
lián guàn xìng
  • coherence;consistent;continuity;conference;sequence
连贯性 [lián guàn xìng]
  • [conerence;consistent] 连续的情况或状态;部分与部分之间的连续性

连贯性[lián guàn xìng]
  1. 整本选集有着惊人的连贯性。

    The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence .

  2. 在规划时由Schema方法规划所要生成文本的框架,负责全局的组织;由RST方法控制局部连贯性。

    Schema determines the global organization of the text , while RST controls the local coherence of the discourse .

  3. 我们对客户要确保服务的连贯性。

    We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers .

  4. 历史意识也显示了一种连贯性。

    A historical awareness also imparts a sense of continuity .

  5. 这部小说的各部分之间缺乏连贯性。

    The various elements of the novel fail to cohere

  6. 外交政策总是缺乏连贯性。

    There 's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy .

  7. 他书中的各部分之间没有连贯性。

    There is no continuity between the parts of his book .

  8. 它是一个渐进演化的历史进程,既有系统完整的历史发展连贯性,又有明显特征的历史发展阶段性。

    It is a historic process of gradual development which is both continuative and multistage .

  9. 这本书的三个部分之间没有连贯性。

    There is no continuity between the three parts of the book .

  10. 第二章阐述了WTO常设上诉程序的宗旨为可预见性和一致连贯性。

    The second chapter discusses the purpose of WTO Standing Appellate Procedure & predictability and consistency .

  11. Eclipse插件GUI能够保持连贯性是件很好的事情。

    Consistency among Eclipse plug-in GUIs is a good thing .

  12. 故速度控制最后方案是模糊PID控制,有效地提高了小车在实际行进中的速度连贯性,小车的比赛时间明显缩短。

    Therefore , the final scheme of Speed control is fuzzy PID , has effectively improved the car in the actual speed , the time of competition was shortened .

  13. 表明Flt-1的表达具有时序连贯性。

    It is suggested that expression of Flt-1 was in persisting consistency .

  14. 在此基础上,本文以体验经济的相关理论为指导,提出了两个连贯性的节事类旅游产品的设计模式&RMP模式和TAI模式。

    On this basis , with the tool of experience economy theory , we proposed two consistent event tourism product design modes : RMP and TAI .

  15. 传统的流程构建往往只关注上下游服务在功能和语义上的连贯性,而忽略了服务之间QoS的匹配性。

    The traditional construction of process is often concerned about the upstream and downstream services in the functional and semantic coherence . They neglect of the match between qualities of services .

  16. 除了具有已有压缩机CAD软件的基本功能之外,该软件还具有如下特点:面向普通设计人员,既保持了系统中各个模块功能的连贯性,同时又保持了其相对独立性;

    Besides the conventional functions of the existed CAD system , the general features of our software are as follows : oriented for common designers , keeping relative independence as well as coherence among each functioning module ;

  17. 通过计算,我们认为绝大多数的生物之所以选择ATG作为起始密码子,可能是因为有利于蝙蝠波的连贯性。

    Calculation results suggested that most organisms select ATG as the start codon probably for the sake of Bat wave consistency .

  18. 利用变量对应点之间的Manhattan距离调控几何纹理的形成过程和纹理合成过程,可较好地对局部颜色纹理合成和几何纹理形成的连贯性变化进行调控。

    The forming procedure of geometrical texture and synthesizing procedure of local color texture are manipulated by the Manhattan distance between two points , which is fairly good at achieving coherent change .

  19. 通过建模,分析了VMI库存管理系统的动态特性,研究了系统的协作问题求解能力、协调性、连贯性等系统的整体性质。

    From the procedure of modeling and simulating , analyze the dynamic character of the VMI system and research the properties such as capabilities of cooperation , coordination and consistency .

  20. 与原MT算法比较,新的组合发生器性能是优越的,它保持了原MT算法良好的无连贯性,与此同时,还大大改善了均匀性和独立性。

    Compared results obtained from various statistic tests with MT , the new combined generator is of more superior statistical characteristics . It keeps good non-continuity of MT , at the same time good uniformity and independence will be achieved .

  21. 我之所以斗胆说这些话,在一定程度上是受到艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)在回忆录中表现出的怀疑态度的鼓舞。这位美联储前主席仅仅承认,预测是一种检验连贯性的有用方法。

    I have been emboldened to make these remarks partly by the scepticism shown in his memoirs by Alan Greenspan , the former US Federal Reserve chairman , who admitted only that forecasts performed a useful consistency check .

  22. 在Fillmore的框架理论的基础之上,探讨构建认知框架这一深层/隐性衔接手段如何作用于语篇连贯性的生成与建立。

    Based on Fillmore 's frame theory , this paper discusses how this deep / implicit cohesive tie of cognition frame effects on formation and construction of discourse coherence .

  23. 美国贸易代表发言人肖恩斯派塞(seanspicer)表示:“我们对自己的贸易补偿法完全有信心,也将大力维护世贸组织这些法规的连贯性。”

    Sean Spicer , a spokesman for the US trade representative , said : " we are fully confident in our trade remedy laws and will vigorously defend the WTO consistency of these laws . "

  24. 基于时空连贯性和几何简化技术的复杂场景快速消隐绘制算法

    A Quick Rendering Algorithm Based on Space Coherence and Geometry Simplification

  25. 在发生变化时它必须保持它的连贯性。

    It maintains continuity in the face of all these changes .

  26. 计算机语言课程内容的连贯性探讨

    Discussion on the Continuity of Content in Computer Language Course

  27. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。

    Continuous assessment is made of all students ' work .

  28. 要检查段落的连贯性。

    As you go from paragraph to paragraph , check for cohesion .

  29. 去做出电影里的连贯性。

    For the sequences that are going to be in the film .

  30. 这就给那些集团赋予了本来所缺乏的连贯性。

    This endows the networks with a coherence that they otherwise lack .