
  • 网络Mtr
  1. 港铁尖沙咀站B2出口沿金马伦道向尖沙咀东部方向步行约20分钟。

    MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit B2 and walk along Cameron Road towards East Tsim Sha Tsui for20mins .

  2. 港铁东涌站B出口,乘23线巴士往宝莲禅寺,然后循旅发局路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。

    MTR Tung Chung Station Exit B , take bus no.23 to Po Lin Monastery , follow the HKTB directional sign to Tea Garden , walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for15 mins .

  3. 在香港,目前只有六家大型公司采用GRI指引,包括国泰航空、中华电力、汇丰银行、港铁、太古及中华煤气。

    In Hong Kong , GRI seems to be an initiative for only the larger corporations , including Cathay Pacific , CLP , HSBC , MTR Corporation , Swire Pacific and Towngas .

  4. 港铁是现时香港唯一的铁路公司。

    MTR is the only railway company in Hong Kong now .

  5. 湛江港铁矿石运输存在的问题及对策探讨【矿】黄铁矿,黄铜矿

    Problems and countermeasures for iron ore transport in Zhanjiang Port

  6. 作为少数股东,港铁公司几乎没有反对之力。

    MTR , as the minority shareholder , had little room to object .

  7. 前往上环的乘客,请使用其它交通工具,或港铁免费接驳巴士。

    For Sheung Wan , please use other transport or the free MTR shuttle bus .

  8. 港铁佐敦站A出口,右转沿佐敦道步行三个街口即达庙街。

    MTR Jordan Station Exit A.Turn right into Jordan Road and walk three blocks to Temple Street .

  9. 湛江港铁矿石码头钢管桩防腐方案及质量控制要点

    Anti-corrosive Schemes and Key Points of Quality Control for Steel Pipe Piles of Iron Ore Terminal of Zhanjiang Port

  10. 油麻地,这是观塘线的终点站,谢谢乘搭港铁。

    Yau Ma Tei , end of the Kwun Tong Line , thank you for travelling on the MTR .

  11. 新的条款减少了对港铁公司的补贴,更加有利于北京市政府。

    The new terms reduced subsidy payments to the MTR , and were on balance more favorable to the city government .

  12. 香港知专设计学院及李惠利新校舍位置皆毗邻调景岭港铁站。

    The location of HKDI and the New Lee Wai Lee campus are both adjacent to the Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station .

  13. 北京市政府需要为港铁公司提供巨额补贴,该市官员对此难以接受。

    This prompted huge subsidy payments from the Beijing government to the MTR , which did not sit well with local officials .

  14. 湛江港铁矿石码头改扩建工程钢管桩试桩成果简介

    A Brief Introduction of the Test Piling Result of Steel Pipe Piles in the Reconstruction and Expansion Project of Zhanjiang Port Iron Ore Terminal

  15. 同时本文采取多元分析中基于降维技术的统计方法&因子分析,对烟台港铁矿石码头竞争力的综合评价指标进行简化降维。

    Article take multivariate analysis based on statistical methods for dimension reduction techniques-factor analysis , Yantai Port iron ore terminal competitiveness comprehensive evaluation index to simplify dimensionality reduction .

  16. 据了解,港铁与沈阳市政府及沈阳地铁集团就沈阳地铁一、二号线为期30年的营运及维修安排,签订原则性协议。

    According to instruction , MTR signs a principle contract on30-year operation and maintenance for No.1 and No.2 Metro Line in Shenyang with Shenyang Municipal Government and Shenyang Metro Group .

  17. 尽管我不会向你作任何形式的检椌,但是我希望你可以遵守港铁静音车厢的规则,并且尊重其他正在使用静音车厢的乘客享有宁静的环境的权利。

    Although I 'm not going to make prosecutions in any mean , I sincerely hope you to obey the rules of Quiet Car and respect the other passengers'right to enjoy their quiet MTR journeys .

  18. 经过一年多,港铁巴士车队大部份已经换上港铁标准色彩,而带有原九铁巴士部色彩的港铁巴士已经买少见少。

    The old colour scheme of KCR Bus Division was gradually replaced by the new MTR Bus Division scheme over the past year and only a few MTR buses still carry the KCR Bus Division scheme in Feb.

  19. 港铁公司负责中国业务发展的副经理谢华说,当地官员常常不能体会长期铁路合作关系的价值,这种关系可以持续30年之久。

    Xie Hua , a deputy manager at the MTR in charge of business development in China , said local officials often failed to appreciate the long duration of rail partnerships , which can extend to 30 years .

  20. 太多的关注放在了流言蜚语上,这扰乱囗了公众的关注的重点以及严重的社囗会问题,比如香囗港高铁资金危囗机就给予了很少的关注,她说道。

    Too much focus on gossip has disordered the public 's priorities , she said , and matters of pressing social concern , such as Hong Kong 's high-speed rail funding crisis , are given scant attention .

  21. 大连港集装箱海铁联运运营管理体系构建研究

    The Study of the Construction of Dalian Port Sea-Rail Combined Transportation Management System

  22. 对比未来五年大连港集装箱海铁联运运量配流结果与路径运量约束,得出目前大连港海铁联运运量与运力之间的不匹配点。

    Comparison container sea-rail intermodal transportation flow distribution results with path capacity constraints of the Dalian port in the next five years , balance ports will be finded between Dalian sea-rail transport capacity and quantum .

  23. 京九铁路香港段,港称九广东铁,前称九广铁路(英段)。

    Within Hong Kong , it shares the same pair of tracks with the East Rail Line ( formerly British Section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway ) .