
yōu xiān xuǎn zé
  • give preference to
  1. 各成员确认,承诺优先选择那些对贸易干扰作用最小的措施。

    Members confirm their commitment to give preference to those measures which have the least disruptive effect on trade .

  2. heartbeat总是优先选择主系统,只要有可能,就先从那里开始运行。

    Heartbeat will always give preference to the primary system and will start to run there if possible .

  3. 所以,当我道歉时,我通常会优先选择当面道歉或者打个电话,也许接下来是手写一张便条。

    " So when I apologize , I usually choose in-person first , or a phone conversation as my top alternative , and maybe a handwritten note next . "

  4. PE式将是胰腺移植优先选择的术式;

    PE drainage may become the prefer technique of pancreas transplantation .

  5. 安全PLC系统是ESD系统的优先选择

    The Safety PLC is the First Choice of ESD System

  6. 目前随着半导体照明技术的不断发展和前进,LED已经逐渐成为了应用照明的优先选择。

    With the progress and development of semiconductor lighting technology , LED has become the priority choice for lighting applications .

  7. 在分析特许期限定和完工风险的关系以及完工风险和项目类型的关系的基础上,提出了对于不同的BOT项目应该优先选择的特许期限定类型。

    This paper addresses what concession period limit should be selected preferentially for different projects .

  8. 首先提出一种混合的P2P架构,在该架构中,Peer优先选择基本的P2P架构而不是超级Peer架构。

    First , a hybrid peer architecture is presented , in which peers prefer peer-to-peer architecture to super-peer based architecture .

  9. 实际上,后一种方法是我的优先选择,因为它会平等对待基于XML的格式和JSON(基于文本)格式。

    The latter approach is actually my preference because then it treats the XML-based and JSON ( text-based ) formats equally .

  10. 标准的JavaThread类包含了“优先级”的概念,比起低优先级的线程,优先级高的线程会被优先选择。

    The standard Java Thread class includes the concept of a priority so that more important threads can be given preference to lower priority ones .

  11. 这些组件在一个名为/thirdpartypackages的子目录中以各自不同(且正确)的格式加以提供,且会被生成流程优先选择。

    They are provided in their altered ( and correct ) format in a subdirectory called / third_party_packages and will be selected preferentially by the make process .

  12. 1左右,且不随单体配比AM/MA的增加而变化,这表明丙烯酰胺和马来酸酐共聚合物作为CO2/CH4分离用膜材料,具有较好的CO2优先选择吸附性能。

    It indicates that the Poly ( AM-MA ) copolymer is a CO2 preferentially selective sorption membrane material for separation of CO2 / CH4 .

  13. 结果表明,该模型系统能以最符合成本效益的方法承受QoS实时服务,灵活地处理区分服务业务,QoS测试结果验证了预期优先选择方法的优越性。

    Performance results showed enough flexibility for the operator to handle distinct services in a cost-effective manner and to sustain the required QoS of real time services .

  14. 本文还基于Petri网提出了一种处理交互冲突的优先选择策略模型,为该类系统中多通道交互的冲突管理提供了有效的解决方案。

    A Petri net-based strategy to handle the conflict caused by multimodal interations is also proposed , which provides effective solution to manage this unstable problem .

  15. 在25株优先选择(R)构型的菌株中,G13号菌的活性较高而且选择性最好。

    Of25 strains preferentially hydrolyzing ( R ) enantimer , G13 exhibited higher activity and best enantioselectivity .

  16. 该算法优先选择满足QOS需求的能量高的节点作为下一跳路由,从而使节点的能量消耗相对均衡,延长了网络的生命周期。

    Delay , etc. The algorithm chooses of the high energy of nodes as the next-hop routing to satisfy the QOS requirements , thus prolong the network lifetime .

  17. 通过对简单模型的建模和动态仿真,得出了优先选择基于UG建模导入ADAMS或优先选择基于ADAMS建模的一些准则。

    Some principles were drawn for prior choice of the appropriate software to model for kinematic and dynamic simulation of multibody system between ADAMS and UG .

  18. 在合适的推动力作用下(高真空度),含藻给水污泥过滤效率较高且未增加滤液MCs浓度和浊度,应优先选择。

    With appropriate driving force ( higher vacuum ), algae containing sludge had higher filtration efficiency and stable MCs concentration and turbidity levels .

  19. HiveMind用户通常优先选择setter注入,但该容器还支持构造函数注入。

    HiveMind users typically prefer setter injection , but the container also supports constructor injection .

  20. 考虑开采效果和气体注入能力,芳48特低渗透油藏开采应优先选择CO2吞吐后气驱,其次为水驱转CO2驱。

    Considering the production response and the CO2 injectivity , the development scheme of Fang-48 fault block should be firstly the CO2 stimulation followed by CO2 drive , secondly by water-CO2 alternate flooding .

  21. 主要设计思路是:首先,设计基于积分的拓扑自适应机制,使得P2P结点优先选择积分高的结点作为邻居,这样有利于P2P网络流量的集中控制。

    First , we design a topology adaptation mechanism . P2P peer will choose the high-score peer as neighbor based on the topology adaptation mechanism which measures the contribution of P2P peer by score .

  22. 摩托罗拉、IBM和惠普都在开发磁性随机存取存储器(MRAM),这种存储器似乎有成为业界优先选择的非易失性存储技术的趋势。

    Motorola , IBM , and Hewlett-Packard are all developing magnetic RAM ( MRAM ) which seems poised to become the nonvolatile technology of choice .

  23. 我得到的指令或许还是优先选择中国人,但当我们为他们找到的是一个外国人时,企业还是相当现实的,Zheng说道。

    I may still get the briefing that a Chinese national is preferred but companies are rather practical when the search turns up an expat instead , says Mr Zheng .

  24. 指出在满足醚化要求的前提下,应优先选择C5馏分做醚化原料;

    C 5 of FCC gasoline should be the preferential fraction as etherification feed with the promise that the production specification must be meet .

  25. 初步应用表明,在开发具有BWD模式的电信业务管理系统时,ASP可作为优先选择的Web数据库访问技术之一。

    It has been proved by practice that we should first take ASP as one of the web database access technologies when we develop telecommunications service management systems in BWD mode .

  26. UFS非常成熟,并且对于在Solaris上运行的大多数应用程序而言,它都是优先选择的文件系统。

    It is very mature and , for most applications that run on Solaris , it is the filesystem of choice .

  27. 如果飞行员因为做其他事情而分心,那他就不会优先选择和空中交通控制员通话,安全操作系统的CEO约翰考克斯说,他曾经也是一名民航飞行员。

    If the pilots are distracted doing something else , then talking to air traffic controllers is not a priority , said John Cox , a former commercial airline pilot who is now CEO of Safety Operating Systems .

  28. 高速和大容量计算机的出现使采用随机模拟方法分析工程可靠性问题成为可能。在电力系统定量可靠性评估中,MonteCarlo模拟法成为解决诸多可靠性问题的优先选择。

    Improvements and availability of high-speed computers with large-capacity storage have created the opportunity to analyze many of these reliability problems using stochastic simulation methods and made Monte Carlo simulation a preferable option for many power system reliability applications .

  29. 注意,您可以(也应该)在任何可能的情况下使用delegate自带的功能&毕竟,这正是您优先选择delegate的原因。

    Notice that you can ( and should ) defer to the delegate 's native functionality whenever possible & after all , that 's why you chose it as a delegate in the first place .

  30. 某些敏捷开发方法(例如XP和Scrum)将功能需求和非功能需求放在公共backlog中,然后让客户优先选择需求。

    The approach of some agile development methods , such as XP and Scrum , is to put functional and non-functional requirements on a common backlog , and then let the customer prioritize the requirements .