
ɡuó jiā suǒ yǒu
  • state-owned
  1. 国家所有的财务转变为私人所有称作私有化。

    The conversion of state-owned property to privately owned property is called privation .

  2. 黎瑞刚表示,尽管中国的媒体确实主要为国家所有,但该基金正试图找到一种新的机制,既可以为现有的媒体监管框架所接受,同时也能促进与金融业的互动。

    Mr Li said that while it was true that media in China were primarily state-owned , CMC was " trying to find a new mechanism , which is acceptable to the existing media regulatory framework but , at the same time , encourages more interaction with financial sector " .

  3. 一切沉船中的物品均属国家所有。

    The contents of shipwrecks belong to the state .

  4. 我宁愿把这些钱付给个人,也不愿它们因未作任何处置而自动地归国家所有。

    I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default .

  5. 生产资料应当属国家所有。

    The means of production should be owned by the state .

  6. 学校及其他教育机构中的国有资产属于国家所有。

    The State assets in a school or any other institution of education shall be owned by the State .

  7. 农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有;宅基地和自留地、自留山,属于农民集体所有。

    Land in the rural areas and suburban areas , except otherwise provided for by the State , shall be collectively owned by peasants including land for building houses , land and hills allowed to be retained by peasants .

  8. 前款所称依法申请使用的国有土地包括国家所有的土地和国家征用的原属于农民集体所有的土地。

    The term " apply for the use of land owned by the State according to law " used in the preceding paragraph refers to land owned by the State and also land originally owned by peasant collectives but having been requistitioned by the State .

  9. 第三条煤炭资源属于国家所有。

    Article 3 The coal resources are owned by the State .

  10. 生产资料一度归国家所有。

    The means of production were once owned by the state .

  11. 金融性国有资产是国家所有的金融形态的资产,即国家以债权或股权的形式投入到银行和金融机构的资产以及用其获取收益部分继续投入生产或营运的资产。

    The state financial asset is an important part of state assets .

  12. 把私营的东西变成国家所有或由国家控制。

    Changing something from private to state ownership or control .

  13. 这个国家所有的肮脏行径,并且

    All the nation 's dirty laundry , and more .

  14. 也许你不信,在我的国家所有的重要人物都看起来像耶胡。

    but in my country all the important people look like Yahoos .

  15. 你们国家所有的人都度假吗?

    Do all the people in your country take vacations ?

  16. 我国水资源为国家所有,在水权权系构成中,水资源所有权是第一位的权利。

    In China , the country owns water resources .

  17. 根据绝对权利,全部土地都归国家所有。

    All land belongs of right to the state .

  18. 马克思恩格斯的国家所有制理论与现实

    Marx and Engels ' State Ownership Theory and Practice

  19. 我国的经济体制决定了土地的所有权归国家所有。

    The economic system of China determines the land belongs to the country .

  20. 这是国家所有!车子不得通行!

    This is state property ! No vehicles allowed !

  21. 当代俄罗斯国家所有制:法律形成与特点评析

    The State Ownership in Contemporary Russia : Its Law Formation and Trait Analysis

  22. 香港特别行政区的土地,全属国家所有,特区政府负责土地的批出及管理。

    All land within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is state property .

  23. 当一个国家所有的武器都是买来的,其他国家都会知道你有些什么。

    When a country buys all its weapons every country knows what they have .

  24. 他死后若无继承人,其财产则归国家所有。

    If he dies without an heir , his property reverts to the state .

  25. 他广泛地谴责这个国家所有的人犯下了战争罪行。

    He sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes .

  26. 我们的行动不可能防止这个国家所有无意义的暴力行为。

    Our actions will not prevent every senseless act of violence in this country .

  27. 在古代蒙古社会,草牧场归皇帝所有即归国家所有。

    In ancient Mongolian society pastures belonged to the emperor , i.e. to the state .

  28. 官僚资本的企业及财产在国外者,应宣布为国家所有。

    Bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises and property located abroad shall be declared the property of the state .

  29. 古代印度的土地制度是村社或国家所有,实质是王有而不是奴隶主个人私有。

    The land was nationally owned in ancient India rather than privately owned by the landlords .

  30. 如果老约翰死后无继承人,他的财产将归国家所有。

    If old John died without an heir , his property would revert to the state .