
  • 网络creative thinking
  1. 创造思维能力是人类特有的禀赋,是社会进步的原动力。

    Creative Thinking is a human-specific endowments , the driving force of social progress .

  2. 开展实践,培养创造思维方法。

    Put it into practice and foster ways of creative thinking .

  3. 成熟的商品化CAD系统不能支持设计师在产品开发早期的协同性创造思维。

    The commercial CAD system can 't support collaborative creation thinking of designer in the early days of product development .

  4. 培养学生独立生存能力和创造思维

    Education and the Pupils Ability to Independent Survive and Creative Thought

  5. 引导发现法教学和创造思维的培养

    Discussion of Teaching Methods of the Guide-Discovery and Fostering Creative Thinking

  6. 浅谈物理教学中对学生创造思维的培养

    Developing and Improving Students ' Creative Thinking in Physics Teaching

  7. 创造思维是在辩证思维的基础上发挥人的主观能动性,深求未知领域的规律,获得创新成果的思维形态。

    Creating thought refers to the thinking modality to get innovating production .

  8. 前者以突发的、非线性的、跳跃性的思维为主导,旨在发散搜寻发挥创造思维的灵活性与独创性;

    The former is dominated by sudden , nonlinear and skip thinking ;

  9. 中学物理教学与创造思维能力培养

    Physics Teaching in Middle School and Developing the Ability of Creative Thinking

  10. 双向质疑在历史教学中培养学生创造思维能力

    Two-way questioning to train the students ' creative thinking in history teaching

  11. 论音乐创造思维中的哲学意识及其思想属性

    On the Philosophical Consciousness and Ideological Attributes in the Music Creative Thinking

  12. 谈谈开发与培养创造思维问题

    Discussion on the Problem of Developing and Training Creative Thinking

  13. 现代教育技术与创造思维能力培养

    Modern Educational Technique and the Cultivation of Creative Ideation

  14. 创造思维是建立在良好的认知能力与分析概括能力的基础上的。

    Creative thinking is based on are 's cognitive ability and analytic ability .

  15. 这种教育模式压制了学生学习的主动性,阻碍了学生创造思维能力的发展。

    This prevents students from developing their creative abilities .

  16. 所以,那就是我们为什么需要考虑创造思维。

    That 's why we need to think creatively .

  17. 物理知识的再认识与物理创造思维的培养

    Physics Knowledge to Create Awareness and Physical Training Thinking

  18. 引导发现法是培养学生创造思维的一种教学方法。

    The guide-discovery is a teaching method for fostering students ' creative thinking .

  19. 问题性:问题是创新性学习的起点和主线,也是创新性学习的归宿,没有强烈的问题意识,就不可能激发学生的求异思维和创造思维,更无从发现,无从探究,无从研究。

    Question : question is jumping-off , main clue and end-result of innovative learning .

  20. 培养学生的这种创造思维能力在新的形势下显得尤为重要。

    Students of the creative thinking ability is very important in the new situation .

  21. 在教学中培养学生的创造思维

    To Develop Students ' Creative Thinking in Teaching

  22. 建筑仿生现象中的创造思维研究

    Study on Creative Thinking in Architectural Bionic Phenomenon

  23. 相似和相似剩余范畴的作用还可以迁移到创造思维中。

    The functions of similar and similarity surplus can also be transferred to creative thinking .

  24. 《高等代数》教学中学生创造思维能力的培养

    Cultivation of Creativity in Higher Algebra Teaching

  25. 因为我们希望大家能在轻松的环境中保持活跃的创造思维。

    We want everyone to feel at ease , to let those creative juices flow .

  26. 影响创造思维的因素;

    The factors of affecting creative thinking ;

  27. 立足课堂教学培养创造思维

    Training creative thinking based upon classroom teaching

  28. 本文论述了数学创造思维的概念、数学创造思维的基本特征。

    This paper starts with the concept and basic characteristics of creative thinking in mathematics .

  29. 教学方法呆板,限制了学生的创造思维;

    The teaching methods are so stiff as to restrict the students ' creative thinking ;

  30. 这些具有创造思维的独立出版商们已与布宜诺斯艾利斯DRAFTFCB广告公司合作,继续推广这一创意产品。

    The innovative independent publishers teamed up with DRAFTFCB Buenos Aires to develop this initiative .