
chuànɡ shì jì
  • Genesis
  1. 《圣经》开篇是《创世记》。

    The Bible begins with the genesis .

  2. 多元而统一:《圣经·创世记》的游历叙事

    Diversity and Unity : the Narratives of Travel in Genesis

  3. 创世记第一章1节:起初神创造天地。

    At the first God made the heaven and the earth .

  4. 其事迹记载于〈创世记〉。

    His story is told in the Book of Genesis .

  5. 创世记讲述神的创造大能;

    Genesis tells of God 's power in creation .

  6. 在创世记,他是女人的后裔。

    He is offspring of woman in gensis .

  7. 《圣经·创世记》:权威话语的建构

    Bible-Genesis : the Establishment of Authoritative Discourse

  8. 《创世记》一1:“起初神创造天地。”

    In Genesis 1-1 : " In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth . "

  9. 创世记的传说以口头和图腾的形式一代代传下来。

    Legends of the'Dreamtime'are handed down by word of mouth and by totem from generation to generation .

  10. 第三章是对《创世记》的音乐风格入手,从作品中对巴洛克、古典主义以及浪漫主义音乐风格的综合进行多个角度比较分析。

    The third chapter makes a comparative analysis on the integration of three musical styles in the oratorio .

  11. 我想《旧约圣经·创世记》中的创造天地的故事颇有重写的必要。

    I rather think that the Genesis story of the Creation needs to be rewritten all over again .

  12. 本来在创世记1:1是有生命的,但是在上帝的审判之下,到了1:2就没有生命,也没有光了。

    There was life in1:1 but under God 's judgment , there was no life in1:2 and no light .

  13. 这和《创世记》里上帝不要人类永生的原来说法是互相矛盾的。

    This represents a contradiction of the original Genesis story that God did not want man to live forever .

  14. 大多数创世记源自巨犬或巨蛇,而且每个创世记在它的解释中都是独一无二的。

    Most'Dreamtime'originates with the Giant Dog or the Giant Snake , and each is unique and colourful in its explanation .

  15. 我希望这不是太亵,但似乎几乎肯定创世记作者来自塞舌尔。

    I hope this is not too blasphemous , but it seems almost certain the writers of Genesis came from the seychelles .

  16. 《创世记》,传统认为是偏向人类中心主义文本,但是它还是蕴含着大量的生态思想的光辉。

    In the " Genesis ", we can find the aspect of anthropocentrism , but it still contains a lot of ecological thinking .

  17. 像其它文化一样-创世记同样认为是上帝和女神创造了的世间万物-他们中一些人很善良-其他人却很残忍。

    As with all other cultures-it speaks of Earth 's Creation by Gods and Goddesses-some of whom were kind hearted-while others were cruel .

  18. 简而言之,你发现出现在创世记纪录中的这些元素,上帝清楚地掌管着它们。

    In short , you find all the elements which appear in the creation account , and which God is clearly sovereign over .

  19. 玛士撒拉是伊诺克之子,在〈创世记〉中他是亚当与夏娃在该隐之后所生的赛特的后裔。

    The son of Enoch , he is mentioned in Genesis as a descendant of Seth , the son of AdamEve begotten after Cain .

  20. 创世记记载的第一个旅程,并不是我们的属灵祖先回应神呼召时走的崎岖路程。

    The first journey recorded in Genesis is not a pilgrimage by our spiritual ancestors across rugged terrain in response to God 's calling .

  21. 在关键时刻,撒但用谎言使他们怀疑上帝的良善、话语和用意(创世记3章1-6节)。

    In that defining moment , he lied to them about God 's goodness , God 's Word , and God 's intentions ( Gen.3:1-6 ) .

  22. 这个假设的经验与一个人开始坐下来阅读创世记并没有太大的差别。

    That admittedly hypothetical experience is not that far removed from what happens when a person sits down to start reading through the book of Genesis .

  23. 如此,创世记当然是一个真的记载,它不是某种的神话,想象或幻想和虚构的小说。

    As such , Genesis is certainly a true accounting ; it is not some sort of myth , or flight of fancy , or fiction .

  24. 我们相信所有的生物,连人在内都是上帝在六天中创造,正如创世记所载。一天是指24小时。

    We believe that all basic types of living things , including man , were made by direct act of God during the creation week described in Genesis .

  25. 它提供我们真正的观点和有帮助的架构,来理解创世记中其他的段落,事实上包括圣经其他的部分。

    It provides us with a true perspective and a helpful framework for understanding the rest of the Genesis account , and indeed the rest of the Bible .

  26. 《创世记·伊甸园》是《圣经》的一个重要组成部分。它既有重要的宗教价值,也有重要的文化、文学意义。

    Genesis · the Garden of Eden is an important part of the Bible , which has not only important religious value but the significance of culture and literature .

  27. 第一章从介绍《创世记》的创作背景,包括海顿的晚年、《创世记》的诞生(动因与创作过程)入手阐述。

    The first chapter introduces the creation background of The Creation , including a brief biography of Haydn 's late years and the process of his completion of The Creation .

  28. 居维叶一只眼睛望着《创世记》,另一只眼睛望着自然界,为了取媚于迷信的反动势力,于是用化石证实经文,用猛犸颂扬摩西。

    Cuvier , with one eye on Genesis and the other on nature , tried to please bigoted reaction by reconciling fossils with texts and by making mastodons flatter Moses .

  29. 嗯,当然,这样的对比并不准确。创世记的开场白包含一些作为序言的特征,或有相同的目的。

    Well , while the parallels are not exact , the Genesis prologue bears some of the same characteristics as a preface , and serves some of the same purposes .

  30. 好,如同我刚才说的,理解这个段落的一个方法是把它当作创世记的序言或开场白。

    Now , as I 've just said , one way of understanding this section is to see it as a kind of preface or prologue to the rest of Genesis .