
  • 网络Thinking Science;thought science;noetic science
  1. 从思维科学看人工智能的研究

    From Noetic Science Looking back to the History of AI

  2. 思维科学分为基础科学、技术科学、工程技术三个层次,其中思维学和信息学是思维科学的基础学科部分。

    The Noetic Science covers the sciences of three levels , namely the Fundamental Science , the Technological Science and the Project Technology .

  3. 钱学森论思维科学与教育工程

    QIAN Xue-sheng 's Comment on Science of Thought and Educational Project

  4. 科学发展周期与思维科学预测

    Cycle of scientific development and prediction of science of thinking

  5. 20年来,思维科学的研究与应用充分证明钱学森的科学预见是完全正确的。

    The research and application of Thought Science proved Qian Xue-sen 's foreseeing .

  6. 在反思中发展系统思维科学的理论

    Developing Theory of Systematic and Scientific Thinking in Reflection

  7. 思维科学的新视野&关于非线性思维研究

    A New Visual Field for Thinking Science : About the Non-linear Thinking Study

  8. 思维科学视阈下的新闻写作规律探析

    Research on the Rules of News Writing from the Prospective of Thinking Science

  9. 思维科学的新发展与建筑符号学的近期前景

    New Progresses of the Consciousness Related Sciences and the Foreseeable Perspective of the Architectural Semantics

  10. 钱学森是中国思维科学的倡导者、开拓者之一。

    QIAN Xue-sheng is one of the advocators and pioneers of Chinese science of thought .

  11. 文章特别论述了思维科学在图书馆研究中的重要学术价值。

    The article especially emphasizes the important academic value of thinking science in library science research .

  12. 第二章从不同的角度给出了翻译的定义,从而知道思维科学才是翻译的基础。

    Chapter two talks about multi-definitions of translation and various kinds of thinking activities in translation .

  13. 这是一门将系统科学、思维科学和数学综合运用的交叉学科。

    This is a crossing course which applicants systematically with system science , thought science and mathematics .

  14. 思维科学是研究人的有意识思维的特点、规律、方法以及历史发展和人工模拟的科学。

    Thought science is to research characteristic , law , method , history and simulation of consciousness .

  15. 而思维科学作为一门新兴的学科,也愈来愈受到人们的关注。

    The science of thinking is a newly-built discipline paid more and more attention to by people .

  16. 逻辑学与思维科学

    Logic and Thinking Science

  17. 甚至思维科学也产生于这一社会发展阶段所独具的闲暇时间。

    Even speculative science took its first beginnings from the leisure characteristic of this stage of social progress .

  18. 数学是一门思维科学,数学思维越来越多地成为数学教育的一项重要研究内容。

    Mathematics is a thinking science . Mathematical thinking is becoming a more and more important education research .

  19. 本文在理论上,从哲学、教育学、心里学、思维科学及逻辑学的角度对双基教学与创造性思维培养的教学进行了阐述。

    My article explains those from the viewpoint of philosophy , education , psychology , thought science and logic .

  20. 本文根据思维科学的发展和翻译学的研究现状提出翻译学建立过程中应遵循的五种思维模式:1.系统分析与系统综合相结合;2.纵向与横向相结合;

    The paper puts forth five thinking models in the establishment of translatology , a new branch of science .

  21. 期待未来思维科学的发展能进一步带动翻译思维学的发展,并更深层次地揭示出译者思维活动的奥秘。

    We sincerely hope that further study on the Science of Thought will contribute more to the Science of Translation .

  22. 观念应成为心理学、思维科学、知识论和认识论的研究对象。

    Opinions should be the subject matter of researches for psychology , cognitive sciences , theory of knowledge , and epistemology .

  23. 相似论应用于生物教学,就是把相似理论(脑科学与思维科学)应用于生物课堂教学之中。

    Resemblance theory applied in biology teaching is applying resemblance theory ( brain science and thought science ) to biology classroom teaching .

  24. 运用思维科学的理论,通过对数学思维分类的探讨指出数学创造思维的特征。

    Using scientific thought theory , the characteristic of mathematics creative thought is pointed out through discussing the classification of mathematics thought .

  25. 逻辑学是一门应用性很强的思维科学,但因其高度抽象,高度形式化,所以对逻辑课的教与学均造成了一定的难度,影响教学双边活动的开展。

    Logic is a largely applied science , but there exist some difficulties in teaching it because of its abstraction and unique forms .

  26. 现代科学的总分类由自然科学、社会科学、思维科学、哲学和数学科学五大基本门类的科学所构成。

    The modern scientific totally constitutes five basic categories which is natural science , social science , thinking science , philosophy and mathematical .

  27. 思维科学的回顾与面临问题&在全国思维科学理论研讨会上的讲话研究科学可以锻炼人思维严谨。

    An Review of Science in Thinking and the Problems Concerned & A speech in the nation-wide seminar on the theory of thinking science ;

  28. 思维科学有其特有的研究对象与内容、研究任务与方向,它们具有客观的真理性,排斥主观随意性。

    The science of thinking owns unique researchable object s , content , task and direction , which is objective truth and repels subjectivity .

  29. 创造学应当整体性地归类于介于哲学、社会科学、思维科学与数学、自然科学、系统科学之间的交叉科学。

    Creation studies should be generally cataloged as cross-science among philosophy , social science , thinking science and mathematics , natural science , systematic science .

  30. 但刻画这三条规律的人工语言表达式具有特殊性,在不同的思维科学中应用不同的表达式去刻画。

    But the artificial language expression formula which portrays these three laws has particularity , apply different expression formulae in different thinking science to portray .