
yuán lǎo yuàn
  • senate;Roman Senate
  1. 正因为如此,他们作为氏族的首长被称为patres,即父老,而他们全体则构成元老院。

    It was because they were the elders of the gens that they were called fathers , patres , and their body , the senate .

  2. 群众和元老院议员都看到了。

    The mob sees this , and so do the senate .

  3. 塔西佗(Tacitus古罗马元老院议员、历史学家,公元55-117):人类更愿意报复伤害而不愿报答好意,因为感恩就好比重担,而复仇则快感重重。

    Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit , because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure . - - Tacitus

  4. 我要让元老院的人召回这群走狗。

    I 'll get Senator cimber to call off the dogs .

  5. 庞培和他的元老院支持者们马上撤退到希腊。

    Pompey and his senatorial followers immediately withdrew to Greece .

  6. 元老院准备好再次治理罗马。

    Until the Senate is ready to rule once more .

  7. 罗马帝国早期的行省分为元首行省和元老院行省。

    Provinces were divided into Senate provinces and Princeps provinces .

  8. 元老院就是这样对待凯撒的吗?

    Is this how the Senate treats your caesar ?

  9. 我今天去元老院时。

    When I went to the senate , today .

  10. 共和时期的罗马元老院及其作用

    The Position and Function of the Senate in the Republic Time of Rome

  11. 但是在之前的胜利后,元老院坚持要求与恺撒会战。

    The Senate , however , insisted on it after the previous victory .

  12. 元老院角色在帝国初期转换的根本原因在于元首拥有对军队和行省的最高统治权。

    The basic cause was that the military power belonged to the princeps .

  13. 元老院是代替她的丈夫把这个权利给予她的;

    The Senate grants her this right in the place of her husband ;

  14. 伯德对罗马元老院的着迷不亚于美国参议院。

    The Roman Senate fascinated Mr Byrd almost as much as the American .

  15. 随着国家的设立,这种议事会就变为元老院了。

    When the state was established , this Council was merged into the senate .

  16. 不是元老院的大理石地砖。

    Is not the marble of the senate .

  17. 你用刀子亵渎的元老院就是我曾经协助建立的。

    The Senate hall you defiled with your knives , I helped to build .

  18. 他当时要解散元老院。

    He was trying to disband the senate .

  19. 然后,教皇比元老院人格化得多。

    However , the pope has far more personality than the senate ever did .

  20. 更进一步,他指定元老院裁决执政官的申诉。

    Further , he appointed the senate judge in appeals made from the consul .

  21. 随着元老院的衰退,罗马共和国也灭亡了。

    When it declined , the Republic fell .

  22. 根据元老院紧急处理条例。

    By emergency decree of the senate .

  23. 行政官职通常被认为是进入元老院的必要先决条件。

    The magistracy was usually considered a necessary precondition for entry into the Roman senate .

  24. 一个低贱的平民进入元老院?

    A lowly pleb in the senate ?

  25. 必须由元老院任命。

    The Senate had to appoint you .

  26. 元首个人品性的差别直接影响着元老院和元首的关系。

    And the princeps ' personalities effected the relations between the princeps and the Senate directly .

  27. 他攻击总督就等于攻击元老院和罗马人民。

    His attack upon our governor is one upon the Senate and the people of rome .

  28. 但由于共和传统的影响,元首的产生应由元老院来选举产生。

    However , emperors have to be elected by the senate because of the republican tradition .

  29. 共和时期至帝国初期罗马元老院职能的演化

    The Evolution of Function of the Senate in the Republic and the Early Empire of Rome

  30. 大希律王被罗马元老院,任命为犹太王。

    Herod the Great gets himself appointed as King of the Jews by the Roman Senate .