
  • 网络the Ancient Roman Civilization
  1. 在古罗马文明史上,元老院作为重要的权力机构发挥着不可替代的作用。

    As the important authority of Rome , the senate played an indispensable role in Roman history .

  2. 完善于古罗马文明,表现为自然法观念的世俗化以及权利观念的出现与成熟;

    Its improvement thanks to ancient roman civilization marked by the secularized idea of natural law and the appearance and maturation of power idea ;

  3. 古罗马文明也是古代世界最伟大的文明,在罗马帝国之后,欧洲从来没有像在罗马帝国时代那样广泛而密切地统一过,也没有哪一个国家能再把地中海当作内海。

    Ancient Rome civilization was also the greatest in ancient world . After the Roman Empire demised , Europe had never been wide-ranging and close unified like the time of the Roman Empire , nor did any country took the Mediterranean as their inland sea .

  4. 上面我们是站在古希腊罗马文明的摇篮旁边。

    In earlier chapters we were standing at the cradle of ancient Greek and Roman civilization .

  5. 作为西方文化的一部分,英美文化不可避免地深受古希腊罗马文明的影响。

    British and American culture , as a part of Western culture , is inevitably influenced by it .

  6. 他是一个私立贵族男校的老师,教古希腊罗马文明史。

    He is a teacher taught ancient Greek and Roma history in a private aristocracy school only for boys .

  7. 发源于古希腊罗马文明的西方文化与发源于黄河流域的东方文化是当今世界两大主流文化,两种文化瑰丽无比而又各具特色。

    Western culture which originated from ancient Greek and Rome , and Chinese Culture which originated from Yellow River field are the two chief cultures in the world .

  8. 传统中国的文化在某种意义上,可以称为孝的文化,传统中国社会是建基于孝道之上的社会,因而,孝道乃是中华文明区别于古希腊、罗马文明和印度文明的重要文化现象之一。

    Traditional Chinese culture is called filial culture in a sense , traditional Chinese society builds on the filial duty , so that the filial duty is of great culture phenomena to differentiate from ancient Greek 、 Roman and ancient Indian culture .

  9. 古希腊(或古罗马)文明的古埃及和古希腊的治疗术士

    the healers of ancient Egypt and classical Greece .

  10. 继古希腊之后,古罗马创造了西方文明史上最为辉煌和灿烂的文化,这个时期产生了大量伟大的哲学家、政治学家和伦理学家,他们较早对道德责任进行了研究。

    After the ancient Greek , Ancient Rome created the most glorious in the history of Western civilization and splendid culture . There were a large number of great philosopher , political scientists and ethicists in this period . They studied moral responsibility earlier .