
  • 网络logical reasoning ability
  1. 医学领域本体在语义和知识层面上描述了该领域概念及关系,具有良好的概念层次结构和逻辑推理能力,对文档和用户查询提供了很好的语义支持,可以帮助用户实现语义搜索。

    Medical domain ontology describes the concepts and relations of this field on the semantic level , which includes well defined concept hierarchy and logical reasoning ability .

  2. 三个专业研究生所需基本科研能力结构要素前五项为创新能力、逻辑推理能力、资料搜集与处理能力、问题解决能力和语言表达能力。

    The first 5 essential structural factors for three majors students are creative ability , logical reasoning ability , collect and handle information ability , ability to solve problem and language expression ability .

  3. 想要进入门萨俱乐部,申请者必须接受正规的智力测试并答对至少98%的题目。阿斯瓦尔说:“门萨俱乐部测试了她的接受性记忆力、认知技能和逻辑推理能力。”

    To qualify for Mensa membership , applicants skills and logical reasoning , " Athwal said .

  4. 人们以为右脑更发达的人通常创造力更强,而左脑更发达的人通常分析能力和逻辑推理能力更强。

    And those who have their left side of the brain dominating tend to have better analytical8 and logical skills .

  5. 有自己的内心世界,直觉,并且有逻辑推理能力

    An inner world of metaphor , of intuition of self-motivated reasoning

  6. 对研究生逻辑推理能力现状的调查研究概念构图对高中生逻辑推理能力的影响

    Effects of Concept Mapping on Senior high School Students ' Logical Reasoning Ability

  7. 思考能力的引发及逻辑推理能力训练。

    Develop the training and ability of logical statement .

  8. 良好的学习、计划和逻辑推理能力都是构成有效工作记忆的重要元素。

    A more efficient working memory contributes to better learning , planning , reasoning and more .

  9. 想想自己的弱点和长处分别是什么,比如逻辑推理能力。他说道。

    Think about what your weaknesses and strengths are , such as logical reasoning , he said .

  10. 本文中提出了一种基于知识推理的信息检索方法,综合了描述逻辑推理能力和传统搜索引擎技术。

    In this paper , we propose an information retrieval method that tightly integrates description logic reasoning and traditional information retrieval technique .

  11. 如果不能直接转换,译者需要运用逻辑推理能力,为译文句子找到适当的主语/主题。

    If direct transformation is not possible , the translator needs to deduct logically and find appropriate subject / topic for the translated sentences .

  12. 过去:小说中,侦探夏洛克福尔摩斯以运用逻辑推理能力破获悬案而著称于世。

    Then : The fictional detective , Sherlock Holmes , is famous for using his powers of logic and reasoning to solve difficult cases .

  13. 为了使他们能够受被雇佣,他们需要获得确定的“卫生技能组合”,例如清晰表达能力、陈述能力、商业头脑和逻辑推理能力。

    To make the employable they need to have certain " hygiene skill sets " things like , articulation , presentation , business savvy and logical reasoning .

  14. 开动脑筋,使用逻辑推理能力来作出推论、决定或是得到一种解决方案或者判断。

    Use or exercise the mind or one 's power of reason in order to make inferences , decisions , or arrive at a solution or judgments .

  15. 作为一名程序员,不止需要能够理解代码,更需要扎实的数学知识和缜密的逻辑推理能力。

    As a programmer not only it 's necessary to understand code , but also needs to have a solid foundation of mathematics knowledge and a clear , logical mind .

  16. 特别的是,这些老鼠的大脑海马区具有更多的抗肌萎缩蛋白,也许可以防止逻辑推理能力和空间记忆的丧失。

    In particular , these rats had more of a protein called dystrophin in the hippocampus region of the brain , which may protect against loss of reasoning and spatial memory .

  17. 模拟电路是工科学校许多专业的一门专业基础课,它对学生抽象思维能力、逻辑推理能力及动手能力的培养都有着极其重要的作用。

    Simulation circuit is a professional basic course in many industrial science schools ; it plays an extremely important role in cultivating student 's abstract thinking ability , logical reasoning ability and manipulative ability .

  18. 警察认知能力测验,由专注&效率、记忆、想象、创造、逻辑推理能力等五个维度,内含12类项目组成。

    " Police cognitive capacity " test is made up of five dimensions , focus & efficiency , memory , imagination , creativity , and logical reasoning capacity , including 12 categories of projects .

  19. 否定判断是数学中常见的判断方法,在数学分析中通过基本概念的结论得出结论的否定判断是对逻辑推理能力的极好训练。

    As a common method of judgement in maths , this paper advances that negative judgement by which conclusions can be drawn from basic concepts is a best way to train people 's logical reasoning .

  20. 要站在数学思想方法的高度分析探索问题,培养学生逻辑推理能力,勤于思考、勇于探索、科学洞察的能力。

    At the mathematics thinking method point of view to analyze and explore the matters , fostering the abilities of student , which is in logical ratiocination , brainstorming , exploring spirit and apperceiving ology as well .

  21. 随着人们生活质量的不断提高,人们已经不再满足于传统的、基于互联网的电子商务模式,而是需要能代替人并且具有一定逻辑推理能力、自学习能力、交流能力的智能化的电子交易模式。

    With the consecutive improvement of the quality of people 's life , People are not satisfied with the traditional e-business , and they need an intelligent e-business , which has the abilities of logical reasoning , self-study and communication .

  22. 结果不同生源参加护理科研和撰写护理论文的意愿均比较强烈,不同生源在创新能力、解决问题能力、逻辑推理能力均存在显著差异。

    Results All students had strong willing of participating in scientific research of nursing and writing nursing thesis . There were significant differences in innovation ability , solve problem ability , reasoning from logic ability among different sources of students .

  23. 有效的教学设计体现在促进学生综合推理能力发展的同时,形式逻辑推理能力也拾级而上。第四,提出几何层级教学设计的总体框架。

    Effective teaching design should demonstrate the development of comprehensive reasoning ability and promote formal logical reasoning ability at the same time . Fourth , the present study proposes the general framework of the teaching design of geometric reasoning levels .

  24. 为适应机器处理的环境,对它的逻辑推理能力的要求越来越高,知识建模功能与系统表达能力受到越来越多的重视。

    For the purpose of adapting to machine processing , the demand of the language 's logic reasoning abilities is becoming higher and higher , and the language 's abilities of knowledge modeling and system expression also be required much attention .

  25. 利用神经网络进行模糊信息处理,可以有效的解决模糊规则的提取和隶属度函数的产生;而将具有逻辑推理能力的模糊技术引入神经网络,可以大大提高神经网络在处理模糊信息方面的能力。

    Dealing with fuzzy information with neural network can solve the problem of extracting fuzzy rules and making membership functions . Fuzzy technology has great critical thinking and reasoning abilities , which can improve the ability of dealing with fuzzy information for neural network .

  26. 人类不仅具有逻辑推理的能力,而且具有情感控制、表达的能力。

    Human not only has the ability of logical reasoning , but also can control and express emotions .

  27. 本体技术作为一种先进的知识表示技术具有良好逻辑推理支持能力和较为完善的概念层次结构。

    An ontology which is a technology of knowledge representation has a perfect concept hierarchy and good logic reasoning ability .

  28. 该文借鉴生物免疫反馈响应过程的调节作用和模糊逻辑推理的自适应能力,提出了一种电动执行器模糊自调整免疫PD控制策略。

    A electric actuator fuzzy self-tuning immune PD control is presented based on the immune feedback regulating law and the adaptive ability of fuzzy logic ratiocination .

  29. 本体具有良好的概念层次结构和对逻辑推理的支持能力,概念间关系概括语义的能力,能很好地为语义检索提供知识基础的能力。

    It shows good concept structure and excellent abilities in logical reasoning supporting , semantic generalization of relationships among concepts and providing knowledge base for the semantic search .

  30. 使得通过不等式基础知识的学习和基本技能的训练,学生的逻辑推理等思维能力能力以及分析解决问题的综合能力能够得以培养和提升。

    That makes it the basic knowledge of inequality study and the training of basic skills , the cultivation of the students ' thinking ability and logical reasoning ability and problem solving ability .