
  • 网络National Innovative Capacity;national innovation capability
  1. 基于效率优化的国家创新能力测度研究

    Research on the Measurement of National Innovative Capacity Based-on the Optimization of Efficiency

  2. 高等学校作为教育和科技的重要载体,已经成为提升国家创新能力和社会经济发展的重要力量。

    As an important carrier of education and technology , universities have become an important force to enhance national innovative capacity and socio-economic development .

  3. 基于DEA的国家创新能力分析

    National Innovation Capacity Measurement Based on DEA

  4. 选取DEA方法中的技术及规模有效性评价模型,对我国的国家创新能力进行分析,并将评价结果同G7国家,韩国、印度等九个国家进行比较。

    After comparing the production function with Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), which are both widely used to measure efficiency of a system , it selects the CCR model in DEA method to measure innovation performances of China , the G7 countries , Korea and India .

  5. 生活质量与国家创新能力的相关性分析

    The Correlation Analysis between Quality of Life and National Innovation Capacity

  6. 基于模糊综合评价的国家创新能力实证分析

    An Empirical Study on National Innovation Ability Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation

  7. 基于三维模型的国家创新能力两步测度

    Two-step measure on national innovative capability based on three-dimensional model

  8. 提高国家创新能力的支持网络研究

    The Research about Holding Net of Enhancing Country Creative Ability

  9. 国家创新能力预警信息系统研究

    On the Early-Warning Information System of National Innovative Capabilities

  10. 生活质量和国家创新能力的国际差距都比较大。

    That quality of life and national innovation capacity vary greatly among countries .

  11. 国家创新能力关系着中华民族的前途和命运。

    National innovation ability is concerning the future and destiny of Chinese nation .

  12. 最后提出政策建议,为我国国家创新能力的提高提供一定参考。

    At last , suggestions ware propounded to improve national innovation capacity of China .

  13. 高新技术产业化是国家创新能力的根本体现。

    Higher technology embodies national innovation capacity .

  14. 基于专利的中欧国家创新能力与发展模式比较

    A comparison of national innovation capacity and develop mode between China and Europe based on patent

  15. 企业的创新能力是产业创新能力乃至整个国家创新能力的基石。

    Enterprise innovation capability is the cornerstone of industrial innovation capacity and the whole national innovation capacity .

  16. 结果表明,生活质量和国家创新能力显著正相关;

    The results show a significant positive correlation between quality of life index and national innovation capacity index ;

  17. 作为国家创新能力在区域层次上的具体实现,区域技术创新能力代表了创新要素在一定区域内聚集、整合以及推动持续创新的基本能力,成为提升区域竞争力的决定因素。

    As the embodiment of National Innovation Capacity on regional level , Regional Innovation Capacity determines competitiveness of the region .

  18. 提高国家创新能力和国民生活质量,是我国21世纪的两个重要政策目标。

    It 's two important policy objectives for china to improve innovation capacity and quality of life in 21st century .

  19. 创新系统研究方法对于分析国家创新能力和国际竞争力具有重要的理论意义。

    System approach to innovation is important in theory to analyze the national capacity of innovation and its international competitiveness .

  20. 研究型大学对于提高国家创新能力和综合国力具有重要的作用。关于综合国力的测度

    Research Universities are very important to the elevation of national innovation abilities and national comprehensive competitiveness . Measuring Comprehensive National Power

  21. 研究与开发活动作为技术科技进步的重要物质来源和基础,左右着企业和国家创新能力的高低。

    Research and development activities as an important basis for scientific and technological progress determine the enterprise and national innovation capacity .

  22. 国家创新能力决定国家竞争力,也决定着一国经济的可持续发展程度,这已经被创新型国家的发展路径所证实。

    The national innovation ability determines not only competitive strength of the country but also the level of sustainable development of that .

  23. 知识经济时代,专利日益成为国家创新能力和竞争实力的重要体现。

    In the era of knowledge economy , patent is increasingly becoming an important manifestation of the national innovation capacity and competitiveness .

  24. 科技资源的投入是一个国家创新能力的基础,从根本上决定了一国的创新水平。

    Scientific and Technological Resources input , which is the foundation of national innovation ability , radically determines the level of national innovation .

  25. 教育是一个国家创新能力的基础,是提高现实生产力和国际竞争力的重要力量。

    Education which is the foundation of creative power of a country is the important force to increase practical productive forces and international competitive power .

  26. 本文的研究主题是基于效率优化的国家创新能力的测度研究,重点在于国家创新效率的影响因素分析。

    This dissertation studies the measurement of national innovative capacity based on efficiency optimization , with a focus on the influential factors analysis on national innovative efficiency .

  27. 城市作为区域政治、经济、科技和文化发展中心,担负着提高国家创新能力,推动国民经济发展的重任。

    City , as the center of area policy , economy , science technology and culture , is bearing to improve national innovating capacity and promote the national economy development .

  28. 在知识经济时代,国家创新能力,包括知识创新和技术创新能力,是决定该国在国际竞争和世界总格局中的地位的重要因素。

    At this time , the national innovation capability , including knowledge innovation capability and technology innovation capability , is critical for one country 's position in the international competitiveness and world pattern .

  29. 关乎国家创新能力和核心竞争力的研究型大学的建设与发展已成为各国政府和高等教育界关注的焦点。

    As the focus of the national government and the higher education sector , the construction and development of the research university is closely associated with the national innovation capability and core competitiveness .

  30. 国家创新能力基础在人才,创新人才的数量、质量、结构和整体作用的发挥,是国家能否在知识经济时代的竞争中取胜的根本条件。

    The foundation of national innovation capacity is talent whose quantity , quality , structure and overall play become basic conditions for success that the country can compete in the knowledge economy era .