
  • 网络secular music
  1. 世俗音乐是绝对禁止的。

    Secular music was flatly prohibited .

  2. 中世纪音乐时期,将宗教音乐与世俗音乐推展至高峰。

    Period of medieval music , religious music and secular music tobe extended to the peak .

  3. 在修院采用的世俗音乐教材里,amour(爱情)是用tambour(鼓)或pandour(强盗)代替的。

    On the books of profane music which entered the convent , amour ( love ) was replaced by tambour ( drum ) or pandour .

  4. 世俗音乐的道教化&关于全真道经韵音乐与世俗音乐关系的探讨

    Falling into the Secular World Secular Music To Be Taoism

  5. 小时候,她被禁止听世俗音乐并在2001年时出了一张同名的福音音乐唱片。

    She was even forbidden to listen to secular bands as a child then Katy released a self-titled Christian album in2001 under her original name .

  6. 宗教和世俗的音乐;孩子们在一个完全世俗的环境长大。

    Sacred and profane music ; children being brought up in an entirely profane environment .

  7. 美国黑人音乐,分为宗教崇拜音乐及世俗民间音乐。

    Afro-American music is divided into music of religious adoration and music of common customs .

  8. 道教借戏曲的形式传教布道,神仙道化戏以世俗的音乐表达道教思想,道教曲牌音乐流露出世俗化的特点。

    Taoism delivered sermons in the form of opera , and immortal opera expressed the ideas of Taoism through secular music . Accordingly , tune in Taoist music embodied the feature of secularization .

  9. 从俗曲可以窥探到禅宗的世俗性特征与音乐性特征。

    The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction .

  10. 与世事或世俗事务有关的。世俗音乐的道教化&关于全真道经韵音乐与世俗音乐关系的探讨

    Concerned with the world or worldly matters . Secular Music To Be Taoism