
  • 网络Guggenheim;Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum;Guggenheim Museum Bilbao;the Guggenheim Museum
  1. Oh,是个网站,它是古根海姆博物馆.她喜欢艺术,我喜欢幽默.

    CHANDLER : Oh , it 's a website , it 's the , uh , the Guggenheim museum . See , she likes art , and I like funny words .

  2. 他们说,自己的目标是把龙美术馆变成一个能与纽约的现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)和古根海姆博物馆(GuggenheimMuseum)相媲美的世界级博物馆。

    They said their goal was to transform the Long Museum into a world-class destination that could compete with the likes of the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York .

  3. AppreciatingArmani魅力无限亚曼尼流行时尚的拥护者们如果有幸能在今年三月至八月前往西班牙,一定不想错过在北方城市毕尔巴鄂、古根海姆博物馆举办的展览。

    Fashion followers fortunate enough to be in Spain between March and August this year will surely not want to pass up an exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in the northern city of Bilbao .

  4. 你必须在参观古根海姆博物馆和再看一集他们已看了上百遍的《辛普森一家》(Simpsons)中间进行选择,不要因为他们选择后者就太过失望。

    Forced to choose between a trip to the Guggenheim and a repeat of a Simpsons episode they 've seen a hundred times , try not to weep too hard as they plump for the latter .

  5. 米西卡认为,新大楼这样的项目将具有灯塔作用,给整个街区带来亮点,正如弗兰克·盖里(FrankGehry)设计的古根海姆博物馆给西班牙毕尔巴鄂带来活力。

    Mr. Missika argues that a project like the new tower would act as a kind of lighthouse , giving distinction to the entire neighborhood , as Frank Gehry 's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao , Spain , prompted a rejuvenation of that city .

  6. 当然,阿玛尼已经证明,所有人都错了:在古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim)近日举办的阿玛尼回顾展中,他的晚礼服占了很大一部分,而他的配饰业务在2003年到2005年间增长了200%。

    Armani has , of course , proved everyone wrong regarding all the above , with his evening wear composing a large chunk of the Guggenheim 's recent Armani retrospective and his accessories growing 200 per cent from 2003 to 2005 .

  7. 古根海姆博物馆有很大的不同赖特的其他设计。

    The Guggenheim museum was very different from Wright 's other designs .

  8. 拉斯维加斯古根海姆博物馆和古根海姆贺米塔兹博物馆,拉斯维加斯,美国

    Guggenheim Las Vegas and Hermitage guggenheim , Las vegas , usa , 2001

  9. 法兰克·盖里在阿布扎比设计的古根海姆博物馆。

    This is Frank O.Gehry proposal for the Guggenheim Museum in Abu Dhabi .

  10. 但古根海姆博物馆是圆的。

    But the Guggenheim Museum is round .

  11. 运用混凝土本性成功案例是赖特的古根海姆博物馆和约翰逊制蜡公司。

    Use of concrete nature of successful case is Wright Guggenheim Museum and the Johnson Wax company system .

  12. 迪拜将要建设的古根海姆博物馆将是一个比纽约已有的古根海姆博物馆更加精细和更富有试验主义特徵的建筑。

    Abu Dhabi 's Guggenheim would be an even more elaborate and experimental construction than the Guggenheim in New York City .

  13. 对于绘画爱好者,在纽约最好的去处是现代艺术博物馆或古根海姆博物馆。

    For lovers of painting , the best plan is to go to the Museum of Modern Art or the Guggenheim Museum .

  14. 古根海姆博物馆的外部非常朴实无华,只是将博物馆的名字装饰了一下。

    Architectural Design in New York Guggenheim Museum Guggenheim Museum interior is very plain , just the name of the museum decorated for a moment .

  15. 通过这段录像,以及他在古根海姆博物馆的个展,波依斯阐述了他对艺术体系、艺术实践的看法以及他是如何理解艺术实践与个体及大众的关系的问题。

    In this dialogue held in conjunction with Beuys'solo exhibition in the Guggeheim Museum , Beuys presents his view on art system , art practice and its relationship with individuals and the public .

  16. 埃塔军事组织头目伊本在西班牙国王参观毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆期间,企图对国王发动袭击,并在之后的十多年来一直在逃。

    Ibon Gogeascotxea , who 's described as the military head of Eta , had been on the run for over a decade following an attempt to attack the Guggenheim Museum in Bibao while the Spanish king was visiting .

  17. 幸运的是,大多数赛事安排在令人放松的环境中,比如西班牙的毕尔巴鄂——红牛悬崖跳水世界系列赛将在那里举行,选手们将从拉撒尔夫桥上下落80英尺,跳入内尔维翁河,古根海姆博物馆充当这一赛事的背景。

    Luckily , most are set in relaxing environments like Bilbao , Spain , where the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series will have divers dropping from the La Salve Bridge to fall 80 feet against the backdrop of the Guggenheim Museum and into the Nervi ó n River .