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  • Logical structure;logical organization
  1. 源UML模型中的逻辑结构在有些场景中可能并不是合适的源。

    The logical organization of a source UML model might not be appropriate as target packaging in some scenarios .

  2. 构建了平台的系统构架,详细设计讨论了接口层、数据层、业务层和表示层四级功能逻辑结构,制定了DIY平台的硬件和软件需求。

    We construct the System architecture , then detailed design the Access layer , the data layers , the service layers and the Presentation Layer , the function logical organization of four layers , setting the hardware and the software Standard of the DIY platform .

  3. 基于Web挖掘的网站逻辑结构生成系统

    Web Site Logical Structure Generating System Based on Web Mining

  4. 移动GIS逻辑结构设计与开发。

    Design and Development the structure of the Mobile GIS .

  5. 以上述算法为基础,设计并实现了web站点逻辑结构自动生成系统。

    Based on the three algorithms , implement a system to automatically generate a website 's logical structure .

  6. 第二,是研究了分布式IDS系统中的代理机制,引出了实体的概念,探讨了其分类和逻辑结构;

    Second , researches the entity based on DIDS ' agent mechanism ;

  7. 这里对USB总线的通信原理逻辑结构进行了分析及概括。

    The paper analyses the communication theory of USB bus and makes a summary of it .

  8. 以SqlServer2000为数据库建立系统数据库逻辑结构和存储过程。

    The logic structure and stored procedure of system database is established using SQL Server 2000 .

  9. JACKSON结构图到抽象逻辑结构图的转换

    Converting Jackson structured diagrams to abstract logic structure diagrams

  10. 然后经过概念结构设计得到数据库局部ER图和全局E-R图,经过逻辑结构设计将ER图转换成关系数据模型;

    Then , the local E-R fig and the whole E-R fig are obtained by concept structure design .

  11. 该策略首先构造基于XML标准的数据描述文件和业务数据库逻辑结构描述文件的接口层作为隔离层。

    The description files of data and the transaction database logic structure were built which was the interface constructed according to the XML standard .

  12. 分析了CRT系统实现的逻辑结构模型;

    The logical structure model of CRT system is analyzed .

  13. 另外,探讨了结合了multi-agent技术与网格技术的系统具有的逻辑结构。

    In addition , analyzed the logic architecture of the system which combined multi-agent technology with grid technology .

  14. 只有语法检查通过之后,才能确认XML文档格式良好并可以解析文档的逻辑结构。

    Only after syntax checking is passed , can an XML document be confirmed as well formed and can the logical structure of the document be parsed .

  15. 论Walsh函数发生器的逻辑结构

    Brief discussion on logical structure of Walsh function generator

  16. 现在对路灯监控系统的研究多是采用无线网络技术与GIS技术实现路灯的自动化监控,但是缺乏对路灯系统逻辑结构的分析。

    Now the studies of automatic monitoring system usually use the multiple wireless network technology and GIS technology , but lack the analysis of logical structure .

  17. 第三章对移动通信企业的业务运营支撑系统(以下简称:BOSS系统)的现状和新一代BOSS设计理念、系统架构、逻辑结构、应用软件等进行了研究。

    Chapter 3 : Describes the current state of BOSS , the design principle , system structure , logical structure , application software of BOSS .

  18. 简述X供电企业事故统计分析的意义,着重阐述论文的研究意义,研究方法,基本思路和逻辑结构。第二章,事故理论和电力生产事故的特点。

    It briefly describes the purpose and significance of the accident analysis and statistic for power enterprise . Chapter 3 . Statistic and Analysis of power accident .

  19. 提出并设计了系统的总体功能结构框架、集成平台结构以及基于B/S模式的三层逻辑结构。

    The system architecture is designed and constructed , the system overall function model , integrated platform architecture and 3 tier logic structure based on B / S mode are carried out .

  20. 详细分析了3个逻辑结构在Linux系统中的具体实现,并分析了比较有代表性的MPLS隧道实现。

    Then it particularly analyzes the implementation of the three components under Linux . It also analyzes the implementation of the MPLS tunnel .

  21. 再次在前面的基础上,通过分析提出系统设计的要求和原则,设计了配电网WebGIS系统逻辑结构和系统功能结构,对系统功能模块进行逐一说明。

    Based on analyzing the requirements and principles of the distribution network , logical structure and function structure of Web GIS are designed . Then System functions are described for each module .

  22. 在分析与讨论企业CIMS处理信息以及构造Intranet网络的C/S、C/NS两种分布式计算方案基石出上,提出Web环境下CIMS的逻辑结构框架;

    Based on introducing Client / Server and Client / Net Server , a logic architecture of CIMS project in intranet is put forth in this paper .

  23. 文章对该方案的设计思想和逻辑结构进行了分析,并以流式教学系统中教学管理子系统和教程点播子系统的改造为例,详细阐述了Web服务开发和调用的方法。

    The design thought and logic structure of the scheme was analyzed , the development and transfer of Web Service were expatiated , taking the re-foundation of Teaching Management Subsystem and Tutorial On-Demand Subsystem as examples .

  24. 本文提出了CRM系统逻辑结构和组成结构,给出了一个企业CRM的现实可行的方案,设计并予以实施。

    This text detailed introduced logic construction of CRM and constitution of CRM system and then given a realistic project , designed and applied .

  25. 装置控制系统在逻辑结构上分为两层:现场设备层和网络控制层,PROFIBUS用于现场设备层,网络控制层采用工业以太网。

    Profibus is applied in field device layer and Industral Ethernet is adopted in network control layer .

  26. 针对彩色空间变换的FPGA实现方法,在分析原理和一般的实现方法后,给出一种改进的、具有时分复用特点的逻辑结构。

    The theory and implementation methods of color space conversion based on FPGA are studied , and an improved logic architecture with " time division multiple " is presented .

  27. 分析了BGP/MPLSVPN模块逻辑结构,将模块分为控制层面和数据层面两个平面。

    The logical module structure of BGP / MPLS VPN , which consists of the control plane and the data plane , is analyzed .

  28. 根据制造网格的特点和纯P2P模型网络的组织形式,建立了基于P2P的制造网格的逻辑结构。

    A logic structure of P2P-Based Manufacturing Grid ( PBMG ) is constructed according to the characteristics of manufacturing networks and the organization of pure P2P model networks .

  29. 在我们的MDSK方法中,这种逻辑结构及其伴随的协作将通过使用系统模型工件中的统一建模语言(UML)图被保存下来。

    In our MDSD approach , this logical structure and its accompanying collaborations will be captured using Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) diagrams in the system model artifact .

  30. 探讨用于直接序列扩频的数字匹配滤波器(DMF)的逻辑结构和有关参数的选取问题;

    This paper focuses on selecting the structures and relevant parameters of digital matched filter ( DMF ) for DS / SS .