
gǎng kǒu
  • port;harbor;harbour;haven;pt;navigation opening
港口 [gǎng kǒu]
  • (1) [harbor;port]有码头设施、供船只停靠、人货上下的地方

  • 舟回至两山间,将入港口,有大石当中流,可坐百人。--宋. 苏轼《石钟山记》

  • (2) 又如:通商港口

港口[gǎng kǒu]
  1. 我们离开港口,向外海驶去。

    We left port and headed for the open sea .

  2. 火箭和炮弹继续袭击已遭受重创的港口。

    Rockets and shells continued to hit the battered port .

  3. 这座小镇因其古老的港口而出名。

    The town is notable for its ancient harbour .

  4. 班轮驶进港口时,周围的许多小船颠簸起来。

    Hundreds of small craft bobbed around the liner as it steamed into the harbour .

  5. 港口现已淤塞。

    The harbour has now silted up .

  6. 船驶进港口。

    The ship steered into port .

  7. 他们终于抵达港口。

    They reached port at last .

  8. 各种重工业沿着港口逐渐发展起来。

    A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port .

  9. 俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。

    Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port

  10. 该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。

    The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour .

  11. 粮食从这些港口运到亚的斯亚贝巴。

    From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa .

  12. 瑟堡有一个由绵延海堤环绕的美轮美奂的港口。

    Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall .

  13. 这个港口对向数百万旱灾灾民提供救援物资是至关重要的。

    The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims

  14. 一路上,汽船在好几个港口停靠。

    The steamer calls at several ports along the way .

  15. 船只必须在指定的港口把捕到的鱼卸下。

    The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports .

  16. 我挥手告别,然后走下港口石阶。

    I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps

  17. 污水中的营养物确实会加快港口的海藻生长。

    Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour .

  18. 叛乱者炮轰了港口附近人口密集的郊区。

    The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port .

  19. 戴维·克莱门特上尉和150名突击队员今天早上对港口展开突袭。

    Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning .

  20. 这座古老的港口依然充满了情趣,颇值得一游。

    The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting .

  21. 一些机场和港口的职员开始抗议薪酬太低。

    Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay

  22. 铁路罢工使该国港口陷入了一片混乱。

    The rail strike is causing major disruptions at the country 's ports .

  23. 那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。

    The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port .

  24. 一群叛乱分子迅速占领了港口地区和大部分城北郊区。

    A group of rebels overran the port area and most of the northern suburbs

  25. 他们刚占领港口时,把那里的仓库简直抢了个精光。

    When they first captured the port , they virtually cleaned out its warehouses .

  26. 5辆救护车在港口待命。

    Five ambulances are on standby at the port

  27. 这个港口宁静、天然。

    The port is quiet and unspoiled .

  28. 船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。

    The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas .

  29. 港口工作人员注意到,对同一类船舶的测量方法常常不一样。

    Harbour staff noticed that measurements given for the same class of boats often varied .

  30. 在过去的5天中,该港口一直受到德国俯冲轰炸机的攻击。

    The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days .