
  • 网络knowledge accumulation;Accumulation of knowledge;knowledge building
  1. 基于分类信息制导的SVM知识积累方法

    Knowledge accumulation method of a support vector machine directed by classification information

  2. 通过Internet,任何人可以在任何时间进入网络日记,利用Blog记录个人的心得体会、经验想法,将Blog作为知识积累的容器。

    Through the Internet , anyone can write the online diary at any time , and record personal feelings and experiences , the idea of the experience by blog . Blog can be thought as a container of knowledge accumulation .

  3. 另一方面,根据发表在《衰老神经生物学》杂志上的研究发现,能够反映一个人知识积累的东西——比如词汇测验或者常识测验的成绩——却是随着年龄的增加而不断提高的。

    On the other hand , indicators of a person 's accumulated knowledge — like performance on tests of vocabulary and general knowledge — kept improving with age , according to findings published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging .

  4. COE为团队成员组织了与学习和知识积累相关的活动。

    The COE organizes learning-and knowledge accumulation-related activities for team members .

  5. 工艺设计工作的实际需求是协同工作,知识积累,快速复用,这要求现代CAPP系统是一个完整的分布式网络应用系统。

    Process planning needs cooperation , the accumulation of knowledge and rapid reuse , which requests that contemporary CAPP system is a integrated distributed application system .

  6. 该方法的核心是IASA算法,通过引入知识积累得分,使得序列比对的特征片段趋向于更合理。

    The core of this method is IASA algorithm , account by information accumulation , then the characteristics of sequence fragments tend to be more reasonable .

  7. 其次,设计出了CEBS三维综合评价模型,能够保证CEBS实施前、实施中和实施后全过程的系统控制和企业内外、历史迭代的知识积累。

    The 3D compositive evaluating model for CEBS is designed , which guarantees the inside and outside , historic and iterative knowledge accumulation , and the whole process control .

  8. 以知识积累为基础的企业竞争战略观

    The Knowledge Accumulation Based View of the Enterprise 's Competitive Strategy

  9. 目录学知识积累时期的中西目录活动和目录学

    Chinese and Western Catalogue Activities and Bibliography in Knowledge Accumulation Period

  10. 知识积累与企业出现研究

    Study on the Accumulation of Knowledge and the Appearance of Enterprise

  11. 知识积累的同时,也就是快乐相伴之时。

    Accumulation of knowledge , but also is happy when accompanied .

  12. 从知识积累到创新能力的培养

    From Accumulating Knowledge to Training the Ability to Bring Forth New Ideas

  13. 知识积累的学习变得机械化。

    Learning which is the accumulation of knowledge becomes mechanical .

  14. 基于知识积累的企业成长机制研究

    The Study on Growth Mechanism of Business Enterprise Based on Knowledge Accumulation

  15. 但在知识积累方面却取得了巨大的进步。

    It is made extraordinary progress the accumulation of knowledge .

  16. 基于企业知识积累的研发人员激励模型

    Incentive Model for R & D Personnel Based on Knowledge Accumulation in Enterprises

  17. 论网络时代咨询馆员的知识积累

    Comments on the Knowledge Accumulation of the Consultation Librarian in the Internet Time

  18. 诚实。有知识积累,从自身的经验和知识出发。

    Speak honestly , but with reserve , from personal experience and knowledge .

  19. 这是一项复杂活动,需要大量的知识积累。

    It 's a complex activity that requires a lot of intellectual effort .

  20. 知识积累和技术进步成为推动世界经济持续增长的根本动力。

    Knowledge and technology innovation have become the original power to push economic growth .

  21. 基于动态能力的软件企业知识积累模型研究

    Research on the Knowledge Accumulation 's Model of Software Enterprise Based on Dynamic Capability

  22. 协作学习过程中的知识积累与共享

    Knowledge Accumulation and Sharing in Collaborative Learning

  23. 知识积累与护士职业尊严

    Knowledge Accumulation and Nurse Occupational Dignity

  24. 不足的沟通和知识积累

    Poor communication and knowledge persistence

  25. 知识积累是护士个人不断自我完善、实现自我价值的必由之路。

    Knowledge accumulation is the unavoidable way by which nurses bring their ego value to come ture .

  26. 传统环境下由于各种条件的限制,教学实践知识积累存在诸多困难。

    Because of the restraint of various conditions , the accumulation of practical knowledge exist many difficulties .

  27. 应让学生注意平时的知识积累,并逐步接受英语思维方式;

    Teacher should let the students accumulate the basic knowledge and accept the English thinking pattern gradually .

  28. 内生知识积累模型从建立之初就陷入难以检验的困境。

    The endogenous knowledge accumulation model falls into the difficult position at the beginning of its establishment .

  29. 本文通过对目录学知识积累时期的中西目录学比较,揭示了中西目录学在知识积累时期发展的各自特点。

    The paper reveals the developmental characteristics in knowledge accumulation period by comparing Chinese bibliography with Western bibliography .

  30. 要提高学生的阅读能力一定要做到以下二点:语言学习与背景文化知识积累并重;语言学习与阅读技巧训练并重。

    To enhance students ' reading ability involves combing English learning with background information and reading skills training .