
xiàng yá
  • ivory;tusk;elephant's tusk;ebur
象牙 [xiàng yá]
  • [ivory] 构成象的獠牙的坚硬、乳白色、不透明、结构紧密、有弹性的牙质

象牙[xiàng yá]
  1. 他给他演示如何吹奏象牙吹口乐器。

    He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece .

  2. 象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。

    The Ivory Coast became the world 's leading cocoa producer .

  3. 叛乱分子已经开放了从蒙罗维亚到象牙海岸的道路。

    The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast

  4. 象牙磨损的速度快于生长的速度。

    Elephants wear the tusk down faster than they can grow it .

  5. 象牙行业的从业牙雕师约有一千名。

    The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers .

  6. 每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。

    Each piece is unique , an exquisite painting of a real person , done on ivory

  7. 这是个很容易激起公愤的话题。你怎么能够鼓吹贩卖象牙?

    It 's a very emotional issue . How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants ?

  8. 这几件象牙雕刻做得真细!

    What exquisite [ delicate ] ivory carvings these are !

  9. 这木板上面镶饰了一层金和象牙。

    The panel had a veneer of gold and ivory .

  10. 它是用象牙雕成的。

    It is carved from ivory .

  11. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  12. 在肯尼亚,马尔奇人的传统是用象牙、木头或石头在耳朵上穿孔,使耳垂变长。

    In Kenya , it is a tradition among the Marci men and women to pierce and then make their ear lobeslonger using ivory and wood or stones .

  13. 我祖母有一些象牙首饰。

    My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory .

  14. 出土的重要文物包括金面具、铜面具、铜器、100多个象牙、纺织物以及玉器等其他工艺品。

    Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks , bronze ware among other artifacts .

  15. 小小的象牙壳里,盛�

    In a tiny ivory cell

  16. 不是因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱世界这样的话,是知道外面的黑,脏,丑陋之后,还要说出这样的话。

    Say it when you learn the Darkness , the Filthiness and the ugliness of its outside .

  17. 这项对数十年以来动物普查数据和栖息地调查的最新研究表明,对象牙的需求仍然是大象数量下降的驱动因素。

    And this latest examination of decades of census3 data and habitat surveys has shown the demand for ivory still drives the decline in their numbers .

  18. 其他出土的重要文物包括,小鸟形状的黄金饰品、象牙、骨雕、丝绸以及玉琮等。这次的发现进一步证明,这些坑洞是为祭祀所用,因为出土的很多文物在埋之前已经被打碎并烧毁。

    Other important items include decorative , silk and cong. The recent discoveries further confirm the theory that the pits were used for sacrificial purposes as many of the items found had been smashed and burned before being buried .

  19. 结果:①象牙质样瘤骨X线、CT、MRI均可显示;

    Results : ( 1 ) ivory-like tumor bone was demonstrated in all X-ray , CT and MRI films ;

  20. 常见的简历都是一两页,主题位于左边,用白色或象牙色的纸张,TimesNewRoman字体书写。

    The typical one to two pages stapled in the upper left hand corner , on white or ivory paper , in Times New Roman .

  21. 据国际爱护动物基金会(InternationalFundforAnimalWelfare)表示,走私贩很容易就可通过这个市场将非法象牙洗白。

    According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare , a wildlife group , smugglers can easily launder illegal ivory through that market .

  22. 那为何不在这一年去伊朗(Iran)、象牙海岸(IvoryCoast)和冰岛(Iceland)呢?

    Then why not spend the year in Iran , Ivory Coast and Iceland ?

  23. 1989年,按照《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(ConventiononInternationalTradeinEndangeredSpecies)的规定,象牙贸易受到禁止,但该公约颁布前就在商业领域流通的象牙制品依然可以销售。

    Trade in ivory was banned in 1989 under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species , but products that were commercially available before then can still be sold .

  24. 所以PDMS/SiO2杂化材料已基本达到保护古象牙的目的。

    And PDMS / SiO_2 hybrids worked best in strengthening the anti-aging capacity of ancient ivory .

  25. 《People》杂志的最新一期采访中披露,当Gaga有机会洗漱时,她总是用象牙皂把自己的脸洗得纯净无暇。

    According to a new interview with People , Gaga has always cleansed with Ivory soap & when she gets the chance to cleanse , that is .

  26. 不能接触现实状况,这也是EA团队被视作“象牙塔”架构的一个主要原因。

    This is one of the main reasons the EA teams are seen as " white tower " architects that have lost touch with reality .

  27. 象牙质样瘤骨与骨针在MRI上呈略低至极低信号,而棉絮状瘤骨信号表现复杂,可呈低信号、高信号或高低混杂信号。

    Relatively low signals were found in the MRI of ivory-like tumor bone and needle-like tumor bone , but the MRI signals of cotton-like tumor bone were very complex , which could be low , high or mixed .

  28. 大约10年前,在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)这座象牙塔里,一位经济学家决定再版过去二十年写作的文集。

    In the tower at Princeton , about 10 years ago , one economist decided to republish the collected articles that he had written over the past couple of decades .

  29. 因此,JSF2在许多方面都结合了象牙塔和真实世界的长处。

    So in many respects , JSF2 combines the best aspects of ivory tower and real world .

  30. 我国于1981年加入该公约,1991年开始执行CITES关于象牙及其制品的国际禁贸令,此后,我国从未进口任何合法象牙原料。

    China joined into CITES in 1981 and completely prohibited the international trade of ivory and its products in 1991 , after that , legal ivory material had never been imported into China .