
bì yè lùn wén
  • Graduation Thesis;Dissertation;Graduation Dissertation;graduates' dissertation;graduation(undergraduate) thesis;thesis
毕业论文 [bì yè lùn wén]
  • [graduates' dissertation;graduation(undergraduate) thesis] 在高等院校本科生、硕士及博士研究生毕业前,考察他们综合运用专业知识分析、解决问题的能力的总结性作业

  1. C:我的毕业论文是关于英国英语和美国英语的差别。

    C : My graduation thesis was on the difference between the British English and the American English .

  2. 但是,作为一篇小小的MPA毕业论文,我无法也无没有能力去对这个问题写出一篇理论体系严谨,学术价值重要的文章。

    However , in this short MPA graduation thesis , it is impossible for the author to develop a rigorous theoretical system and important academic value to the corruption topic .

  3. 从今年起,教育管理部门将对本科毕业论文进行抽检,以打击剽窃、代写及其他形式的学术不端行为。如何抽检?

    Starting this year , Chinese education authorities will institute random , ghostwriting , and other forms of academic misconduct .

  4. 抽检结果向社会公开,“存在问题毕业论文”比例较高的高校将被问责。

    Such results will be made public , and universities with a high percentage of problematic theses will be held accountable , the ministry said .

  5. 有些人将怠惰的状态归咎于多变的天气,有些人不堪毕业论文的重负,或因即将到来的大考而倍感压力,有些人则是为自己前半年的工作表现感到焦虑。

    Some people blamed the laziness to the unpredictable weather , some are burdened by the graduation papers , or the coming important test , some feel anxious about their work performance earlier this year .

  6. 教育部表示,每篇论文送3位同行专家,3位专家中有2位及以上专家评议意见为“不合格”的毕业论文,将认定为“存在问题毕业论文”。

    According to the Ministry . Each thesis will be reviewed by three experts , who will also check the essays for quality . If two reviewers say the paper is substandard , it will be identified as problematic .

  7. 他当时15岁,上高中一年级我开始了解他以及他的朋友们和家庭我问他能否在我的毕业论文中讲述他的生活这篇论文也成为了我在普林斯顿的博士论文现在则集结成书

    He was 15 , a freshman16 in high school . I began to get to know him and his friends and family , and I asked him what he thought about me writing about his life for my senior thesis in college . This senior thesis became a dissertation17 at Princeton and now a book .

  8. 这种事在你身上时有发生:在会上和领导正说着一半话,正玩着《纽约时报》上的字谜游戏,写着毕业论文,甚至和你妈在讲电话时,却忽然忘记要说什么了……

    It happens to you all the time . You 're mid-sentence during a meeting with your boss , working on The New York Times ' crossword puzzle , typing up an essay for grad school , or even talking to your mom on the phone -- and the next word you 're looking for just doesn 't ... come .

  9. 基于WEB的毕业论文信息交流系统设计实现

    Design and Realization of Comment System on Graduation Thesis Information

  10. 基于RoughSet的毕业论文质量决策分析

    The Decision Analysis of the Thesis Quality Based on Rough Set

  11. 我的毕业论文的题目是基于固体资源评价的GIS应用与实现。

    The title of my thesis is GIS applications of the solid resource evaluation and implementation .

  12. 毕业论文资料,基于小波变换和PCA原理的。

    Thesis data , based on wavelet transform and PCA principles .

  13. 基于ASP的毕业论文(设计)指导系统的动态查询

    The Dynamic Inquiry of Guide Information System of Graduation Article ( Device ) Based on ASP

  14. 基于VBA技术的本科毕业论文质量监控系统研究

    Research on Quality Control System of Undergraduate Thesis Based on VBA Technology

  15. 运用专家调查法及AHP法设计了毕业论文综合评价的指标体系,确定了指标权重。

    The index system and the index weight of the thesis have been determined by applying Delphi method and AHP method .

  16. 定量研究是通过分析69篇长安大学英语专业本科生的毕业论文中的各种主位的分布模式而进行对比分析。这69篇论文根据其最终分数被分成三个等级,A级,B级和C级。

    The quantitative research was conducted by analyzing 69 theses writings by undergraduate English majors at Chang ' an University , which are categorized into three groups according to their final scores .

  17. 阿披实在牛津的毕业论文以国际货币基金组织(imf)的救援计划为题,现在他不得不眼睁睁地看着泰国政府求助于imf,以拯救泰国经济。

    Abhisit , who had done his Oxford thesis on IMF rescue programmes , now had to witness the IMF being called in to save the Thai economy .

  18. 在毕业论文最后,使用JAVA、JSP、SqlServer2000等工具,按照理论分析的结论,设计开发了系统。

    In the end of the treatise I develop the guide system by means of JAVA , JSP , SQL SERVER 2000 , etc , according to the demands from theory analyzing .

  19. 通过开发这个系统,运用B/S结构和ASP技术,涉及学生用户、教师用户和管理员用户等各个模块,实现对毕业论文的集中管理。

    Through the developing the system , applying the B / S structure and ASP technology , involving students users , teacher users and administrators users , realize the management of graduation thesis .

  20. 该研究的创新进展为本毕业论文综合业务双环LAN的一种新协议及数学建模的展开奠定了基础。

    The innovative evolvement in this paper prepared the foundation for the development of this graduate thesis " A new protocol of the Double Loop LAN of the integrated services and its mathematic modeling " .

  21. 分析了现在大部分学校学生毕业论文保存的现状,提出了符合B/S要求的用PHP和SqlServer2000实现学生论文提交和查询系统方案。

    This article analyses the present preservation about student 's thesis and advances according with the need on B / S with PHP and SQL Server 2000 to implement student 's dissertation submitting and querying .

  22. 菌株PA-1对中国海洋大学硕士研究生毕业论文27种抗生素有抗性,对1种抗生素中度敏感。

    PA-1 is resistant to27 kinds of antibiotics , mid-sensitive to1 kinds of antibioticThe hemolysin gene fragment of Vibrio harveyi VH-1 is amplified by PCR .

  23. 在第二章中,我们利用蛋清蛋白为模板合成了大孔无机氧化物(SiLO2和TiO2),它复旦大学博士毕业论文摘要们的孔径可通过添加表面活性剂在30一400nm调控。

    In chapter 2 , we describe the preparation of macroporous inorganic oxides ( silica and titania ) by using egg white as the templates . Their pore size can be tailored from 30 to 400 nm with the additive of surfactants .

  24. 在工作中的主要结论,所有UCSC的老年人必须通过一个全面的检查,或在某些专业,完成毕业论文或同等机构的工作。

    At the conclusion of work in their major , all UCSC seniors must pass a comprehensive examination or , in some majors , complete a senior thesis or equivalent body of work .

  25. 毕业论文写作教学中存在的问题及改进措施

    Exploration on the Problems and Improvement in the Teaching Graduation Theses

  26. 浅议交通工程专业本科毕业论文的改革

    Some Comments on the Reform of Undergraduate Thesis in Traffic Engineering

  27. 护理本科生毕业论文撰写的分析与思索

    Analysis and reflection on graduation thesis of Baccalaureate Degree nursing students

  28. 法学毕业论文的指导教师应具备良好的职业道德素质和业务素质。

    The tutors should have good professional ethics and professional qualities .

  29. 临床医学本科实习生撰写毕业论文的探讨

    On the System of Graduation Thesis Writing by Clinical Undergraduate Interns

  30. 提高我校本科毕业论文(设计)质量的探讨

    A Discussion on Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Students ' Thesis