
  • 网络national geographic;national geography;NGc;national geographic magazine
  1. 在接受《国家地理》杂志采访时,基什解释了这个过程是如何进行的。

    In this interview with National Geographic , Kish explains how the process works .

  2. 美国国家地理学会是一个非营利科学与教育组织,许多地图集和制图师都参考该组织的制图标准。

    The National Geographic , a non-profit scientific and educational organization whose mapping standards are referenced by many atlases .

  3. 先前美国地名委员会已经认定南大洋是世界第五大洋,但这是美国国家地理学会第一次承认南大洋的地位。美国地名委员会是一家创立于1890年的联邦机构,通过联邦政府来“统一地名”。

    The US Board of Geographic Names , a federal body created in 1890 to establish and maintain " uniform geographic name usage " through the federal government , already recognizes the Southern ocean as occupying the same territory , but this is the first time the National Geographic has done so .

  4. 据《国家地理杂志》报道,同位素定年和DNA检测结果显示,这两具木乃伊的身体部位不寻常。

    National Geographic reports that isotopic dating and DNA experiments revealed the unusual pairing of body parts .

  5. 《卫报》和《国家地理》没有马上回复有关与Facebook谈判的提问。

    The Guardian and National Geographic did not immediately respond to questions about talks with Facebook .

  6. 《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)是唯一认真考虑登出这个故事的刊物。但最终,10页篇幅的版面还是没能问世。

    National Geographic is the only magazine that expressed serious interest in publishing it , though a 10-page layout was ultimately rejected for publication .

  7. 这些化石不寻常地混合了原始人类和现代人类的特征,相关细节发布在《eLife》期刊和《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)杂志上。

    Details of the fossils , which are an extraordinary mosaic of primitive and modern features , are published in eLife and National Geographic .

  8. 他说,《国家地理》打算把Facebook当成一个鼓励更多人成为会员的途径。

    It intends to use Facebook as a way to encourage more people to sign up for membership , he said .

  9. 她姐姐凌志慧(lisaling)2006年曾随同一个救援组织进入朝鲜,暗中为国家地理(nationalgeographic)频道拍摄了一部纪录片。

    Her sister , Lisa Ling , accompanied an aid group in North Korea to make a clandestine National Geographic documentary in 2006 .

  10. 安克的生活或许因冒险而精彩——在一篇刊登在《国家地理》杂志(NationalGeographic)上的文章中,他绘声绘色地描述了自己的冒险经历。但他的日常工作有赖于健康的体魄,这反过来需要日常锻炼。

    Anker may thrive on risk , which he vividly describes in this article forNational Geographic , but his day job depends on staying fit , which in turn requires a routine .

  11. ——摘自1999年《国家地理杂志》4月号《加拉帕戈斯群岛:处于危险中的天堂》作者:StuartFranklin来源:《国家地理》杂志

    From " Gal á pagos : Paradise in Peril , " April 1999 , National Geographic magazine

  12. ——摘自1999年《国家地理杂志》8月号《共同的世界》作者:JoeMcNally来源:《国家地理》杂志

    From " A World Together , " August 1999 , National Geographic magazine

  13. 许多水下电影在这里拍摄。作者:J.BaylorRoberts来源:《国家地理》杂志

    Many underwater movies are made here .

  14. 《每日电讯报》以及《周日电讯报》提供给读者一个著名《国家地理杂志》制作的精彩非凡的DVD合集。

    The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph are giving readers a fantastic collection of DVDs from the world famous brand National Geographic .

  15. 由于加入WTO后《国家地理》无疑将成为登陆中国的文化麦当劳、无疑将风靡于中国的少男少女和教授学者;

    Partly because after entry into the WTO , National Geographic will embark upon China 's shores like a cultural version of McDonald 's , doubtless becoming trendy among China 's youth and academics ;

  16. 最初的合作伙伴预计将包括《纽约时报》、BuzzFeed,以及《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)杂志,但其他公司可能也会加入进来,因为讨论仍在继续。

    The initial partners are expected to be The New York Times , BuzzFeed and National Geographic , although others may be added since discussions are continuing .

  17. 美国国防部旗下的国家地理空间情报局(NationalGeospatial-IntelligenceAgency)正协助在印度洋的搜寻活动。该局一直搜集和分析卫星数据以及其他类型的图像。

    The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency , a US defence department agency that both collects and analyses satellite information as well as other types of imagery , is helping with the search for the 777 in the Indian Ocean .

  18. 伯杰此次新发现的实地工作及两年的分析工作均由金山大学、国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)和南非科学与技术部(SouthAfricanDepartmentofScienceandTechnology)/南非国家研究基金会(SouthAfricaNationalResearchFoundation)提供支持。

    The field work and two years of analysis for Dr. Berger 's latest discovery were supported by the University of the Witwatersrand , the National Geographic Society and the South African Department of Science and Technology / National Research Foundation .

  19. 《国家地理》有大约25%的流量来自Facebook,也是该平台上最受欢迎的新闻媒体之一,有3500万名粉丝。

    National Geographic , which gets about 25 percent of its traffic from Facebook , is one of the most popular news outlets on the service , with 35 million fans .

  20. 除学术论文外,此次发现还会出现在《国家地理杂志》(NationalGeographicMagazine)的10月号以及一部2小时的NOVA/国家地理纪录片中,纪录片将于周三在PBS播出。

    In addition to the journal articles , the findings will be featured in the October issue of National Geographic Magazine and in a two-hour NOVA / National Geographic documentary to air Wednesday on PBS .

  21. 在申报材料中,官员指出,尽管桂林和漓江去年被联合国列入了《世界遗产名录》(WorldHeritageSite),但阳朔县也被《中国国家地理》杂志列为最美的喀斯特峰林。

    In it , officials note that while Guilin and the Li River were designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations last year , Yangshuo County was named as having the single best karst landscape by Chinese National Geographic magazine .

  22. 去年冬天,马奎斯在华盛顿与国家地理演讲局(NationalGeographicSpeakersBureau)的工作人员见面,因为探险家就是这样(他们基本都试过):回家,把自己的故事写成书卖掉。

    In Washington last winter , Marquis met with people from the National Geographic Speakers Bureau , because that 's what explorers do ( and pretty much have always done ) : come home and sell their stories .

  23. Fran的中国婚事更被国家地理频道制作成了纪录片《四个在中国的美国人》。

    Their marriage was documented by the National Geographic in one of their TV series called ' Four Americans in China . "

  24. 最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers》的栏目组成员。

    The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel 's reality show called Diggers .

  25. 除了国家地理和巴黎评论之外,地球杂志社(GEO)、新闻周刊、电报杂志、星期日时报以及洛克菲勒基金会也刊登出版本迪克森的作品。

    In addition to National Geographic and Paris Review , Bendiksen 's editorial clients include GEO , Newsweek , Telegraph Magazine , the Sunday Times magazine , and the Rockefeller Foundation .

  26. 但我也全神贯注地读着《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)和《小间谍哈瑞特》(HarriettheSpy)。我熟知兰斯洛特爵士(SirLancelot)和圆桌骑士(KnightsoftheRoundTable)的故事,他们游历四方,昭示着勇敢和荣誉。

    But I pored over National Geographic and " Harriet the Spy . " I knew all about Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table , who wandered the countryside swearing oaths of bravery and honor .

  27. 不过今年,主流媒体,如新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed和国家地理频道都在和感恩节神话进行对垒。

    But this year , mainstream media organizations like Buzzfeed and the National Geographic Channel are confronting the myths surrounding Thanksgiving .

  28. 美国国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)去年初组织的一项调查显示,美国18岁至24岁的青年成人只有一半能在地图上找出纽约所在,60%的人在中东地图上找不到伊拉克。

    A survey from early last year sponsored by the National Geographic Society found that only half of young American adults , ages 18 to 24 , could locate New York state on a map . Six out of 10 couldn 't find Iraq on a map of the Middle East .

  29. 最初将有五家美国机构参与即时文章项目,分别是BuzzFeed、《国家地理》(NationalGeographic)杂志、《大西洋月刊》、NBC新闻和《纽约时报》。每周三,它们各自都将以新的格式发布一篇文章。

    Five American organizations are initially participating in the instant articles project and will publish one item each on Wednesday in the new format : BuzzFeed , National Geographic , The Atlantic , NBC News and The Times .

  30. 国家地理发起两组研究队,一队由植物学家JunWen而另外一组由植物学家GregPlunkett,在远征到中国分析植物和它的复杂的血缘关系。

    National Geographic sponsored two study trips , one by botanist Jun Wen and another by botanist Greg Plunkett , on expeditions to China to analyze the plant and its complex lineages .