
  1. 外交部副部长张业遂在北京出席世界和平论坛时发表以上讲话。

    Vice foreign minister Zhang Yesui has made the comments as part of a World Peace Forum here in Beijing .

  2. 中国常驻联合国代表张业遂在表决之后对记者说,北京坚决反对北韩进行核试验,北京希望看到一个无核化的朝鲜半岛。

    Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui told reporters after the vote that Beijing was firmly opposed to North Korea 's nuclear test and wants to see a denuclearized Korean peninsula .

  3. 中国驻美大使张业遂称,亚太地区是世界上经济最活跃地区,但是它仍然面临非常严峻的挑战。

    Chinese Ambassador to the US , Zhang Yesui , says the Asia-Pacific is the most economically dynamic region in the world , but it still faces daunting challenges .

  4. 中国驻联合国大使张业遂说,安理会一致决定在未来6个月内,向海地增派1500名警察和2000人的部队,这显示了联合国对海地灾后局势的重视。

    Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui said the council 's unanimous decision to authorize 1500 more police and 2000 troops for the next six months demonstrates the importance it attaches to supporting the post-disaster situation in Haiti .

  5. 在招待会上,张业遂和英国驻华大使欧威廉积极评价多年来两国关系发展和各领域合作取得的成就。

    On the reception , Zhang Yesui and Willian Ou who is the ambassador of Britain in china , they evaluated the years of the development relationship between two countries and the achievements of the cooperation in each domains .