
  • 网络Inspiration;creative inspiration
  1. 它为我们的现代设计提供了源源不断的创作灵感。

    It is our modern design provides continuously creative inspiration .

  2. 作曲家又擅于从生活和大自然中汲取创作灵感,因此,门德尔松又被誉为音乐中的抒情风景画大师。

    The musician was good at drawing inspiration from life and nature .

  3. 多萝西·塞耶斯将《莫格街谋杀案》描述为“几乎是一本完整的侦探理论与实践的手册”。的确,坡的短篇悬疑小说激发了无数文学作品中侦探人物的创作灵感,其中就包括夏洛克·福尔摩斯。

    Dorothy Sayers would describe The Murders in the Rue Morgue as " almost a complete manual of detective theory and practice . " Indeed , Poe 's short mysteries inspired the creation of countless literary sleuths , among them Sherlock Holmes .

  4. FBI放弃45年悬案,传奇劫机者下落依然是谜它是美国悬而未决的最大谜团之一,这桩惊人的犯罪事件激发了美国人的想像力,为歌曲、电影、电视节目与书籍带来了创作灵感。

    Where Is D.B. Cooper ? F.B.I. Ends 45-Year Hunt It remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the United States , a startling crime that captured the American imagination , inspiring songs , movies , TV shows and books .

  5. 另外,他也有很多作品的创作灵感来源于日本古典说话文学。

    Moreover , his other works were inspired by Japanese Folklore .

  6. 激发《反抗军》创作灵感的到底是什么故事?

    And what exactly happened in the source events inspiring defiance ?

  7. 挑空构造,天窗采光,激发工作与创作灵感。

    The void structure and daylighting by skylights inspire work and creation .

  8. 记者广告机构总是在海外寻找创作灵感。

    CORRESPONDENT Ad agencies are always looking for ideas in other countries .

  9. 激发创作灵感解读设计内涵

    Stimulate Inspiration of Creation and Interpret Connotation of Design

  10. 音乐是人类的朋友,音乐是与创作灵感分不开的。

    Music is mankind 's friends , music is inseparable from creative inspiration .

  11. 但是,软件开发也被看作是一种手艺活儿、需要创作灵感的工作。

    But software development is also seen as a craft or creative effort .

  12. 他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。

    Eg. his best music was inspired by the memory of his mother .

  13. 草书是创作灵感的最佳载体。

    Cursive is the inspiration for the best carrier .

  14. 多数队的创作灵感来源于日常生活。

    Most teams are inspired by what they have seen in daily life .

  15. 论文学创作灵感的触发和捕捉

    On the Triggering and Catching of Inspiration Literary Creation

  16. 他们是那么令人赞叹的音乐家,我从她们的音乐中得到启发和创作灵感。

    They are awesome musicians and I am very inspired by their musicianship .

  17. 问题:存储空间小,缺乏创作灵感。

    Problem : Small storage spaces lack creative inspiration .

  18. 最近给你最大创作灵感的人、事、物分别是?

    Whom and what inspire you the most recently ?

  19. 国际友人柳子明的生平与意识世界心灵的超越&论华兹华斯的创作灵感

    Creating a Spiritual World & A brief Account on Wordsworth 's Inspiration of Poetry

  20. 她突然爆发出创作灵感。

    She was suddenly fired with creative inspiration .

  21. 现实生活的那种活力是我的创作灵感来源。

    The vibrancy of real life is the source of inspiration for my creativity .

  22. 此系列是以无家可归的流浪者为创作灵感来源的秋款都市休闲时装。

    My design is an autumn range casual wear inspired by the homeless hobo .

  23. 成为他的新的创作灵感。

    Be a new creative inspiration for him .

  24. 诗人的创作灵感与对生命的体验、人生的经验都凝聚于意象中。

    Poet 's creation inspiration and experience to the life are both condensed in image .

  25. 本作品的创作灵感来自于敦煌画中的“飞天”形象。

    In this painting , the artist gets her inspiration form the frescoes in Dunhuang .

  26. 鲍威称,这首歌的创作灵感来源于柏林墙边相逢的一对恋人。

    Bowie said the song was inspired by a pair of lovers by the Berlin Wall .

  27. 动物的叫声多种多样,一些旋律优美的叫声甚至能激发作曲家的创作灵感。

    There are a huge variety of calls and the more melodic ones have even inspired composers .

  28. 这儿有素材,能够唤起艺术家们的创作灵感,促使他们成为一名敏锐的观察者。

    Here is the source where the artist finds its inspiration and has proofed himself a keen observer .

  29. 我的创作灵感来源于生活。花卉与我有着难以割舍的情感。

    My inspiration comes from life . Flower and I have emotions that are difficult to let go .

  30. 耶斯帕森是第一位对名词化做出相对系统研究的学者,他的思想激发了韩礼德及乔姆斯基的创作灵感,他们也对名词化的研究做出了相应的贡献。

    His ideas and thoughts inspired Halliday and Chomsky and they have made great contribution to nominalization study .