
sī wéi nénɡ lì
  • Thinking ability;discourse
思维能力 [sī wéi néng lì]
  • [thought] 思维的本能或能力;尤指合乎逻辑地进行思维的能力

  1. 阿利斯泰尔逻辑思维能力很强,但缺乏想象力。

    Alistair had a logical mind , and little imagination

  2. 用这个智力游戏锻炼你的思维能力。

    Stretch your brain with this puzzle .

  3. 普渡大学开展初步试验,以评估学生们的批判性思维能力。

    Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students ' critical thinking skills .

  4. 实验的组织者总结道,与书面交流和可量化的读写能力相比,较少数学生具有高水平的批判性思维能力。

    The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy .

  5. 中国孩子的突破性思维能力和颠覆性思维能力以及想象力跟国外的孩子比,还是要差一点。

    Children in China lag behind in the ability to find breakthroughs in thinking and imagination compared with their foreign counterparts .

  6. 论EFL学生英语思维能力的培养

    On Cultivation of the Ability to Think in English for EFL Learners

  7. 药理学PBL教学中学生批判性思维能力的培养

    Evaluation of critical thinking skills in pharmacological PBL teaching

  8. CT可明确骨折的部位、范围、移位程度,但阅片者需良好的空间思维能力和熟悉骨折部位的解剖结构;

    CT could ensure the position and the range and the degree of replacement of fracture , but the readers need better space ideation and familiarity anatomic structure of locus of fractures ;

  9. 介绍了在画法几何教学中如何应用AutoCAD三维造型功能辅助教学,增强和启发学生的空间想象和思维能力,以提高教学效率和效果。

    AutoCAD solid modeling as an auxiliary way to teach engineering drawing is introduced in order to stimulate students ? imagination , develop their thinking ability and improve teaching .

  10. 学生在翻译实践和TEM8应试中由于逻辑思维能力的匮乏造成的错误理解和表达屡见不鲜。

    There is no lack of misunderstanding in students translating practice and TEM8 examination performance due to the absence of logic thinking ability .

  11. 这种使用网络资源来创作技术提高(technology-enhanced)的作品不但没有促进学生思维能力的发展,反而增强了他们对技术的依赖性。

    But this kind of pure ' technology enhanced ' creation strengthens their dependence upon the technique instead of promoting the development of the students ' thinking skills .

  12. [方法]整体抽取我校1年级~4年级涉外护理本科生231名,应用中文版批判性思维能力测量表(CTDI-CV)进行调查。

    Methods : A total of 231 foreign college nursing students from grade 1 to grade 4 of Chinese medical university were selected totally and investigated by filling out critical thinking disposition inventory-Chinese version ( CTDI-CV ) .

  13. 试论创造性思维能力在高校中的培养

    Brief Comment on Fostering Creative Thinking Ability in Colleges and Universities

  14. 学生的思维能力未得到充分培养。

    The students ' ability of thought is to be developed .

  15. 中学生地理思维能力的培养

    The Chinese Geography Classroom Teaching and Middle School Students Thinking Ability

  16. 《医用高等数学》教学的思考和建议医用高等数学教学中学生创新思维能力的培养

    Cultivation of Students ' Creative Thinking Ability in Medical Advanced Mathematics Education

  17. 我们如何训练学生的批判性思维能力和养成批判性思维的习惯?

    How do we train our students ' ability of critical thinking ?

  18. 组合体教学与学生空间思维能力的培养

    On Assembly Teaching and the Fostering of Students ' Space Thinking Ability

  19. 电子技术课教学中学生逻辑思维能力的培养

    Training students ' logic thought ability in electronic technique course

  20. 拓宽典型例题训练思维能力

    To Broaden Typical Examples in Order to Develop Thinking Ability

  21. 结合学科特点,培养学生思维能力

    Fostering the Thinking Ability according to the Features of Subjects

  22. 中学生地理空间思维能力及其培养

    The Geography Spacial Thinking of Middle School Students and Its Training Tactics

  23. 在学习过程中,锻炼思维能力,培养解决问题的能力。

    Toughen thinking ability in the learning process , foster problem-solving ability .

  24. 第三,思维能力培养的实验研究;

    Third , the cultivation study of scientific thinking ability .

  25. 重症监护病房专科护士临床思维能力的培养

    Cultivating clinical thinking ability of specialty nurses working in ICU

  26. 战略思维能力是干部实现其领导职能的根本保证。

    Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee of officials'performing their leading duty .

  27. 物理思维能力的因子分析模型及主因素研究

    Factor analysis model study for physics thinking abilities and its main factors

  28. 培养大学生创新思维能力的目标体系

    The Target System to Train College Students ' Innovative Ability

  29. 在画法几何教学中提高学生思维能力

    Improving Students ' Ideation in the Teaching of Descriptive Geometry

  30. 合理引导,使盲生思维能力自由独特。

    Rational guide to make their thinking ability unique ;