
zhī qínɡ quán
  • right to know;right to learn the truth
  1. 上市公司股东知情权研究CNPC未上市企业信息化报告

    A Research on the Right to Learn the Truth Held by Stockholders in Listed Companies

  2. 知情权与政务公开

    Right to learn the truth and Duty to Publicize Government Affairs

  3. 巩固基层政权,完善基层民主制度,保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权。

    We should both consolidate2 government and improve the institutions of democracy at the primary level to ensure the people ’ s rights to be informed , to participate , to be heard , and to oversee3 .

  4. 即媒体在进行突发事件报道时要形成科学的、可行的应对策略,运用危机公关里的3T原理,第一时间向外界提供尽可能详细的信息,把握舆论主导,保证民众的知情权。

    The media should establish a scientific and feasible strategy for reporting the emergencies , by utilizing the 3T principles in crisis PR , and providing information as detailed as possible at the first opportunity .

  5. 公众对环境信息享有知情权。

    The public has the right to know the environmental information .

  6. 档案信息公开是公民知情权在档案领域的体现;

    The disclosure of archival information reflects the right-to - known .

  7. 隐私权和知情权的冲突与平衡

    Clash and Equilibrium of the Right of Privacy and Power of Knowing

  8. 浅析有限责任公司股东知情权

    An Analysis on the Right to Know of Shareholders of Limited Companies

  9. 知情权的行使要有限度。

    There is a limit to exercise the right to be informed .

  10. 美国公司法上的董事知情权制度及其对我国的启示

    Director 's Right to Information in US Corporate Law and its Inspiration

  11. 论建立我国知情权保护制度

    On Establishment of Protection System of the Right to Know in China

  12. 知情权概念之法理分析

    Legal Analysis on the Concept of the Right to Learn the Truth

  13. 知情权的制度依托

    The system that knows what happened the power rely on

  14. 知情权选择权责任与义务

    On Consent Right , Selection Right , Duty and Obligation

  15. 关于癌症病人知情权问题探讨

    Discussions about the Cancer Patients ' Right of Being informed

  16. 第一,定义了股东知情权的概念。

    Firstly , giving the definition of the shareholders right to know .

  17. 从信息不对称看消费者知情权

    On Correlation between Consumers ' Right to know and the Information Asymmetry

  18. 消费者知情权法律保护研究

    Study on the Legal Protection of the Consumer 's Right to Know

  19. 尊重灾害知情权原则。

    Of respecting the right in the know of disasters .

  20. 知情权应是一国公民的基本权利之一。

    The right of know is a basic right of a citizen .

  21. 公共危机管理中的知情权保障

    Maintaining the Right of Information Sharing in Public Crisis Management

  22. 尊重患者知情权减少医疗纠纷

    Respect the patients ' right to know the fact to reduce medical disputes

  23. 知情权的实现方式应当遵守程序规则。

    Realization of the right should follow procedure rule .

  24. 股份公司中小股东知情权的保护

    Protection of Small and Medium Shareholder 's Information in the Joint Stock Companies

  25. 浅析消费者知情权保护问题

    An Analysis of the Protection of Consumers'Right to Know

  26. 刑事被害人知情权有监督司法权、促进司法公正的价值。

    It is helpful to improve impartial judicial supervision .

  27. 在现代社会,知情权具有很重要的价值。

    The right to know plays a very important role in modern society .

  28. 癌症患者疾病知情权需求调查分析

    A survey of cancer patient 's demands for right to know the disease

  29. 隐私权与知情权的冲突性更明显;

    The conflict between privacy and awareness is clear ;

  30. 知情权的法理研究

    On the Jurisprudential Study of the Right to Information