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  • 网络Zhang Haidi;Heidi Zhang
  1. 这些报道引起了中国残联主席张海迪的注意。

    The reports caught the attention of Zhang Haidi , chairwoman of China Disabled Persons ' Federation .

  2. 命运予张海迪已足够残酷,仅给她留下一个健全的大脑,所幸这黑色的幽默还没开的彻底,让她保有自由的思想与乐观的情怀。

    To her the fate is too cruel to left her only a sound brain and fortunately she has her own free thoughts and optimistic attitude to life .

  3. 其实,自张海迪八十年代选择文学创造开始,她就以自己传奇式的经历给我们贡献了大量优秀的文学作品。

    In reality , since she has chosen to be a writer as her profession , she devoted to us many pieces of literature works with her miracle experiences .

  4. 1983年张海迪开始从事文学创作,先后翻译了数十万字的英语小说,编著了《生命的追问》、《轮椅上的梦》等书籍。

    Zhang Haidi began her writing career in1983.She translated many English novels and compiled many books , such as Pursuing the Meaning of Life and Dreaming on the Armchair .