
  • 网络artistic creation;art making;creative art;Studio Art
  1. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  2. 艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。

    Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit .

  3. 叶卡捷琳娜大帝赞助过各种艺术创作和科学研究。

    Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences .

  4. 奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。

    When not producing art of his own , Oliver was busy advancing the work of others .

  5. 本文论述的就是如何在室内环境艺术创作中的文化构思。主要结合美国建筑大师赖特(FrankLloydWright)设计的流水别墅的相关内部环境图片等来论述室内环境中的文化构思。

    The thesis mainly discusses the cultural conception of the interior artistic creation with some supported photos of " falling water " villa designed by the famous'American architect , Frank Lloyd Wright .

  6. 文化产业对艺术创作与生产的影响

    Influences of the Cultural Industry Upon the Artistic Creation and Production

  7. 谈广州文化艺术创作中心的规划设计理念

    Review of the Design of the Guangzhou Cultural And Art Center

  8. 新媒体与艺术创作的关系浅析

    A Survey on the Relationship between New Media and Art Creation

  9. 论园林艺术创作风格与创作个性

    Studies on creative style and creative characters of garden art

  10. 浅析中国绘画中内心痛苦与艺术创作的关系

    On relationship between loss of the painters & creativity in the art

  11. 矢量动画艺术创作与传播研究

    Study of Artistic Creation of Vector Animation and its Dissemination

  12. 现代建筑壁画艺术创作谈

    The Creative View about the Art of Modern Architectural Fresco

  13. 中国传统文化元素与现代装饰艺术创作

    Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements and Modern Decorative Art Creation

  14. 艺术创作活动究竟是一种怎样的活动?

    What kind of activity is the artistic activity ?

  15. 我的艺术创作与艺术创作报告来源于去年的一次云南采风。

    My art creation and art report comes from Yunnan tour last year .

  16. 现实生活是艺术创作的源泉。

    Artistic creation is based on our real life .

  17. 他觉得自己能充分掌控自己的艺术创作。

    He felt himself in control of his art .

  18. 展现了今日加拿大版画艺术创作的活力和开放的实验性。

    The exhibition shows the vitality and the open of contemporary Canadian prints .

  19. 这些创作思维过程形成了数码图像艺术创作的独特思维方法。

    These creative thoughts form an unique process of Digital Images ' creation .

  20. 人们进行艺术创作部分原因是为了表达个人情感。

    Part of the reason art is created is to express a feeling .

  21. 艺术创作产权不容侵害&踏勘王小蕙维权之路对我们的启发

    Do not Violate the Property Right of Artistic Creation

  22. 沈从文艺术创作后继乏力深层原因探析

    An Investigation of the Profound Reasons of SHEN Cong-wen 's Withered Artistic Creation

  23. 这是我解读旭东艺术创作的一种视角。

    This is my personal angle of view in Xudong 's artistic creation .

  24. 群体意识的消解,使艺术创作日益成为体现个人价值的手段;

    The artistic creation is becoming a means by which individual value is embodied .

  25. 她将女性视角的观察与艺术创作完美的融合。

    She will be the perfect fusion of female perspective observation and artistic creation .

  26. 室内环境艺术创作中的文化构思以人为本与法学的创新

    The Cultural Conception of the Interior Artistic Creation Man-centeredness and Creation of Legal Conception

  27. 论素描与版画艺术创作的关系

    On the relation of sketch and print creation

  28. 艺术创作可以智能横移,人生的智能横移,其实更为重要。

    Smart art can traverse , traverse intelligent life , in fact more important .

  29. 我会从事艺术创作,比如电影制片人、小说家或画家。

    Something in the arts , like a filmmaker , fiction writer or painter .

  30. 他的艺术创作及理论表现出鲜明的怪诞倾向。

    His theory of artistic creation and performance of a distinct tendency to grotesque .