
  • 网络The Hoover Dam;Boulder Dam
  1. 到2015年,平均每天需要80万千瓦的电力才能保证拉斯韦加斯市的能源供应,这远远超出了胡佛水坝(HooverDam)的供电能力。

    To keep Las Vegas powered will require a daily average of 8,000 megawatts of electricity by 2015 , way beyond the output of the Hoover Dam .

  2. 联邦政府一声令下,开始修建胡佛水坝

    The government gives the go-ahead to build the Hoover Dam .

  3. 但对于胡佛水坝来说这只能算是开了个头

    But that 's just the beginning of the Hoover Dam .

  4. 还是像胡佛水坝这样看似平凡的事�

    or something as seemingly mundane as the Hoover Dam .

  5. 但胡佛水坝却是历史上第一座由混凝土建成的大坝

    but the Hoover Dam is the first large concrete dam in history .

  6. 数以百万计的人为建立胡佛水坝和其他伟大的项目贡献了自己的力量。

    And millions of more people built the Hoover dam and other great projects .

  7. 胡佛水坝的水位线已经下降了不止80英尺(约为24米)。

    At the Hoover Dam , the water level has dropped more than 80 feet .

  8. 胡佛水坝尚未动工之时就被视为一种象征

    The Hoover Dam , even before they started building it , it became a metaphor ,

  9. 对于那些工人来说建造了胡佛水坝如此富有挑战又意义深远的建筑物

    For those workers to have built something as monumental and as challenging as Hoover Dam was ,

  10. 他运用了多种方式来尝试结束这场大萧条,例如胡佛水坝。

    He created many projects to tryand end the Great Depression , such as the Hoover Dam .

  11. 然后又在大平原上铺设了铁路,还建成了所有这些宏大的工程,建设胡佛水坝

    putting in railroad lines , putting in all the civil engineering to support it , putting in Hoover Dam .

  12. 这就是为世人所知的第一次胡佛水坝战争,特使在战斗开始后首先占得上风。

    In what became known as the First Battle of Hoover Dam , the Malpais Legate initially had the upper hand .

  13. 上午驱车前往参观胡佛水坝,并眺望世界最大的密德人工湖。

    In the morning , visit the Hoover Dam and take a look at the world largest man-made lake-Lake Mead from a distance .

  14. 我的美国同胞们,我们的国家曾仅用四年就修成了金门大桥,五年就建好了胡佛水坝。

    My fellow Americans , we are the nation that built the Golden Gate Bridge in four years and the Hoover Dam in five .

  15. 在汉伦军士长的指挥下,新加州军就是在军团的这个严重弱点上赢得了第一次胡佛水坝战争的胜利。

    Under the command of Chief Hanlon , the NCR demonstrated and exploited these weaknesses to great effect during The First Battle of Hoover Dam .

  16. 这条水路可以从若干始发地点出发,通往科罗拉多河下游,最引人注目的无疑是胡佛水坝。

    The trail offers access to the lower Colorado River from several launch sites , the most impressive of which is surely the Hoover Dam .

  17. 您的本次精彩之旅将途径大峡谷西缘的瓦拉派印第安人保留地,并可在胡佛水坝留下您的靓影。

    Your journey to the Hualapai Indian Lands located at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon will begin with a photo at Hoover Dam .

  18. 事件的序列是:新马德里调整之后紧接着是欧洲海啸,之后在某一个时刻胡佛水坝和美国西海岸调整。

    The sequence of events will be the New Madrid adjustment followed immediately by the European tsunami , then at some point the Hoover Dam and West Coast adjustment .

  19. 在第二次胡佛水坝战争前,凯撒军团已经在百夫长盖留斯•玛格努斯的指挥下征服了一个新的部落,将被他们征服的部落数量增加到了87个。

    Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam , the Caesar 's Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus , bringing the number to87 .

  20. 非洲尼罗河上阿斯旺水坝的兴建、欧洲莱茵河的治理、北美洲科罗拉多河上胡佛水坝的修建,其对社会、经济及环境产生的影响,都在世界历史上留下了深深的痕迹。

    Aswan dam of Nile in Africa , regulation of Rhine in Europe and Hoover dam of Colorado in South America left deep traces in the world history for the social , economy and environment .