确的表达自己的思想感情。

    The continuing richness and development of words are helpful for language users to express themselves exactly .

  25. 这时冼星海感到自己在思想感情上确实和群众打成了一片。

    Now Xian Xinghai felt he had truly become one with the masses in thought and feeling .

  26. 民歌是人民以歌唱来表达思想感情的艺术形式,它源于广大人民的口头创作,并在人民群众世世代代的传唱中获得不断的提高与完善。

    Folk-song is an artistic form which is used by people to express their thoughts and feelings .

  27. 现代诗歌是用凝练的语言、简练的结构表达出诗人的思想感情,在简短的篇幅中又蕴含了一定丰富深刻的内容。

    By using the concise language and succulent structure , modern poems convey poets ' idea and feelings .

  28. 七夕节日的文化风俗及其所反映的思想感情,典型地体现了封建社会的家庭夫妇伦理关系。

    Its customs and the thoughts it reflected typically embodies the connubial ethical relation of the feudal society .

  29. 作者把自己的思想感情寄托在剧中主人公身上。

    The author projects his own thoughts and feelings on the personality of the hero of his play .

  30. 赋为铺陈直叙,即诗人把思想感情及其有关的事物平铺直叙地表达出来。

    Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet 's ideas and other related matters descriptively .