
  • 网络understanding;Knowledge
  1. 从多方面培养和提高了学生对C语言知识的理解和掌握以及应用的能力。

    From many aspects cultivate and improve the students to understanding C langue and grasping application ability .

  2. 文章着重从硬件、软件两方面阐述BIOS的功能及BIOS的硬件载体,加深对这方面知识的理解。

    This article states the functions and hardware carrier of BIOS from the two aspects of hard and soft ware to deepen the understanding of BIOS .

  3. 没有人怀疑他对于抽象知识的理解能力。

    No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge .

  4. 加深学生对新知识的理解;

    2 , It can deepen students ' understanding to new knowledge .

  5. 让学生通过听音回答问题加深对所学知识的理解与掌握。

    Ask students to listen to the passage and then answer questions .

  6. 除此之外,对前列腺癌知识的理解水平不够。

    In addition , the level of prostate cancer knowledge was poor .

  7. 物理实验在物理教学中处于重要地位,通过物理实验一方面可以加强学生对知识的理解;

    Physics experiments play a very key role in the course of physics teaching .

  8. 既能使学生加强课堂知识的理解,又可锻炼其计算机应用能力。

    The students expand the knowledge as wall as exercise ability of computer application .

  9. 探究性实验教学能促进学生对物理知识的理解与掌握。

    Enquiring experiment teaching can promote the understanding of students for physical knowledge with grasp .

  10. 高等代数知识的理解

    How to Understand Concepts in Advanced Algebra

  11. 教师通过有选择的使用语料库的资源,可以有效指导学生自主学习,有助于加深学生对知识的理解,提高学生自主学习的能力。

    Students ' understanding of knowledge will be enhanced and their independent learning ability will also be increased .

  12. 翻译难,难就难在文化背景知识的理解与翻译上。

    The reason why translation is difficult lies in the Comprehension and translation of knowledge of cultural background .

  13. 提供真实的情境,让学生获得经验,在情境中建构知识的理解;

    By providing actual contexts , we should help students obtain experience and understand knowledge in the contexts .

  14. 对抽样知识的理解是统计素养的基础,而抽样方法是抽样知识的重要组成部分。

    An understanding of sampling was fundamental to statistical literacy and sampling methods were the key of sampling .

  15. 与我的同学们相比,我对专业领域知识的理解更加深入。

    I have a deeper knowledge of literature in my field of study than most of my fellow students .

  16. 利用现代教学手段以提高该门课的教学效果,促进学生对所学知识的理解和综合能力的提高。

    We can help students to master knowledge and improve their abilities by using the modern means of teaching .

  17. 最后通过案例讨论加强学生对知识的理解,以提高实际运用能力。

    Finally , students'understanding of the knowledge is enhanced through discussing cases so that their practical operating ability is improved .

  18. 通过视觉和听觉加深学生对所学数字信号处理知识的理解,激发他们的学习兴趣。

    It can enhance the understanding of knowledge what they learn Through vision and hearing and stimulate their interest in learning .

  19. 因此,当教师的语言行为中存在问题时,会影响学生对知识的理解和掌握。

    Therefore , when the teacher language behavior has problems , it will affects students to understand and grasp the knowledge .

  20. 学生通过在实验平台上进行实验,可以加深对课本理论知识的理解,提高动手能力。

    Trough making these experiments , students can understand theory on the courses more deeply , and develop the practice ability .

  21. 这样学生能更容易领悟到中外文化的差异性,从而加深对外国文化知识的理解。

    Such student can easier comprehend the Chinese and foreign culture difference , thus deepens to the foreign culture knowledge understanding .

  22. 主体性指的是在表达个人观点,情感和对知识的理解过程中表现出来的个体反应。

    Subjectivity refers to the personal reaction shown by the expression of personal opinion , emotion and the understanding of knowledge .

  23. 由此,技术的设计与应用对于知识的理解、应用和迁移具有重要的作用,其探究有利于发挥技术的功能,促进知识灵活应用,培养学生解决问题、适应环境的能力。

    So the design and application of techniques play an important role in the comprehension , use and transfer of knowledge .

  24. 专家教师在课堂教学中关注学生,教学活动围绕提高学生的素质展开,特别重视学生对知识的理解程度。

    Teaching activities of expert teachers around improving the quality of students started are good at generating resources with the classroom .

  25. 如何理解教学必须追溯到教师对知识的理解上,教师对知识的理解对教学有很大的影响。

    How to understand teaching may trace back to how teachers understand knowledge , and which plays an important part in teaching .

  26. 支架式学习主要通过为学生提供一定的支持,以帮助有学习困难的学生建构对知识的理解。

    Mainly through providing some supports to students , Scaffolding Learning helps individuals with learning difficulties to build the understanding of knowledge .

  27. 其对于理论与实践的紧密结合,增强对理论知识的理解和提高综合解决问题能力,增强学生实践创新素质具有重要意义。

    It is meaningful to combine the theory and practice , understand the knowledge and improve the skills to resolve real problems .

  28. 而教师对学科核心知识的理解则是教师学科知识掌握情况最重要的体现。

    The teachers ' understanding of subject core knowledge is the embodiment of the teachers ' subject knowledge is the most important .

  29. 课题研究结果表明:在高中生物教学中培养学生创新能力,有利于学生探究能力的提高,有利于学生对知识的理解和掌握。

    The task of the study shows that it helps improve students ' exploring ability and understand and grasp knowledge in depth .

  30. 阐述了我们对设计知识的理解,认为资源是产品开发中的最基本单元。

    Under our understanding of design knowledge , this peper holds that resource is the funda-mental element in the development of product .