
  • 网络The Lute
  1. 他漫不经心地拨弄着鲁特琴的琴弦。

    He idly plucked the strings of the lute .

  2. 我从未学习过如何为竖琴调弦,也不知如何弹奏鲁特琴。但我懂得如何使一座偏僻的无名小镇发展成辉煌而伟大的城市,使世界各国的子民前来朝圣。

    I never learned how to tune a harp , or play upon a lute ; but I know how to raise a small and obscure city to glory and greatness * where to all kindreds of the earth will pilgrim .

  3. CNN特派员夏侬·库克:过去这些年来您的音乐风格有所改变,我们见过您在警察乐队时的表现,听过您演唱流行歌曲、爵士乐和一张鲁特琴专辑。您认为您的听众变了吗?

    SHANNON COOK , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Over the years as your musical style has evolved , we 've seen you in The Police , we 've seen you with pop , with jazz , a lute " album . Do you see how your audience changes ?

  4. 鲁特琴14至18世纪时曾风行西方,如今在中东地区仍很常见。

    Lutes were popular from the14th to the18th centuries in the west , but are still common in the middle east .

  5. 访问期间,卡扎菲向赖斯赠送了一枚钻戒、一把鲁特琴、一个刻有自己肖像的小挂盒、并给她题赠了一本绿皮书。

    During the visit , he presented Rice with a diamond ring , a lute , a locket with an engraved likeness of himself inside and an inscribed edition of The Green Book ` .