
  • 网络Xiangshan county
  1. 象山县海钓业的现状和发展趋势

    Status and Trend of Marine Sport Fishing in XiangShan County

  2. 象山县一起甲型肝炎流行调查

    Survey of a prevalence of hepatitis A in Xiangshan County

  3. 浙江省象山县城市排水规划研究

    Study on the Planning of Water Drainage in Xiangshan County of Zhejiang Province

  4. 象山县科学发展海洋文化产业的实践与思考

    Reflections on the Scientific Development of the Ocean Culture Industry in Xiangshan County

  5. 浙江省象山县企业退休人员血脂异常调查分析

    An investigation on dyslipidemia of retired employees in Xiangshan County , Zhejiang Province

  6. 广州文化公园园中院浙江象山县生态文化园规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Ecological Cultural Park in Xiangshan County of Zhejiang Province

  7. 城市干道沿线地区的城市设计实践&以宁波象山县象山港路沿线地区城市设计为例

    Urban Design in the Area along Urban Artery

  8. 截至目前,台风带来的雨水已淹没了象山县约8000公顷的农田。

    So far , the typhoon-triggered rain has flooded around 8000 hectares of cropland in Xiangshan .

  9. 祖先祭祀中的亲族原理和佛教元素&以宁波市象山县为例

    Kinship Principle and Buddhist Elements in Ancestor Worship & Case Analysis of Xiangshan County of Ningbo City

  10. 该台风昨晚在港口城市宁波市象山县沿海地区登陆。

    The typhoon landed in coastal areas of Xiangshan County of the port city of Ningbo last night .

  11. 乌紫杨梅是从浙江省象山县的自然实生资源中选出的一个优质、大果、早熟杨梅新品系。

    Wuzi bayberry is a new bayberry line with large fruit size and high quality , which was selected from the natural bayberry seedlings .

  12. 小规模渐进式改造在小城镇旧城更新中的应用&以宁波象山县旧城区控制性详细规划为例

    The Application of Small-scale and Step-by-step Method in Old Town Reconstruction & With the Re-construction of the Old District of Xiangshan as an Example

  13. 宁波象山县对外贸易有限公司是经国家批准,享有自营进出口经营权的专业公司。

    Approved by the State , Ningbo Xiangshan Foreign Trade Co. , Ltd. is a comprehensive foreign trade company with the right of import and export .

  14. 在象山县高塘岛乡,我们连续16年对273名沪191株麻疹减毒活疫苗初免成功者进行了抗体持久性观察。

    This article reports the study of the duration of immunity induced by Shanghai 191 measles live vaccine in Gao Tang Island of Xiangshan County . 273 children immunized in 1973 were observed over 16 consecutive years .

  15. 介绍象山县环境空气自动监测站自2005年11月建立以来的运行情况,以及在制定管理制度和质量控制措施方面积累的一些经验。

    Xiangshan county environmental air automatic monitoring station was established in the November , 2005 . Experiences accumulated in the management system and the quality control measure in the operation of the air automatic monitoring station were introduced .

  16. 通过研究发现,该校学生的班级归属感有以下特征表现:第一,与象山县初中生的班级归属感总体水平相比,该校学生的归属感水平比较低,处于中下等级,需要进行教育干预。

    Through researching , we found that the characteristics of sense of classroom belonging in junior middle school include : Firstly , looking from the overall , the level of the school students ' sense of classroom belonging is lower . We should offer some education intervention .

  17. 象山新东谷湖大酒店拟建设于象山县东谷湖景区内,总投资预计为22600万元,建设单位为象山新东谷湖大酒店有限公司。

    Xiangshan New Dong Gu Hu Hotel is to be built in Dong Gu Hu area of Xiangshan County , with a total investment estimated as 226 million yuan . The construction unit of this project is Xiangshan New Dong Gu Hu Hotel Limited Company .