
  1. 你有足够的思想交流技能。

    You have more than enough communication skills .

  2. 而另一个极端则是那些饱受浪漫主义熏陶的人则把湖泊或海洋视为思想、技能和货物获得交流从而使交易双方都能恒久受益的宝域。

    At the other extreme , romantic types regard a lake or sea as a friendly space where ideas , expertise and merchandise are traded to perpetual mutual advantage .

  3. 融思想教育、技能训练和科学管理为一体的三维模式是提高高水平运动员培养质量的一种有效途径。

    The " three-dimensional mode " of mixing together ideological education , technical training and scientific management is an effective form of improving the training quality to higher level sportsmen .

  4. 二是教育问题。主要是文化基础教育、道德思想教育和专业技能教育明显滞后。

    The second is educational problems , which are basic literal education , ethic education and education of professional skills .

  5. 新时代的教师应当从思想道德、专业技能和身心素质三方面提高自身素质。

    Teachers in new ero should improve their qualities form three aspects : morality , professional skills and ability , and physical and mental quality .

  6. 培训是指对专门职业的从业者为满足其专业发展的需要而进行的思想观念、知识技能等方面的再教育。

    Training refers to the re-education of those with specialized occupations in thoughts , concepts , knowledge and skills in order to help them meet the needs of their professional development .

  7. 数学习题教学,可以有效促进学生对于数学概念、定理、公式法则的掌握,增强学生对于数学思想方法、数学技能的理解和应用。

    Math exercises teaching can effectively promote students to master the laws of mathematics concept , theorem and formula , as well as strengthen students ' understanding of the mathematical thinking method , the mathematical skills and application .

  8. 电子阅览室的管理人员不但要注重自身思想素质和业务技能的提高,还需要了解和熟悉远程教育,才能为远程教育学生自主学习提供优质的服务。

    Administrators of e-library not only need to improve their professional quality , but also need to get better understanding of distance education . In this way , they can provide service quality to learners'self-regulated learning in distance education .

  9. 但德国职业能力培养模式以职业为中心,对合格人和公民的培养关注不够全面,致使所培养学生的思想素质、生活技能和知识全面性存在一定不足。

    However , in German , it is occupation-centred vocational training model , and the concern about the cultivation of qualified person and citizens is not enough , as a result , students have some shortages in thought qualities , life skills and comprehensiveness of knowledge .

  10. 人才是为社会发展和人类进步进行创造性劳动,在某一领域或某一行业或某一项工作上,拥有先进的思想、知识和技能,具有较高素质,并且作出较大贡献的人。

    Talented People ( or talents ) are those who work with creation for the social development and human being 's progress , and those who have made greater achievements with their advanced ideas , wide knowledge and high quality in a certain field , profession or item .

  11. 学校体育教育有鲜明的思想教育特征,严格要求与尊重学生结合的思想教育,技能教育和思想品德教育相结合。

    School P.E. education has its mind-education feature , so it must combine restrict requirement for students with respecting students , combine skill teaching with morality education .