
luó ji dài shù
  • Logical algebra;algebra of logic
  1. 本文给出CB代数与Lu3代数同构的详细证明,并得到了Lukasiewivcz三值逻辑代数在二值逻辑代数上的可构造性。

    This paper gives a proof of the isomorphism theorem between C_B-algebra and Lu3-algebra . Furthermore constructibility of the Lukasiewicz three-valued logic algebra has been given by the two-valued logic algebra .

  2. BCK/BCI代数是两类逻辑代数,BCI代数是BCK代数的推广。

    BCK / BCI algebras are two classes of logic algebras .

  3. 从钟控信号的混合逻辑代数表示出发,研究传输&箝位理论在利用渐变功率时钟的低功耗CMOS电路设计中的应用。

    Beginning from the mixed logical expression of the clocked signal , application of theory of transmission-clamping to design low power dissipation CMOS circuits using pulsed power is studied .

  4. 本文提出定量安全评价与预测的动态安全指标,灰色逻辑代数,然后使用GM(1,1)给出了系统动态安全评价与预测的新方法。

    Grey assessing and predicting safety in dynamic index system is raised . A method concerning the system is developed via the grey prediction model GM ( 1 , 1 ) and based on the grey logic analysis .

  5. 研究了R0代数、格蕴涵代数和基本逻辑代数;

    The R 0 algebra , implication lattice and basic logic algebra are studied .

  6. 针对与-异或逻辑代数系统中电路设计与化简的要求,提出了一种全新的图形表示方法&RM分解图,讨论了利用RM分解图将任意开关函数变为RM对称函数等方面的应用。

    A new geometric format , the RM type decomposition map , was proposed , and the method of transforming an arbitrary switching function into a totally RM type symmetric function using RM type decomposition map was discussed .

  7. 与FLn相应的[0,1]上的真值代数称为标准逻辑代数。

    Each FLn has its own algebra ( or class of algebras ) of truth degrees with the domain [ 0,1 ] , called the standard algebra ( s ) of the logic .

  8. 滤子理论在这些逻辑代数研究中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Filters theory plays an important role in studying these logical algebras .

  9. 用逻辑代数探索破案

    Solving the case in the first search of logical algebra

  10. 软件法化简逻辑代数

    The Way to Using Logic for Word Meaning Simplifying Logic Algebra Using Software

  11. 若干逻辑代数系统结构的研究

    Study on the Structures of Several Logic Algebra Systems

  12. 逻辑代数的快速程序求解方法

    A quick programming solution way of the logical algebra

  13. 卡诺图在逻辑代数中的典型应用

    The Typical Use of Karnaugh Map on Logical Algebra

  14. 求解通信网节点间全部路由的逻辑代数化算法

    An Algorithm to Calculate Entire Routes between Communication Network Nodes based on Logic Algebra

  15. 一种泛逻辑代数系统

    A Kind of Algebraic Systems for Universal Logic

  16. 数据库在逻辑代数中的应用

    The application of database to boolean algebra

  17. 极小子集问题的逻辑代数解法

    Logic Algebra Method to Find Minimal Subsets

  18. 基于数据库的逻辑代数系统的研究与实现

    Database-based Boolean Algebra System and Its Implementation

  19. 计算机在逻辑代数化简中的应用

    The simplification of logic algebra by computer

  20. 逻辑代数的集合图方法

    Collection Map Method of Logic Algebra

  21. 二元逻辑代数方程式

    Logical algebraic equatin with two unknowns

  22. 四值逻辑代数及触发器

    Quaternary Logic algebra and Flip flops

  23. 计算机简化逻辑代数式

    Computer Application to Simplifying Logic Algebra

  24. 本文阐述了一种便于使用的逻辑代数系统设计方法,其特点是采用数据库编程技术对逻辑代数中的一些运算进行处理。

    This paper proposes a method of designing Boolean algebra systems by taking advantage of database programming .

  25. 分析了电磁轴承多传感器故障的基本特征,提出了电磁轴承多传感器故障诊断方法&基于序列变量的多值逻辑代数方法。

    Multi-valued logic algebra based on sequential variables was presented for fault diagnosis of the multi-sensors of magnetic bearings .

  26. 根据逻辑代数方程理论,提出了格蕴涵代数方程的概念。

    According to the theory about logic algebraic equation , the notion of lattice implication algebraic equation was proposed .

  27. MV-代数是一种逻辑代数,它是国际著名模型论专家C。

    MV-algebra is a kind of logic algebra , which has been introduced by the international famous model expert C.

  28. 将逻辑代数运用到液压回路中,分析了液压逻辑回路的综合和简化。

    This article applies logic algebra to hydraulic pressure circuit and analyses the synthesis and simplicity of hydraulic pressure logic circuit .

  29. 格蕴涵代数是一种逻辑代数,它是研究格值逻辑理论的一种基础。

    Lattice implication algebra is a kind of logic algebra , and it is the basis for researching on lattice-valued logic theory ;

  30. 作为动态逻辑代数抽象的动态代数,可以细致刻划程序的性质.本文引入上下文无关无穷代数概念,借助此概念将递归特性引入到动态代数之中,提出了递归动态代数。

    The infinite context-free algebra is introduced and the Recursive Dynamic Algebra , a Dynamic Algebra having recursive operation , is proposed .