
sī wéi zhànɡ ài
  • Thinking disorders;disturbance of thought
  1. 结果:BPRS的思维障碍因子、激活性因子、PANSS的P分对受审能力具有显著影响;

    Result : Thinking disorder factor and active factor of BPRS and P value of PANSS affect the competency to stand trial significantly ;

  2. 干预组在个体化康复治疗后BPRS总分、BPRS缺乏活力因子、BPRS思维障碍因子、BPRS激活性、TESS、SDSS、FAQ共7项得分较治疗前分值降低。

    At following , there were decreasing in the scores of the total BPRS , the BPRS'deficiency energy factor , the BPRS ' thinking disorder factor , the BPRS'activation factor , TESS , SDSS and FAQ for intervention group .

  3. 方法:选用《简明精神病量表》(BPRS)筛选出海洛因依赖者120例,按焦虑抑郁、缺乏活力、激活性、思维障碍和敌对猜疑等5个因子及其等级进行临床分析。

    Methods : Heroin dependent patients ( 120 ) were selected by the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale ( BPRS ), and analyzed in accordance with the five factors and severity grades , which is anxious depression , thinking disturbance , withdrawal-retardation , tension-excitement , hostility-suspiciousness .

  4. 研究组治疗第1w、2w、4w末思维障碍、激活性、敌对猜疑、注意障碍等因子分较对照组下降显著(P<0.05或0.01)。

    In the research group , factors ' score such as thinking disturbance , activity , hostility-suspicion and disturbance of attention decreased notably at the ends of the 1st , 2nd and 4th week compared with the control group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  5. 有学习心理存在障碍的,有思维障碍的,有行动障碍的。

    Learning psychological barriers , thought disorder , with mobility impairments .

  6. 物理学习中一类干扰性思维障碍及其解决方法

    The interferential thought obstacle in physical study and Its Solutions

  7. 论高中学生的数学思维障碍

    On Senior Middle School Students ' Obstacle of Maths Thinking

  8. 大学物理学习中思维障碍的研究

    A Research on the Thought Impediments in Physics Learning

  9. 浅谈学生学习数学的思维障碍的消除

    Elementary Introduction to Thinking Handicap in Scholastic Learning Maths

  10. 思维障碍的排除过程及其教学指导

    Process of Removing Obstructions of Thinking and Instruction

  11. 浅析物理学习的思维障碍与对策

    Thinking Obstacles in Physics Study and Its Countermeasures

  12. 高中生有机化学学习的思维障碍及其解决策略研究

    Barriers to High School Students Thinking of Studying Organic Chemistry and Its Solution Strategy

  13. 浅析高中学生数学思维障碍的原因及解决途径

    The Thinking of the Reasons and Solutions for Mathematical Obstacles of High School Students

  14. 浅析初中学生在物理学习过程中的思维障碍

    An Exploration of Junior Middle School Students ' Thinking Barrier in Physics Learning Process

  15. 化学思维障碍的透视及对策

    Perspective and Countermeasure of Chemistry Thought Obstruct

  16. 《电路原理》教学中的思维障碍分析

    The Thought Obstacle of the Electric Circuit

  17. 其中最关键的是思维障碍。

    Thinking difficulty is of crucial importance .

  18. 物理学习中的思维障碍初中学生学习物理的思维探究

    Thinking Obstacles in Physics Study On Junior Middle School Student 's Thinking to Study Physics

  19. 中学生物理问题解决的思维障碍分析及教学对策研究

    A Research on Analysis of Thinking-obstacles and Teaching Countermeasures of Physics Problem-solving in Senior School Students

  20. 各种思维障碍。

    The obstacle of thinking .

  21. 物理学习中的思维障碍

    Thinking Obstacles in Physics Study

  22. 自我保护、思维障碍、行为障碍等变量对三组被鉴定人具有差别效应。

    Discriminate analysis indicates that self-defense , thought and behavior disorders are valuable to discriminating the three groups .

  23. 简明精神病评定量表包含焦虑抑郁因子、缺乏活力因子、思维障碍因子、活动性因子和敌对态度因子;

    BPRS including anxiety-depression factor , lacking in activity factor , thinking disturbance factor , reaction factor and hostile factor ;

  24. 米德尔顿称,研究表明即使低强度身体运动也能降低思维障碍和记忆丧失的风险。

    Laura Middleton says the research showed that even low-intensity activity reduced the risk of thinking problems and memory loss .

  25. 挫折心理对运动个体会造成运动知觉障碍、意志障碍和思维障碍等,从而对运动技术的学习效果产生多种负面影响。

    Psychology of frustration may lead to three obstructions in perception , will and thoughts , and result in negative influence .

  26. 因此,要排除法官的思维障碍,关键是要完善我国的法官职业保障制度。

    Therefore , to dissolve the judges ' thought disorder , the key is to improve the job security system of our judges .

  27. 本文分析了学生在学习大学物理过程中存在的主要思维障碍,提出了解决思维障碍的方法。

    The main thought impediments to students ' physics course study are analysed , and the methods to solve thought impediments are proposed .

  28. 本文认为,研究高中学生数学思维障碍对于增强高中数学教学的针对性和实效性有十分重要的意义。

    The study of mathematical thinking obstacles of the senior middle school students is of great significance to enhance actual effect of mathematical teaching .

  29. 在教学措施部分,针对学生在建立模型中的思维障碍进行了分类,同时寻找出了相应的对策。

    In the part of teaching measures , thought disorders of students in were classified , at the same time finding out the corresponding countermeasures .

  30. 而精神病性症状内部可以区分出特征性幻听、思维障碍和被动体验、怪异妄想以及非特异性病理症状四个维度的划分。

    The psychotic dimension were further divided into four factors : characteristic audible hallucination , thought formal disorder , bizarre delusions and non-specified psychotic symptoms .