
  • 网络logic;The Laws of Thought;law of thought
  1. 明确鉴赏性阅读思维规律。

    Make clear the law of thought of appreciative reading .

  2. 其思想理论遵循传统文化的思维规律,在结构系统上按“道法术”的不同层面进行安排。

    Its ideological theory abides by the law of thought of traditional culture and arranges the structural system is arranged at different levels according to " Tao , principle and tactics " .

  3. 论教师教育学思维规律

    Talk about teacher 's pedagogy thinking law and its formation

  4. 思维规律:联想与关联。

    Some objective laws in thinking : association and relevance .

  5. 人类一般思维规律的探索

    An Exploration of the Universal Law of Human Thinking

  6. 这样产生的命题也就被宣称为有普遍性的思维规律。

    The propositions thus arising have been stated as universal laws of thought .

  7. 亚里士多德逻辑思维规律思想述评

    A Review on Aristotle 's Logical Law of Thinking

  8. 三值逻辑与思维规律前三律

    Three value logic and three laws about thinking

  9. 对武术几种内向思维规律的探讨

    Probe into Several Introversive Thought Laws of Wushu

  10. 计算机智能模拟是与人类语言和思维规律的新发现相联系的。

    Computer intelligence simulation is connected with the new discoveries in human language and thought .

  11. 数学解题中的形象思维规律初探

    An Elementary Probe of Regular Pattern of Thinking in Terms of Images in Solving Mathematical Problems

  12. 逻辑规律是客观世界的规律,不是所谓的思维规律,也不是所谓的符号规律。

    Logical law is neither so-called law of thinking nor symbol but law of objective world .

  13. 医学创造的思维规律&张仲景模式与现代中医教育

    Thinking Pattern of Medical Creation ──" Model of Zhang Zhongjing " and Modern Education of Chinese Medicine

  14. 学报文科编辑掌握和运用逻辑思维规律刍议

    Humble Opinion of Liberal Editors of College Journal Keeping Track of and Making Use of Logical Law of Thinking

  15. 是应用中国人的逻辑思维规律,整理医学经验知识形成的具有辩证和类推特点的逻辑体系;

    A dialectic-analogy logic system formed by applying logical thinking law of Chinese people to tidy up medical experience knowledge ;

  16. 课堂教学逻辑,就是教师的课堂教学符合教学内容的内在组织性和学生接受知识的思维规律和思维习惯。

    The Classroom Teaching Logic is That the Teaching must Accord With Inherent Organization of the Content of a Course .

  17. 墨学是探讨思维规律的,而语言与思维是对立统一的。

    Mohism is about the research on the mode of thinking , but language and thinking are the unity of opposites .

  18. 形式逻辑揭示的是思维规律的纯粹形式,与思维对象无关。

    Formal logic , researching the pure form of the law of reason , didn 't regard the object of reason .

  19. 这也就是所谓充足理由律的简单意义,这一思维规律宣称事物本质上必须认作是中介性的。

    This is the plain meaning of the law of sufficient ground is that things should essentially be viewed as mediated .

  20. 它的特点是模仿中医一般辨证思维规律,概念简明,既容易为中医工作者所接受,又便于在计算机上实现。

    Its main feature is the way it can simulate the general rules of thinking followed hy physicians in traditional Chinese medicine .

  21. 历史已经反复证明了主观辩证法和客观辩证法的互补原理,是一切理论创新的思维规律。

    History has proved the complementation theory of subjective dialectic and objective dialectic , the thinking law for all theories ' creation .

  22. 数学的生成性教学则是一种遵循数学的生成规律和学生的思维规律而进行的一种新的数学教学形态。

    The production teaching method is a novel form which follows the rule of production mathematics and the rule of students thinking .

  23. 对阅读理解过程的认知解析,在于揭示阅读的心理机制和思维规律,以促进阅读理解教学。

    By revealing the psychological mechanisms of reading comprehension , the analysis of this process aims to improve the reading comprehension ability of students .

  24. 但是这一规律又特别为下列的一些所谓思维规律所扬弃,这些思维规律把同一律的反面认作规律。

    But the law is particularly set aside by the following so called laws of thought , which make laws out of its opposite .

  25. 关联理论从认知语言学的角度提出语言交际是按一定推理思维规律进行的认知活动。

    From the viewpoint of cognition of language , relevance theory holds that utterance communication is of cognitive activity that follows the rule of inference .

  26. 遵循具象思维规律,符合视听语言规范和符号组合规则,是画面语言具有逻辑规范和逻辑关系的根本。

    Obeying thinking rule of the body and language criterion of seeing and hearing and combination rule of the denotation are the essentials of logic rule and relationship .

  27. 从认知语言学的角度分析阅读理解的过程,有助于揭示阅读的心理机制和思维规律,促进大学英语阅读教学。

    By analyzing the reading comprehension process from the point of cognitive linguistics , we can reveal the psychological mechanisms of reading comprehension and improve college English reading teaching .

  28. 其中的思想是发现一种破坏性思维规律,然后,只要给它贴上“标签”,并且观察它,每当出现在你的头脑里的时候让它经过。

    The idea is to identify a destructive thought pattern , then simply label it and watch it and let it pass by whenever it appears in your mind .

  29. 苏轼以议论为诗的创作实践不但遵循艺术创作思维规律,还符合艺术创作的本质,开拓了宋诗新体制。

    The creative practice of Su shi , which takes the comment as poem , not only following the regular of article creation but also accords with the essence of it .

  30. 旨在引导学生自觉地把创造性思维规律运用到写作中,拓宽写作空间,提高作文质量。

    The paper 's purpose is to guide the students to apply the regularity of creative thinking to their composition writing consciously , thus broadening their composition writing space and improving their composition quality .