
  • 网络Artistic traditions
  1. 它是中国最古老的艺术传统之一。

    It is one of the oldest artistic traditions in China .

  2. 未来主义派反对过去的和所有已普遍接受的艺术传统。

    The futurists rejected the past and all received artistic traditions .

  3. 中国古代建筑的艺术传统

    Traditional Characteristics of tht Art of Ancient Chinese Architecture

  4. 发扬优秀艺术传统探索艺术设计创新

    Develop good art tradition ; Explore are design renovation

  5. 信息社会与中国设计艺术传统的转化

    Information Society and the Transformation of Chinese Design Tradition

  6. 属于维多利亚时代英国艺术传统的绘画。

    Drawings within that English tradition of Victorian art .

  7. 中西绘画发展史,是其艺术传统不断嬗变的历史。

    The history of Sino-western painting is the one that art traditions change in succession .

  8. 民族艺术传统影响着比喻的形成;

    Traditional national art influences the forming of figure of speech , and even national environment ;

  9. 艺术传统与变革

    Tradition and Reformation in Art

  10. 我国作为拥有丰富少数民族民间文学艺术传统的国家,理应在这方面先行一步。

    As a country who possesses abundant in minority folklore , we should keep ahead in this aspect .

  11. 各民族的文化和艺术传统也必然面临着如何适应、借鉴、融合和发展的问题。

    Different cultures and artistic traditions to face with how to adapt , learn , integration and development .

  12. 山西地区拥有深厚的民间艺术传统,戏曲活动十分繁荣。

    Shanxi has far-reaching tradition of folk art , and drama activities were very prosperous in this region .

  13. 本文认为状态写实主义绘画是对写实主义艺术传统的延续和突破,更为当代人审视自我精神世界提供了一面镜子。

    It continues and surmounts the tradition of realism art . And it provides a mirror with contemporary for self-introspection .

  14. 中国文化在艺术传统上坚持以善为美的原则,其核心是尚善;

    The Chinese culture insists with the principle of kindness for the virtue traditionally in art , its core is Shangshan ;

  15. 延绵超过一百万年,手斧传统是人类和原始人历史上最长时间的艺术传统。

    Stretching over a million years , the hand axe tradition is the longest artistic tradition in human and proto-human history .

  16. 并对民族艺术传统作品的构成形式进行了广泛而深入的探索,并从中抽象出民族绘画的特征,加以吸收、运用,在艺术实践上开创了具有民族性的中国现代主义绘画之先端。

    He also opened a new leaf from characteristics of abstract national folk art , absorbing and practicing of Chinese folk art .

  17. 现代主义的主要特征是:反对古典的艺术传统,在题材上、技巧上力求新奇,标新立异。

    The main features of modernism is opposing classical artistic tradition , and seeking new and maverick things in the theme and technique .

  18. 田汉在戏剧创作中积极继承中国戏曲的艺术传统,他的话剧具有强烈而鲜明的民族风格和民族气派。

    Tian Han actively inherits the artistic tradition of Chinese operas , and his dramatic works are distinguished with the striking national style .

  19. 20世纪德国表现主义的图式是对西方艺术传统和同时代的绘画的不断怀疑和有意地摆脱、割舍中产生的。

    The pattern of German Expressionism in 20 century came into being through suspecting and abandoning purposely the western artistic traditions and contemporary paintings .

  20. 西方文学从神话母体的孕育开始就保持着清晰表述的语言艺术传统,其依据是理性主义。

    With rationalism as its basis , western literature has always been keeping a tradition to express clearly ever since mythology gave birth to it .

  21. 随着老牌文化大国不断探寻世界其他地区的艺术传统,它们的发现越来越少。

    There are ever fewer discoveries to be made by the established cultural superpowers as they ransack the rest of the world 's artistic traditions .

  22. 刘宋文学,既有对建安至西晋文学观念和文化传统的继承,又有对齐梁艺术传统的开启。

    Liu Song literature , inheritance the Western Jin and Jian an literature on values and cultural traditions and open the Qi and Liang artistic tradition .

  23. 金色的著名日本屏风则唤起了人们对于伊藤时期艺术传统的深深怀念。

    The use of gold colour is reminiscent of Japan 's famed gold screens and evokes nostalgia for the artistic traditions of decorative Edo period screens .

  24. 再者,通过使用适当的知识产权手段,可创造出具有鲜明特点的产品与服务,从而可以保存艺术传统与表现形式并将其商业化。

    Furthermore , through the use of appropriate intellectual property tools , distinctive products and services can be created to preserve and commercialize artistic traditions and expressions .

  25. 小说诗化不仅有小说自身发展的内在要求的原因,而且和中国文化艺术传统密切相关。

    The poetizing of fiction not only results from the inner request of its own development , but also is connected with Chinese tradition of culture and art .

  26. 然后进入结论部分,继续强调发展中国家的艺术传统在发展个性中起到的作用。

    The writer then moves on to a conclusion , which continues to emphasize the role of individuality in the development of the artistic heritage of developing countries .

  27. 东方的艺术传统是非条件色的发展史,中国壁画的色彩和民间版画的色彩突出体现的是构成色和装饰色。

    Eastern artistic tradition is the history of the non-conditional color , the color of Chinese mural painting and Chinese folk prints mostly reflect the interacting color and ornamental color .

  28. 高师美术教育中加强学习艺术传统的思考高师综合艺术教育声乐教学模式探析&以泉州师范学院艺术教育专业为例

    Thoughts on Strengthening the Study of Art Traditions in the Fine Arts Education in Normal Colleges and Universities ; The Vocal Music Teaching Model of Art Education in Teacher Colleges

  29. 20世纪中国诗歌在法国象征主义纯诗那里找回了自己民族纯艺术传统的文化记忆,目的却多在寻找合乎现代性要求的、新诗形式建构的多种可能。

    The twentieth-century Chinese poems have found the Chinese nation 's cultural memories of pure art traditions from French symbolist pure poems so as to look for diverse possibilities of poetical modernity .

  30. 创作内容与形式不协调、对戏曲艺术传统的忽视、戏说历史剧的出现等问题,是影响戏曲历史剧发展的主要原因。

    The main factors restraining the development of historical dramas are the appearance of the inconsistency between their contents and forms , and their neglect of dramatic traditions ," xishuo " historical dramas .