
  • 网络World Economic Outlook Report;WEO
  1. 国际货币基金组织周二发布了最新一期《世界经济展望报告》。

    The IMF released its latest World Economic Outlook on Tuesday .

  2. 今天,国际货币基金组织在春季年会前发布了新一期世界经济展望报告,预测全球经济前景好坏参半。

    The International Monetary Fund paints a mixed picture of the global economy in its new world economic outlook released today ahead of its annual spring meetings .

  3. IMF在《世界经济展望》报告中表示:以任何一种标准衡量,这场衰退都是大萧条以来最严重的全球衰退。

    The IMF , in its World Economic Outlook , said : By any measure , this downturn represents by far the deepest global recession since the Great Depression .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(简称IMF)发布最新版《世界经济展望》报告,上调了对2018年世界主要经济体经济发展的评估,将中国发展预测上调0.1个百分点至6.6%。

    In its latest World Economic Outlook , the IMF uplifted its assessment for the growth of major economies around the world in 2018 , with China up by 0.1 % to 6.6 % .

  5. 正如《世界经济展望》报告所指出的,至少就短期而言,这场危机还标志着“全球失衡的逆转”。

    In the short term , at least , the crisis also marked a reversal of the " global imbalances " , as the WEO update notes .

  6. 上述对俄罗斯经济的展望是基于近期世界银行《全球经济展望报告》所给出的全球情境作出的。

    The Russian outlook discussed above is based on this global scenario presented recently in the Global Economic Prospects of the World Bank .