
ɡuó jì diàn huà
  • international call;overseas telephone
  1. 请等一会儿,夫人,我就替你接到国际电话接线员那里。

    Just a moment , ma'am . I 'll connect you with the overseas telephone operator for you .

  2. 我要往英国伦敦打国际电话。

    I want to place an international call to London , England .

  3. 年吉宁出任行政总负责人时,国际电话电报公司正处于不景气时期

    ITT was stagnating when Geneen became the chief executive officer in 1959 . 1959

  4. 对新的IP电话网从呼叫控制、通话建立、QoS和编译码、计费方面进行了介绍,并对IP国际电话、呼叫中心及新推出的服务进行了说明。

    New IP phone network is described around call control , call connection , QoS , coding and decoding , accounting . International IP phone , call center and new service are explained .

  5. 这足以使Skype盈利。该公司去年成为了最大的国际电话运营商。

    This is enough to keep Skype , which last year became the largest carrier of international calls , profitable .

  6. URL和e-mail规则是相当简单的正则表达式,但是两个电话号码规则比较复杂,因为它们要检测大量国际电话号码的表示方式。

    The URL and e-mail rules are fairly simple regular expressions , while the two phone number rules are more complex , as they aim to detect a multitude of alternative representations of international telephone numbers .

  7. 您还可以通过mig33便宜的国际电话和手机短信。

    Also you can make cheap international calls and SMS through mig33 .

  8. 怀疑始于上世纪七、八十年代,那是美国国际电话电报公司(ITT)和RJR纳比斯科(RJRNabisco)等公司的时代。

    The suspicion originates in the 1970s and 1980s , the era of companies such as ITT and RJR Nabisco .

  9. 国际电话电报咨询委员会(CCITT)(现ITU-T)于1988年接受了SONET概念并重新命名为SDH,使其成为不仅适用于光纤也适用于微波和卫星传输的通用技术体制。

    Advisory Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph ( CCITT ) ( now ITU-T ) in 1988 to accept the concept of the SONET and SDH renamed . Applies not only to make it also applicable to fiber-optic microwave and satellite transmission system of the Common Technical .

  10. 本系统适用于国际电话漫游服务。

    The system is suitable for internectional telephone wander service system .

  11. 我可以在旅馆直拨国际电话吗?

    Can I have a direct overseas call at the hotel ?

  12. 用这个公用电话可以打国际电话吗?

    Can I call international long distance with this public phone ?

  13. 我们何时可以打国际电话?

    Till what time can we use an overseas call ?

  14. 喂,我是国际电话接线员,我能为你服务吗?

    M : Hello , overseas operator , may I help you ?

  15. 请你替我接到国际电话接线员那里好吗?

    Could you connect me with the International Telephone Operator , please ?

  16. 我们已发现使国际电话电报公司明显地区别于松下公司的一种紧张关系。

    We 've captured a tension that distinguishes ITT sharply from Matsushita .

  17. 请帮我接国际电话台。

    Connect me with the overseas operator , please .

  18. 能打个到日本的国际电话吗?

    Is this available for overseas calls to japan ?

  19. 日本的国际电话代码是多少?

    What is the international phone code for japan ?

  20. 国际电话的代码为010。

    The code for international call is zero one zero ( 010 ) .

  21. 接线生,我要打一通国际电话到伦敦。

    Operator , I would like to place an international call to London .

  22. 在国际电话电报公司很难看到这种力量发挥作用。

    At ITT , it is hard to see such forces at work .

  23. 这些到挪威的国际电话是谁打的?

    Who made these international calls to Norway ?

  24. 我们多次在松下和国际电话电报公司看到这样情况。

    At times we saw this occurring at Matsushita as well as at ITT .

  25. 我经常使用网络电话来打国际电话。

    I often make international calls with Skype .

  26. 我想打国际电话到北京。

    Long-distance call to Beijing , please .

  27. 您可以想象到通过类似的算法根据国家代码识别国际电话号码。

    You can imagine a similar algorithm for an international number with a country code .

  28. 国际电话电报通信系统

    International telephone and telegraph communications system

  29. 美国国际电话电信公司区域电信年会/泛非电讯

    ITT ( International Telephone and Telegraph Corp ) Annual Regional Telecommunications Conference / Pan African Telecommunications

  30. 国际电话协商委员会

    International Telephone Consultative Committee