
shì jiè zhènɡ fǔ
  • world government
  1. 在今天,完全取消国家边界控制的观点与建立一个世界政府的想法一样不切实际。

    A complete absence of national border controls is as utopian today as the vision of world government .

  2. 无论是热心的世界主义者也好,还是疯狂的阴谋论者也好,都相信:根本不存在什么世界政府。

    No matter what ardent cosmopolitans or crazed conspiracy theorists believe , there is no world government .

  3. 而这个阴谋就是将权力交给由一个联合国(un)领导的世界政府。

    The plan is to hand power to a world government run by the United Nations .

  4. 如何提高CPA审计质量,已成为当今世界政府、注册会计师协会及投资者等关注的焦点。

    How to improve CPA audit quality has become a focus that government , CPA institute and investors all concern .

  5. 原子弹爆炸后,爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)曾说,唯一能拯救文明和人类的,就是创建一个世界政府。

    After the use of the atomic bomb , Albert Einstein argued that the only salvation for civilisation and the human race lies in the creation of world government .

  6. 本文在比较分析世界政府信息资源元数据两大体系DC-government和GILS的基础上,初步提出了我国政府信息资源元数据的建构原则和核心集CGIMC的构成方案。

    On the Basis of the comparison of two metadata standard systems : DC-government and GILS , construction principles and core elements of the Metadata set for Chinese government information resources are given .

  7. 你可以想象世界政府怎么反应。

    You can imagine how the worlds governments reacted .

  8. 联合国过去和现在都从未打算成为世界政府。

    The UN is not , and was never intended to be , a world government .

  9. 论爱因斯坦的世界政府

    On Einstein 's World Government

  10. 长远看来,现在已经是紧急时刻让世界政府采取重要的措施去反对抽烟。

    In the long run , it is high time that world governments conducted serious campaigns against smoking .

  11. 他们不会像空想主义者希望的那样,把联合国变成一个世界政府。

    They are not going to turn the UN into a world government , as some Utopians would like .

  12. 调查铅索亚暴露,首先,新的议会大厦的目的是适应世界政府将要;

    The investigations lead by Sawyer exposed , first , that the new Parliament building is meant to accommodate the world government-to-be ;

  13. 任何其他讲英语的国家可以提供安全澳大利亚将提供的时候,接手的世界政府。

    No other English speaking country can offer the safety Australia will provide at the time of the taking over by the World Government .

  14. 他希望建立一种没有世界政府的世界内政,以期跟全球化的经济格局相适应。

    He hopes that there will be a world inner politics without the world government , which will correspond to the economic structure of globalization .

  15. 与会代表并未梦想要为个世界政府奠定基础,他们的目标是缔结一个强有力的全球安全公约,以避免另一场世界战争。

    Participants did not dream that they were laying the foundations for world government . Their aim was a global security pact strong enough to avoid another world war .

  16. 在世界政府再造思想的影响下,我国政府职能也由全能政府向有限政府转变,管理型政府向服务型政府转变。

    Under the influence of global government re-construction , our government function is undergoing a transformation from an all-done government to a power-limited government , from a supervisory government to a service government .

  17. 世界政府的观念乃出自西方,哲学家康德认为世界联盟和世界政府最终会形成。

    The conception of " World Government " originates from the western countries . Kant , the philosopher , holds that the " World Coalition " and the " World Government " will be fulfilled eventually .

  18. 这些都是相同的机构,串谋美联储摧毁我们的金融体系,以便为一个世界政府,这是一种委婉的奥威尔式的警察国家。

    And these are the same institutions that have conspired with the Fed to destroy our financial system to make way for a one world government , which is a euphemism for an Orwellian police state .

  19. 如何提高社会审计质量、确保注册会计师独立性、如何恢复注册会计师诚信体系,已成为当今世界政府、注册会计师协会等机构和投资者等目前最重要的一件事。

    Nowadays , it has become to be the most important issue for governments , institutes of CPA and investors to work out how to improve the quality of social auditing , make sure CPA independence and reconstruct the system of CPA integrity .

  20. 就算能够证明外星人去过古埃及的决定性证据已被世界政府很好地隐藏,但是依然还有迹象表明外星人与古埃及有关,下面就是最令人激动的十大例证:

    Granted , definitive physical proof that aliens indeed visited Egypt in the past might very well be covered up by world governments , but there are still signs that point to alien contribution to ancient Egypt , and these are ten of the most exciting :

  21. 世界各国政府应该对此采取行动。

    Governments the world over should do something about it .

  22. 全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。

    Around the world , governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups

  23. 随着肥胖水平的激增给公共卫生系统带来越来越大的压力,世界各国政府也开始考虑对糖类征税。

    With surging obesity levels putting increasing strain on public health systems , governments around the world have begun to toy with the idea of taxing sugar as well .

  24. 但它们需要来自发达世界的政府和机构比如美国疾病控制与预防中心(USCentresforDiseaseControlandPrevention)的更多帮助。

    But they need more help from governments and agencies in the developed world , such as the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention .

  25. 电子政务(E-Government)已经成为世界各国政府追求的目标和关注的焦点。

    E-Government has been the goal and focus of governments of many countries all over the world .

  26. 其中一些举措,加之世界各国政府干预行业政策尤其是对金融业和汽车业的纾困对贸易的扭曲作用,可能会在wto引发法律诉讼。

    Some of these actions , together with the trade-distorting effects of government industrial policy interventions around the globe particularly financial and auto industry bail-outs may be vulnerable to legal challenge at the WTO .

  27. 促进竞争已成为包括OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家在内的世界各国政府对天然气行业改革的一个明确的政策取向。

    Promoting competition has become a clear policy favorite for many governments , including OECD countries , in their reform of the gas industry .

  28. 美国是最早实施政府CIO制度的国家之一,也是世界上政府CIO制度发展最为成熟的国家。

    The United States is one of the earliest CIO system application countries , and also one of the best countries to develop CIO system .

  29. 然而,国际能源机构(IEA)的数据显示,尽管世界各国政府每年对无碳发电领域的补贴高达370亿美元,这一领域对能源供应的贡献其实并不大。

    Yet the contribution of carbon-free electricity is modest , even after annual government subsidies of $ 37bn , according to the International Energy Agency .

  30. 世贸组织(WTO)将于今日发布的一份报告显示,世界各国政府在不断推高贸易壁垒,尽管它们在二十国集团(G20)峰会和其它抵制保护主义的论坛上曾作出高姿态的承诺。

    Governments around the world have continued to push up trade barriers in spite of high-profile pledges at the G20 summit and other forums to resist protectionism , according to a World Trade Organisation report to be published today .