
  • 网络Lianjiang;lianjiang county;Lienchiang County
  1. 福建省连江县养殖对虾病毒性疾病的调查研究

    An investigation on a destructive disease in cultured penaeid in Lianjiang county of Fujian

  2. 连江县冬季坡地低温考察和坡地逆温特征初步分析

    Investigation of Low Temperature of Slopping Fields in Winter and Tentative Analysis of Inverse Temperature Characters of Slopping Fields of Lianjiang County

  3. 连江县有线电视HFC双向网络改造方案

    HFC Double Network Reformation Design of CATV in Lianjiang Country

  4. 凤县花椒寒害的调查研究2004/2005年冬季连江县低温考察和橄榄树冻害指标初探

    Investigation of Low Air Temperature and Preliminary Study of Indexes of Olive Freeze Harm in the Winter of 2004 / 2005in Lianjiang County

  5. 开发海洋是迈向新世纪的战略选择&连江县开发海洋渔业的实践与探索

    Developing Ocean is Strategic Selection to Stride Forward Towards A New Century & Practice and Study on Development of Marine Fisheries in Lianjiang County

  6. 针对连江县水产业现状,政府应尽快建立自主品牌和知识产权战略等方面的协调机制,建立统一的政策规划和实施的机制。

    In the case of LianJiang aquaculture , the government should establish a brand and intellectual property coordinating mechanism , as well as a unified policy and implementation mechanisms .

  7. 同时,通过蔡宅的建筑形式与特点来说明连江县清末民初时期民居的建筑特点。

    Moreover , through analyzing construction form and characteristics of Cai residence , this article explained the building characteristics of local dwellings in the period between the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China .