
shí qū
  • time zone
时区 [shí qū]
  • [time zone] 为了按统一标准分区计时,将地球表面按经线分为24区。每一时区的经度宽为15度,每区按中央子午线上的时间作为该区的标准时,具体实施中往往根据各国的行政区界或自然界线来确定

时区[shí qū]
  1. 想象一下到一个新时区的头些天。

    Imagine the first days in a new time zone .

  2. 例如,History服务支持通过传入地区和时区进行本地化。

    For example , the History service supports localization by passing in a locale and a time zone .

  3. Babylag这个说法是对jetlag(飞机时差)表达的演绎。Jetlag一次最早出现在1965年,指搭飞机长途出行,飞过多个时区导致的疲惫的精神不集中。

    This phrase is a play on jet lag , the fatigue and disorientation that results from a long flight across multiple time zones , which dates to 1965 .

  4. 当听说一对情侣身处两地,彼此间隔11个时区,很久才能相聚时,我们很自然地会为他们的相思之苦表示同情。

    When we hear that a couple live 11 time zones apart and can afford to come together only once in a long while , it ’ s natural to offer sympathy for the pain .

  5. Time类型也是一个长整数,表示自午夜起的毫秒数,以设置属性时所在的时区为当地时区。

    The Time type is also a long integer , representing the number of milliseconds since midnight , local to the timezone in which the property was set .

  6. 3.jetlag飞机时差反应经过跨越时区的飞行后,人们常常会有时差反应。

    After flying across time zones people often suffer from jet lag .

  7. 为系统选择语言和时区(Localization字段)。

    Select the language and time zone for the system ( Localization field ) .

  8. Timezone个人所在的地区的时区该数据帮助用户和系统了解个人所在的位置。

    Time zone Person 's time zone where they are physically located This data helps users and systems know where a person is located .

  9. 错误的时区注定了猪湾事件(TheBayofPigsInvasion)的失败

    Incorrect Time Zones Doomed The Bay Of Pigs Invasion

  10. 如果让Java程序可以改变操作系统的时间、日历和时区,那会怎么样?

    How about letting a Java program change the time , calendar , and time zone on the OS ?

  11. Hilbert空间中具无界控制的无限时区线性二次最优控制问题

    An Infinite Horizon Linear Quadratic Problem with Unbounded Controls in Hilbert Space

  12. 注意:这里鼓励为时区使用长名,例如“America/NewYork”。

    Note : The usage of the long names for time zones such as " America / New_York " is encouraged .

  13. 要查看更多Wicket支持AJAX的例子,请参考Global项目的时区面板。

    To see more examples of Wicket AJAX support please refer to time zone panels in Global Project .

  14. 获得给定纬度/经度所在的时区(返回XML文件或JSON提要)。

    Get the time zone at a given latitude / longitude ( returning an XML file or JSON feed ) .

  15. 为此,请在“windows时区”列表中单击与用户时区匹配的windows时区,然后单击“下一步”。

    To do this , click the windows time zone that matches the user time zone in the windows time zone list , and then click next .

  16. 已部署的VM时区在默认情况下设置为UTC。

    The time zone of a deployed VM is set as UTC by default .

  17. 在Java应用程序的情况下,JVM能够通过与本地操作系统进行交互来设置缺省语言环境和时区。

    In the case of Java applications , the JVM is able to set a default locale and time zone by interacting with the local operating system .

  18. RationalTeamConcert客户端还提供对向您的团队成员传递调试会话(debugsession)的支持,不论他们就位于您旁边的工作间,还是相隔10个时区。

    The Rational Team Concert client also provides support for debug session hand-offs to your team members , whether they are in a cubicle next to you or10 time zones away .

  19. 当将一个时区值添加到通用协调时间(UniversalCoordinatedTime,UTC)dateTime时,将会生成该时区中的日期和时间。

    When a timezone value is added to a Universal Coordinated Time ( UTC ) dateTime , it results in a date and time in that timezone .

  20. 应用了windows时区更新后,这些时间戳将为在dst延长期内修改的项目显示正确的时间。

    When you apply the windows time zone update , these time stamps display the correct time for items that are modified during the extended DST period .

  21. 在扩展存储过程的时区信息中检测到的gmt偏移条目无效。

    The GMT offset entry detected in the time zone information of an extended stored procedure is not valid .

  22. 要迅速更改对所有基于windows程序的时区,请在“日历”中按天查看时,用右键单击时间栏顶部的空白,然后单击快捷菜单上的“更改时区”。

    To quickly change the time zone for all Windows-based programs , right-click the space at the top of the time bar when viewing days in calendar , and then click change time zone on the shortcut menu .

  23. 在本例中,您构建了一个mash-up,它从您的Twitter关注者提取时区数据,然后使用GoogleCharts可视化该数据。

    In this example , you build a mash-up that extracts time zone data from your Twitter followers , and then visualize this data using Google Charts .

  24. 例如,纽约人都知道他们地处东部标准时区(EST),但只有经常跨国旅行的人才知道纽约位于格林威治标准时间西五区。

    For example , New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time ( EST ), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5 .

  25. 《五十度黑》的预告片是在太平洋时区本周三早上8点发布的,发布平台包括全部的数字平台--YouTube、Facebook和Instagram等。

    The spot debuted on Sep.14 at 8 a.m. PT , and racked up its multimillion view count across all digital platforms - YouTube , Facebook , Instagram etc.

  26. 编写代码询问时区或与GMT的时差,然后根据这一信息提供问候语。

    Write code that asks for a time zone or the offset from GMT , and then develop greetings based on that information .

  27. 目的探讨跨时区飞行对飞行员心率变异性的影响,以评价其对飞行员自主神经系统的作用。方法采用24h动态心电图方法检测16名跨时区国际长途飞行的飞行员动态心电图及心率变异性(HRV);

    Objective To explore the effect of transmeridian flight on the heart rate variability ( HRV ), so as to evaluate the stress on autonomic nervous system of aircrew .

  28. 结果:细菌培养总阳性率为3258%;在增菌后6~24h时区内转种,分离培养阳性率最高(951%);

    Results The total positive ratio of bacteria cultivating is 32.58 % and the positive rate reach their peaks ( 95.1 % ) after 6 ~ 24 hours of cultivating .

  29. 当指定var属性时,对于任何其它JSTL标记使用什么时区,不会对JSP环境作任何更改。

    When the var attribute is specified , no change is made to the JSP environment with respect to what time zone is used by any other JSTL tags .

  30. 根本问题源于VXML和Java是在特定服务器所在的位置和时区运行的,但可为世界各地的呼叫者所用。

    The basic problem stems from the VXML and Java running in the locale and time zone of a specific server , but being available to callers from all over the world .