
  • 网络Thinking method;thinking way;thought method
  1. 本文运用逻辑思维方法、文献法等理论研究方法,就如何在大学物理实验教学中引入多媒体CAI进行辅助教学作了探讨。

    In this paper , we use the theories of logic thinking method and literature method to probe into how to introduce Multimedia CAI to physics experimental instruction of universities .

  2. 以自然结构为理论依据,分析、研究及推广了历史名题Cauchy-Schwarz不等式,并简述了数学解题的自然审美观和研究问题及发现问题的思维方法。

    Based on the theory of naturalist stucture , the inequality Cauchy-Schwarz a historic problem is analysed , studied and popularized . Besides the natural beauty of mathematical problem solving , thinking method of studying and discovering problems are explicitly illustrated .

  3. 他的思维方法不乏条理性。

    There is no lack of method in his way of thinking .

  4. 工程制图cai中培养发散性思维方法的探讨

    The methods to train up divergent thinking in Engineering Drawing CAI

  5. 结果相对于传统的流行病学方法,SEM是一种综合思维方法,不仅分析因素和疾病之间的关系,也分析因素和因素之间的关系;

    Results Advantages of SEM comparing with conventional epidemiological approach were shown . SEM , having the nature of comprehensive thinking and analytic approach , not only exploring the association between factors and diseases but also among factors .

  6. 能运用批判性思维方法分析问题。

    Can use critical thinking methods to do analysis of problems .

  7. 论科技期刊编辑的思维方法技术的异化&当代日本建筑的技术表现

    On the Modes of Thinking of Science and Technical Journals Editing

  8. 论宏观思维方法在确定稿件质量中的作用

    The roles of macro-thinking methods in deciding the quality of contributions

  9. 物理教学与辩证思维方法

    PHYSICAL METHODOLOGY AND PHYSICAL TEACHING Physics Education and Dialectic Thinking Methods

  10. 辩证思维方法在化工原理教学中的应用

    Using Dialectical Thinking Mode in Teaching the Principles of Chemical Engineering

  11. 职高生编程思维方法培养探讨

    Discussion about Training Programming Thinking Method of the Middling Vocational Students

  12. 观察、类比、逻辑等思维方法是建构藏象理论的重要方法。

    Observation , categorization , and logics are the important methods .

  13. 禅,是中国禅宗的一种思维方法;

    Deep meditation is a way of thinking of Chinese Zen .

  14. 第三,灵活务实的思维方法;

    Thirdly , it utilizes flexible and practical way of thinking ;

  15. 高校道德教育必须把握复杂性思维方法。

    College moral education must grasp the complexity thinking methods .

  16. 初中数学教学逆向思维方法初探

    A Try on Converse Thought in Mathematics Teaching in Junior Middle School

  17. 推理作为人工智能领域中的一个重要课题,是人类求解问题的主要思维方法。

    Reasoning is the main thinking method for people to solve problems .

  18. 拓宽典型例题,促进思维方法的迁移;

    To promote the transfer of thinking modles by broadening typical instances ;

  19. 现代科学发展与思维方法

    The Development of Modern Science and the Mode of Thinking

  20. 高等代数中逆向思维方法的探讨

    Probe into the Methods of Inverse Thought for Higher Algebra

  21. 工程地质地球化学的发展前景及研究内容和思维方法

    Prospects of engineering geology geochemistry and its fundamental research contents and methodology

  22. 论张载哲学的创造性思维方法

    On the Creative Thinking Method in Zhangzai ′ s Philosophy

  23. 其实殷海光的思维方法是很有特色的。

    In fact , Yinhaiguang 's way of thinking is very characteristic .

  24. 旅游研究中的系统思维方法:概念与应用

    System Thinking Approach in Tourism Research : Conception and Application

  25. 并必将更多地借助辩证逻辑的思维方法。

    " Generativism " will take more advantage of dialectical logic thinking method .

  26. 创造性思维方法在医学人才培养中的意义

    A View on the Value of Creative Thinking in the Medical Talent Training

  27. 深度报道主题定位的一般思维方法

    The General Thinking Method for Theme-fixing of Deep Report

  28. 系统思维方法对临床合理用药实践的指导作用

    Directive Effect of System Thinking on Practice of Clinical Rational Use of Drugs

  29. 工程图学中的创新思维方法研究

    Study of the Creativity Thinking Method on Engineering Graphics

  30. 结合专业课教学培养医学生正确的思维方法

    Combining the training of right thinking manner with professional teaching for medical students