
shí dài jīng shén
  • the spirit of the times;zeitgeist;spirit of the time -- the characteristic temper of an age
时代精神[shí dài jīng shén]
  1. 这篇文章反映出时代精神。

    The article breathes the spirit of the age .

  2. 尽管在本文中我们关注于Groovy,但是时代精神要求与非常受人爱戴和敬畏的Ruby进行对比。

    Although we will focus on Groovy in this article , the zeitgeist demands a comparison with the much loved and feared Ruby .

  3. 哲学是时代精神的精华。

    Philosophy is the cream of the spirit of the times .

  4. 全球化无疑可以作为时代精神的表征。

    Globalization can undoubtedly be taken as the token of the time .

  5. 欧洲一体化经验及时代精神

    Experiences of European Integration and the Spirit of the Times

  6. 上篇时代精神与马克思主义和谐哲学的创生。

    Part I is The Spirit of Times and Marxist Harmonious philosophy .

  7. 跨领域的思考&从后工业产品看当代建筑的时代精神

    Seeing Time Spirit of the Contemporary Architecture from Post-industrial Products

  8. 对时代精神与图书馆哲学关系的一点看法

    A View on the Relationship of the Time Spirit and Library Philosophy

  9. 时代精神对南宋豪放词形成的影响

    Impact of Time Spirit on South Song 's Bold Word

  10. 音乐剧的灵魂是时代精神

    The Spirit of Times is the Soul of the Musicals

  11. 技术时代精神塑造的负面效应及其片面性之分析

    Analysis of Technological Times ' Defects in Moulding Our Spirit

  12. 第一部分,考察南朝辞赋题材选择的时代精神及原因。

    One chapter , investigate time spirit and reasons of theme choice .

  13. 法学家的时代精神与历史使命

    The Spirit of the Era and Historic Mission of Jurists

  14. 唐代诗歌中的月亮意象与时代精神

    The Moon Image in Tang Poetry and Its Spirits of the Times

  15. 论当代中国的时代精神

    On the Spirit of the Times in Contemporary China

  16. 设计的时代精神&析精约

    Time Spirit of Design & To Analyse Elegant Simplicity

  17. 它独具鲜明的特色和时代精神。

    It has special characteristic and era 's spirit .

  18. 两个务必的时代精神

    The Two Musts as the Spirit of the Times

  19. 我们不应该夸大时装与较宽泛的时代精神之间的联系。

    The correlation between fashion and the broader Zeitgeist should not be exaggerated .

  20. 紧扣时代精神推进新时期师德建设

    Follow the Spirit of the Times Promote Morality Construction of the New Era

  21. 哲学作为时代精神的精华,在这个问题上是责无旁贷的。

    Philosophy is duty-bound as the cream of times spirit on this problem .

  22. 哲学是人类的智慧之学,是时代精神的精华。

    Philosophy is the subject of human wisdom and the elite of time spirit .

  23. 要大力发扬时代精神,弘扬和培育民族精神;

    Develop and foster the spirit of the times as well as national spirit ;

  24. 南宋豪放词的大兴与时代精神密切相关。

    The flourish of south song bold word is closely related with time spirit .

  25. 亘古至今,绘画作为一种时代精神的产物,它是人们的主观思想、理性认识和审美观念在实践的客观反映。多年来,它的形成和发展深受一个民族哲学思想的影响。

    The formation and development of a painting is deeply influenced by national philosophical ideology .

  26. 本雅明的批评思想孕育于近代的哲学危机和特殊的时代精神氛围中。

    Benjamin 's ideology came into being from modern philosophy crisis and special spiritual conditions .

  27. 在此意义上,马克思的哲学依然是时代精神的精华。

    In a sense , Marx 's philosophy still is the essence of times spirits .

  28. 相反,他们认为,使他们的贪婪合法化的时代精神还将继续。

    Instead , they assumed that the Zeitgeist that had legitimised their greed would continue .

  29. 和谐社会的构建与时代精神的确立

    The Construction of a Harmonious Society and the Establishment of the Spirit of the Time

  30. 文学现象是一个历史阶段的时代精神被体现在相互影响的国家中的不同形态,同时期的文学现象有着相同的历史发展背景,又发生于不同国度与文化语境之中。

    Literature phenomenon is temporal spirit which is showed off different forms in inter-effected countries .