
  • 网络EMOTIONALISM;Emotionism;emotivism
  1. 黑尔反对现代元伦理学中的非理性主义,特别是斯蒂文森的极端情感主义。

    Hare objects the modern irrationalism of meta-ethics , particularly on the extreme emotionalism of Stevenson .

  2. 黑尔是西方伦理学界的著名的伦理学家,也是元伦理学中继直觉主义、情感主义之后的第三阶段语言分析学派的杰出代表。

    Hare is not only a renowned ethicist but also an outstanding representative of the analytical philosophy in the third phases which succeeds intuitionism and emotionalism .

  3. 包括1、形式主义美学与情感主义美学的和谐统一。

    Including 1 , formalism esthetics and emotion principle esthetics harmonious unification .

  4. 伦理学上的情感主义是这种观点的典型代表。

    The emotivism in ethics is the typical representative of this view .

  5. 略析休谟道德起源论的情感主义特征

    Sentimentalism in David Hume 's Theory of Morality Origin

  6. 道德情感主义的确避免了道德理性主义忽视道德心理的缺陷。

    Moral sentimentalism indeed avoids the defect that moral rationalism ignores moral psychology .

  7. 休谟在批判理性主义伦理学的基础上建立了情感主义伦理学。

    Hume had established emotionalist ethics based on the criticism of rationalist ethics .

  8. 卢梭的人性论与情感主义自然法思想解读

    The Human Nature Thought and Natural Law Thought Understanding of Rousseau 's Emotion Principle

  9. 近代情感主义伦理学的道德追寻

    The Moral Pursuit of Modern Emotional Ethics

  10. 斯洛特通过对道德判断的情感主义语义分析,提出了他的情感主义元伦理学。

    Through the analyses of moral judgment semantics , Slote puts forward the sentimentalism metaethics .

  11. 然而,这并不妨碍道德情感主义哲学自身的理论和现实意义。

    However , this does not preclude the theoretical and practical significance of moral sentimentalism .

  12. 在《追寻美德》一书中,麦金太尔对情感主义伦理学进行了彻底的批评。

    In the book of After Virtue , MacIntyre had criticized the emotionalist ethics thoroughly .

  13. 极端情感主义伦理学述评

    On the Extreme Emotionalist Ethics

  14. 相比较情感主义伦理学,在西方伦理学史上,理性主义伦理学源远流长,脉络明晰。

    Compared with moral emotionalism , moral rationalism has a long and clear development in history of western ethics .

  15. 近代情感主义伦理学思想的理论沿革与价值早期的佛教伦理学要求佛家弟子培养四种情感

    The Development and Value of the Modern Emotional Ethics Theory Early Buddhist ethics calls for practitioners to cultivate four mental states

  16. 情感主义伦理学作为元伦理学的一种,在20世纪上半叶对伦理学的发展产生了深远的影响。

    Emotionalist ethics , as one kind of meta-ethics , had influenced the development of ethics in the half priority of the 20th century .

  17. 本文讨论了情感主义兴起以后,产生的伦理学危机;启蒙运动以来目的论向规范论的转变。

    This paper has discussed the ethic crisis after the rise of Emotionalist Ethics and the change of teleology to standardization since the Enlightenment .

  18. 美德伦理学家迈克尔·斯洛特是情感主义的主要代表和领军人物,他提出了一种新的理论&道德情感主义。

    Virtue ethicist Michael Slote , as one of the main representatives and a leader of sentimentalism , proposes a new theory & moral sentimentalism .

  19. 作为十八世纪道德情感主义的思想先驱,休谟以自然人性为出发点,从感性世界的视角来谈论道德问题。

    David Hume , an ideological forerunner of moral emotionalism in 18th , discusses moral problems based on natural humanity from the perspective of sensible world .

  20. 同时,他也不赞同情感主义把道德看成是人们情感或态度的表达的看法,它会导致伦理学失去其科学性的特征。

    Meanwhile , he disapproves of the viewpoint which identifies ethics with the expression of human emotion or attitude , for ethics may lose its scientific characteristics .

  21. 接着分析道德情感主义在当代复兴的理论形态,然后综述国内外关于同情、移情的研究状况,最后分析本文的研究思路及研究方法。

    Then I analyze the main theoretical forms of moral sentimentalism in contemporary revival , and summarize research status about empathy and sympathy at home and abroad .

  22. 肯布尔想逃离肤浅的戏剧情感主义,想有个平等的知心人陪伴自已,于是她在一定程度上忘记了奴隶制,嫁给了他。

    Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre , assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves , she married him .

  23. 而这是由于他基于情感主义立场,错误地理解了对伦理学问题,将伦理学问题当作如何消除态度分歧的问题。

    Hoverver , this is because of basing on standpoint of emotionism , he misunderstands ethical problem , and regards ethical problem as how to remove disagreement in attitudes .

  24. 早期的情感主义者从伦理学语言的逻辑分析中推出了伦理学只是情感的表达,而不是科学事实的陈述这一道德情感论的结论。

    The early emotionalists deduced a moral sentimental conclusion that " Ethics is the expression of emotion , rather than scientific facts " from logical analysis of ethics language .

  25. 然而,在我国对休谟伦理思想的有限研究中,大部分的学者都只是倾向于研究他的认识论和情感主义,忽略了他的正义之德。

    However , about Hume ethics limited research in our country , most of the scholars are inclined to research his epistemology and emotional socialist , ignored his justice of virtuous .

  26. 罗尔斯的思想不同于与其同源的文化相对主义和情感主义,他同康德在最大程度上展示了西方的启蒙传统;

    Being quite different from cultural relativism and emotivism , Rawls and Kant represent the Western Enlightenment tradition in its full blown sense , although they are derived from the same origins .

  27. 众所周知,元伦理学发展到情感主义阶段就已经困难重重,黑尔就是在直觉主义和情感主义的理论成果基础之上,特别是对情感主义的扬弃出发来开始元伦理学研究的。

    As is known to all , difficulties arise when meta-ethics evolves to emotionalism . Hare bases his study on the fruit of intuitionism and emotionalism , especially on the sublation of emotionalism .

  28. 休谟正是通过研究知性,并以其为出发点,开始了对道德学的研究,为他的经济正义思想的阐述提供了理论前提,而他的情感主义伦理学则为经济正义提供了道德基础。

    Through studying intellectuality Hume started the researching of ethics , the study provided a theoretical premise for the explanation of economic justice , and his emotionalism provides a moral foundation for economic justice .

  29. 同时,笔者对休谟思想中存在的一些矛盾,如怀疑主义的认识论如何过渡到情感主义的伦理学、动机论与功利主义之间的冲突等,也提出了自己的一些看法。

    Meantime , the author puts forward his own opinion on some contradictions in Hume 's thoughts , such as the transition from skepticism epistemology to emotionalism ethics , the conflict between the motivism and utilitarianism etc.

  30. 以现代性为背景,情感主义确立在这样的一种主张上面,不论是过去还是现在,为一种道德原则提供一种合理论证的任何企图事实上都已失败。

    With modernity as it background , emotionalism establishes its allegation on such a base that it is a failure to supply a reasonable argumentation for any objective morality , whether in the past or at the present .