
luó ji
  • logic
逻辑 [luó ji]
  • (1) [logic]

  • (2) 一门研究思维和论证有效性的规范和准则的科学,传统上包括定义、分类和正确使用词项的原则,正确云谓的原则,以及推理和论证的原则

  • (3) 思维的规律

  • 不合逻辑

  • (4) 客观的规律性

  • 生活的逻辑

逻辑[luó ji]
  1. 我不明白支持他论据的是什么逻辑。

    I fail to see the logic behind his argument .

  2. 她很难理解他那反常的逻辑。

    She was having difficulty following his perverted logic .

  3. 你必须学会怎样确立合乎逻辑的论点。

    You must learn how to construct a logical argument .

  4. 他们以保守党人自己的逻辑在和他们斗争。

    They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground .

  5. 日常饮食与健康之间有着明显的逻辑关联。

    There are obvious continuities between diet and health .

  6. 我得承认这件事情有它的逻辑。

    I had to concede the logic of this .

  7. 计算机编程需要擅长逻辑思维的人。

    Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind .

  8. 列出关键标题并按逻辑顺序排列。

    List the key headings and sort them into a logical order

  9. 不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。

    The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations .

  10. 对如此不同的东西用一模一样的处理方法是完全不合逻辑的。

    The identical treatment of such dissimilar items is totally illogical .

  11. 萨莉习惯了他醉酒后毫无逻辑的胡言乱语。

    Sally was used to his disjointed , drunken ramblings .

  12. 把协议推翻在逻辑上站不住脚。

    There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements .

  13. 到这时根本就不讲什么逻辑了。

    By now all logic had gone out of the window

  14. 反对把经济移民遣送归国是不合逻辑的。

    It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants

  15. 他成功的关键在于他擅长逻辑思维。

    The key to his success is his logical mind .

  16. 总之,该情况毫无逻辑。

    It is a situation , in sum , devoid of logic .

  17. 阿利斯泰尔逻辑思维能力很强,但缺乏想象力。

    Alistair had a logical mind , and little imagination

  18. 那是对我的方法的合乎逻辑的扩展。

    That 's the logical extension of my approach .

  19. 我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。

    I don 't follow the logic of your argument

  20. 此计划基于合理的商业逻辑。

    The plan was based on sound commercial logic .

  21. 整个询问分析性和逻辑性太强,浪漫的气息荡然无存。

    All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance .

  22. 你根本就不想把你的逻辑反过来考虑。

    There is no sign that you bothered to consider the inverse of your logic .

  23. 改革有其必然的经济学逻辑。

    The economic logic of reform is inescapable

  24. 整个过程都有缺陷,因为问题背后的逻辑太过简单了。

    The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic .

  25. 将运动物体保持在画面的正中央似乎合乎逻辑。

    It seems logical to keep a moving subject exactly in the middle of the picture .

  26. 只有每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才能成立。

    Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted .

  27. 她的逻辑无懈可击。

    Her logic was irrefutable .

  28. 该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确。

    He wasn 't sure he 'd got it right , although the theory attracted him by its logic

  29. 她可能觉得你的反应疯狂或者不合逻辑,但她不会否认你的感受。

    She may think your reaction is crazy or illogical , but she cannot deny what you are feeling .

  30. 该逻辑分析假定主体与客体是分开的。

    This logical analysis presumes the separation of subject from object .