
  • 网络Greek Architecture
  1. 但是我们也很容易发现古希腊建筑、雕刻、瓶画等艺术形式中的东方传统。

    But we can easily find that the ancient Greek architecture , sculpture , painting and other art forms bottles oriental tradition .

  2. 柱廊:古希腊建筑中,指单独建立的列柱廊或有顶盖的走廊,也指开敞的长条形建筑,其屋顶由平行于后墙的一列或几列柱子支承。

    Stoa : In Greek architecture , a freestanding colonnade or covered walkway ; also , a long open Building with its roof supported by one or more rows of columns parallel to its rear wall .

  3. 它是古希腊建筑的三大柱式之一。

    They are one of the three types of classic Greek columns .

  4. 古希腊建筑中的3种柱式(陶立克式、爱奥尼式及科林斯式)构成了希腊建筑的精髓,并将其造型艺术拟人化。

    In ancient Greece , 3 kinds of orders showed the quintessence of Greek architecture , in an art of personified shape .

  5. 在古希腊建筑中,大型建筑往往依地势而建,并不强调中轴对称和等级思想。

    In the ancient Greek architectures , the large-scale buildings are often established according to the topography , not emphasized the axis symmetry and hierarchical thinking .

  6. 古希腊建筑式的,古希腊艺术风格的这段时期的古希腊艺术或建筑风格的或与其有关的古希腊建筑与古代东方传统在这里交汇相融。

    Relating to or in the style of the Greek art or architecture of this period . It is one of the world 's most famous archaeological sites , where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture .

  7. 开平碉楼大部分是由著名的“海漂”开平人在20世纪早期建造的,他们把在国外看到的伊斯兰、罗马甚至是古希腊建筑风格带回了家乡。

    Erected mostly in the early 20th century , the fortress towers at Kaiping were built by famously outbound Kaipingers , who brought home the many architectural styles they saw abroad , including Islamic , Roman and even ancient Greek .

  8. 古希腊建筑可以划分为三种风格:一为多里克风格,也被称为男性风格;二为爱奥尼亚风格,也被称为女性风格;三为后起的科林斯风格。

    Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles : the Doric style which is also called the masculine style ; the Ionic style which is also called the feminine style ; and a later style that is called the Corinthian style .

  9. 古希腊的建筑的确是独一无二的雕塑品。

    The architecture in ancient Greek is really the unique sculptures .

  10. 是古希腊庙宇建筑的主要特征之一,因此也是罗马及以后所有受古典主义启示的建筑的一个重要组成部分。

    The portico is a principal feature of Greek temple architecture and thus a prominent element in Roman and all subsequent Classically inspired structures .

  11. 《建筑十书》是至今惟一保存完好的关于古希腊罗马建筑的理论文献。

    Until now , the Ten Books on Architecture is the unique theoretical literature on architecture in ancient Greece and Rome with intact preservation .

  12. 古希腊的建筑形式主要有三种,它们是:陶立克式,爱奥尼亚式和科林斯式。

    In ancient Greek , there were three main styles in architecture , they are : The Doric style , the Ionic style and the Corinthian style .

  13. 受古希腊罗马影响的建筑流派。

    Architecture influenced by the ancient Greeks or Romans .

  14. 古希腊的纪念性建筑在公元前8世纪大致形成,公元前5世纪已成熟,公元前4世纪进入一个形制和技术更广阔的发展时期。

    Ancient Greek memorial building in the eighth century B.C. , the5th century BC roughly formation is mature , the4th century BC into a shape and technical wider development period .

  15. 西方园林设计起源于古埃及的土地丈量和古希腊的建筑设计,基本方法是在平面上制图;

    Plane drawing serves as the basic method for the western garden design , which originated from ancient Egyptian land measurement and ancient Greek building design .