
  1. 港英政府对华工出洋政策的历史演变(1853-1930)

    The British Hong Kong Government on the Historical Evolution of Chinese Laborers ( 1853-1930 );

  2. 从《部门报告》看战前港英政府的社会福利事业

    The Prewar Social Welfare Programs of the British Hong Kong Government in the Angle of Departmental Report

  3. 1909至1939年港英政府的《部门报告》是一份久为人所忽视的档案。

    The Departmental Reports from 1909 to 1939 are long - ignored official files of the British Hong Kong government .

  4. 我国文化传统与职业技术教育利用与吻合:港英政府借助香港华人文化传统提高施政效率

    Utilization and Coincidence : How British Hong Kong Government to Enhance Administrative Efficiency with the Help of Chinese Cultural Tradition

  5. 第二部分主要梳理了港英政府时期的越南难民和船民政策,并对政策实施的动机和效果作出适当的评价。

    The second part mainly combs the policies of BHK on VRS and BP , trying to make appropriate comments on its motives and effects .

  6. 然而,在以种族歧视和种族隔离政策为主的直辖殖民地制度下,港英政府对移港华人的福利服务几近于零。

    Due to the racial discrimination and segregation policy under the colony system , the colonial government scarcely gave welfare service to those Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong .

  7. 希望港英政府劝说有关方面的人不要让英资带头转走资金。

    We hope that the British Hong Kong Government will persuade people in the relevant departments not to let British capital take the lead in withdrawing from Hong Kong .

  8. 香港区议会自港英政府于20世纪八十年代推行部分直选以来,民选议员逐渐增加。

    Since the British Hong Kong Government implemented the policy of partial direct election in the 1980s , the number of elected members of the District council of Hong Kong has been increasing .

  9. 港英政府适应政府职能转变的需要调整了行政系统和行政监察制度;改变了旧有的咨询制度,淡化了港英政府殖民统治色彩。

    In order to satisfy the demand of government responsibility change , Hong Kong government adjusted administrative system and supervision system , changed the old consultant system , desalted the colony government colour .

  10. 希望港英政府不要在过渡时期中自搞一套班子,将来强加于香港特别行政区政府。

    We hope that during the transition period the British Hong Kong Government will not , without consultation , organize a group of administrators to be imposed on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  11. 但是,港英政府的殖民政府本性决定改革是以保存英国政府在港的殖民利益为终极目标,选举制度的发展和港英政府公务员的本地化不可能动摇其在港统治基础。

    However , the inner character of colonial government determined the reform was to keep the benefit of Britain government . The progress of election system and civil servant localizing cannot make the governing base move .

  12. 同时,透过对五位从粤入港的医家的理论和见解,窥探到伤寒学在港英政府治下的起落浮沉。

    Meanwhile , with the theories and ideas of five physicians who were migrated from Guangdong to Hong Kong , we could have a glimpse into the rise and fall of Shanghan study under British rule .

  13. 一是港英政府从主到客的转变,二是香港社会从贫到富的转变,三是从移民社会向本土社会的转变。

    First , the British Government from the main to the passengers of the change , and second , the community changed from poor to rich , three are from the immigrant community to the local social changes .

  14. 港英政府在对香港的殖民统治中,充分利用和吻合香港华人文化传统,将殖民统治寓于香港华人所熟悉并容易接受的传统文化之中,借以提高政府施政效率。

    During British rule in Hong Kong , its Hong Kong government made a full use of Chinese cultural tradition in Hong Kong , and enhanced administrative efficiency by combining its colonial rule into Chinese traditional culture which Hong Kong people are familiar with .

  15. 在鼠疫爆发后,香港各界对此作出了种种不无成效的反应:港英政府主导了此次疫灾的救治工作,制定了较为科学合理的治疫章程、积极治疗患者并重视对疫区的清洁消毒工作;

    After the outburst of plague , personalities of all circles took many effective measures : Hong Kong government took charge of affairs of disaster relief , laid down a rational plan of relief , cured the patients positively and paid attention to the disinfection treatment of disaster area ;