
  • Leslie Cheung;CHEUNG KWOK WING;Monica
  1. 张国荣是一位歌星,也是一位影星。

    Leslie Cheung is a star both in singing and filming .

  2. 最好的祝福赠与唐鹤德先生和他的挚爱张国荣先生。

    Best Regards To Daffy Tong and his Beloved Leslie Cheung .

  3. 4月1日对张国荣的粉丝来说是一个特殊的日子。

    April 1 is a special day for fans of Leslie Cheung .

  4. 让我们一起继续热情,继续跳舞,继续张国荣!

    Let 's keep passion for him , leslie forever !

  5. 献给张国荣先生和我内心深处的记忆。

    For Leslie Cheung and the memories in the deep of my heart .

  6. 陈淑芬在纪念音乐会上透露了张国荣发给自己的最后短信。

    Chan revealed Cheung 's final message about himself at the tribute concert .

  7. 有谁在天生的魅力之外,还能像张国荣那样流露出迷人的傲慢?

    Did anyone bring to the gift of glamour the seductive insolence Leslie exuded ?

  8. 向张国荣先生和唐鹤德先生致敬!

    Salute to Leslie Cheung and Daffy Tong !

  9. 我觉得裙得最有代表性系哥哥张国荣。

    I feel that Leslie Cheung is the best representative for putting on a skirt .

  10. 音乐会将涉及大约20首张国荣的流行歌曲,并回顾这位明星的生命故事。

    The concert will feature around 20 of Cheung 's popular songs and look back at the star 's life story .

  11. 张国荣凭《异度空间》一片获提名角逐香港金像奖最佳男主角,颁奖礼于星期日举行。

    Cheung was nominated best actor for Inner Senses at the Hong Kong Film Awards due to take place on Sunday .

  12. 纪念张国荣逝世10周年的活动将在香港、上海和其他地方举行。

    Memorial events marking the 10th anniversary of Cheung 's death will be held in Hong Kong , Shanghai and elsewhere .

  13. 陈蝶衣,陈凯歌《霸王别姬》中的京剧歌手是张国荣最著名的一个角色。

    Chen Dieyi , a Peking Opera singer in Chen Kaige 's " Farewell My Concubine " is one Cheung 's most famous roles .

  14. 张国荣:青春如梦幻,但您的音容笑貌永远在我们的回忆中,不是梦。

    Leslie Zhong : Youth , such as fantasy , but your face and your sound , is forever in our memory not a fantasy .

  15. 身为一个掌控全场的含蓄演员,张国荣很少过度表达情感,因为他知道摄影机看到什麽:他知道摄影机爱他。

    An actor of commanding subtlety , Leslie rarely overstated an emotion because he knew what the camera saw : he knew the camera loved him .

  16. 婉拒过后不久,在电视机的点歌频道看到张国荣的演唱会片断,破例停留了两分钟,于是仔细想了想,觉得梅艳芳的演唱会还是不能错过。

    But soon I saw on TV parts of Leslie Cheung 's concert . I thought carefully , and decided I should not miss Anita Mui 's concert .

  17. 有人说你可能并不是真的了解张国荣的音乐,但是你至少看过他一两部情感电影。

    Some have said you might not really know Leslie Cheung 's music , but you 've probably seen at least one or two of his sentimental films .

  18. 并由张国荣自己亲身参与演出,其它演员有梅艳芳、莫文蔚、梁咏琪、容祖儿、陈键锋、李彩桦等人。

    It features Leslie himself , Anita Mui yim-fong , Karen Mok man-wai , Gigi Leung wing-kei , Joey Yung cho-yee , sammul Chan kin-fung and rain Li choi-wah .

  19. 香港巨星张国荣已经逝世十年,他的畅销歌曲和感伤电影使他在亚洲大受欢迎。

    IT has been 10 years since the death of Hong Kong pop star Leslie Cheung , whose hit songs and sentimental movies won him huge popularity around Asia .

  20. 张国荣的好朋友和前经纪人陈淑芬以及张国荣的粉丝俱乐部张国荣俱乐部昨天在香港组织了一场纪念音乐会。

    Cheung 's close friend and former agent Florence Chan and Cheung 's fan 's club , the Leslie Club , organized a memorial concert yesterday in Hong Kong .

  21. 张国荣还与梁朝伟主演王家卫的许多著名电影,像《春光乍泄》(1997)和《阿飞正传》(1991)。

    Cheung also starred with Tony Leung in many of Wong 's famous movies such as Happy Together ( 1997 ) and Days of Being Wild ( 1991 ) .

  22. 饰演成年蝶衣的香港演员张国荣以他细腻的刻划和描绘表现了他对“霸王”的强烈情感。

    Playing the adult Cheng , HK actor Leslie Cheung conveys in a glance the intensity of his feelings for his " king " through his finely sculpted , effeminate features .

  23. 其实,到这一刻,笔者仍然未接受罗文、张国荣、梅艳芳离开的事实,因为我们从来就只是接触到他们的作品。

    Actually till this very moment , I still can 't accept the fact that Roman , Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui had left us , because all the time we only have contact of their work .

  24. 虽然今次电影节闹出张国荣歌迷投诉哥哥缺席事件,但阿梅见大会重视香港电影,早已答应出席,而两部电影的要角亦拉队支持。

    Though there is complaint from fans of Leslie Cheung that he won 't present for this festival , Ah Mui feels that Hong Kong films are highly respected there , she agreed that she would be present .