
  • graduation season
  1. 据一位来自北京、名叫张文的心理学家表示,随着毕业季临近,很多像Qi一样的海归(从海外大学毕业的中国学生)在找工作时会面临意想不到的压力,这是引发他们心理问题的主要因素之一。

    As graduation season approaches , many haigui ( Chinese graduates from overseas universities ) like Qi , will face unexpected pressures when job hunting , which is one of the major factors that trigger mental problems , said Zhang Wen , a Beijing-based psychologist .

  2. 毕业季来袭。

    Graduation season is in full swing .

  3. 达波斯女士:我们会称它为:毕业季!

    Ms. Darbus : We 'll call it , senior year !

  4. 这是面前的现实和开心毕业季之间的阴阳调节?

    A little reality-check yin to the happy graduation yang ?

  5. 能够在毕业季来到这里,我觉得很荣幸。

    It 's a special privilege for me to be here this month .

  6. 很悲哀的是并不只有毕业季的演讲嘉宾会被审查

    And sadly , it is not just commencement season when speakers are censored

  7. 所以本着毕业季的精神,我要正式放下他走向未来了。

    So , in the spirit of graduation , I 'm officially moving on .

  8. 到毕业季了你该好好玩的

    You know , it 's senior year . You should be having some fun .

  9. 而且和我自己的毕业季不同,这次没有怀孕惊吓。

    And , unlike my actually graduation , there 's no pregnancy scare . All right .

  10. 大学毕业季是即将降临,还是已经如火如荼,取决于你所在的地方。

    Depending on where you live , university graduation season is approaching or already in full swing .

  11. 临近毕业季,寝室安全问题变得尤为突出,所以同学们最好保持警惕。

    Dormitory safety becomes even more of an issue on the verge of graduation season , so students had better stay sharp .

  12. 不过一旦毕业季临近,每一对情侣都要考虑一下,他们到底是继续在一起呢还是在上大学之前分手。

    But once graduation rolls around , every couple needs to decide whether they want to stay together or part ways before college .

  13. 在毕业季到来之时,他们当中的许多人都去了加州创业,希望通过自身的高科技才能致富。

    Around graduation season , many of them go to California to begin their own startups and hope to get rich from their high-tech skills .

  14. 又到一年毕业季,毕业生和他们的家长一起庆祝一个年轻人一生中最重要的时刻。

    This is commencement season , a time for graduates and their families to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of a young person 's life .

  15. 随着毕业季的临近,面对近十个职位空缺,她只找到了一两名愿意从事最基础工作的合适候选人。

    As graduation season approaches , she has only found one or two qualified candidates who want to do the most basic work for nearly 10 vacancies .

  16. 以下5个步骤能帮你掌握拍摄完美照片的专业技术为毕业季、婚礼和暑假做准备!

    Just in time for graduations , weddings , and summer vacations , here are five tips to help you develop the expertise to take the perfect pictures .

  17. 在这样的毕业季,有很多人不免会反思这些希望的本质,考虑如何实现它们。

    In this commencement season , there is inevitably much reflection on the nature of those hopes and how to fulfill them . These tend toward the mawkish .

  18. 据淘宝网统计,去年毕业季期间,来自全国116所“211”工程院校的25万名毕业生在淘宝上的消费金额达到了8.46亿元。

    According to Taobao , during last year 's graduation season , 250000 graduate students from 116 " 211 " project universities nationwide spent 846 million yuan on Taobao .

  19. 随着中国大学毕业季的临近,餐饮、旅行、摄影工作室等行业正为这个忙碌而利润丰厚的时段作好准备。

    With China 's college graduation season drawing near , some industries , such as catering , travel and photo studios , are gearing up for a busy and lucrative period .

  20. 又是一年毕业季,美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马5月18日向毕业生现身说法,告诫他们在大学、生活和工作中要走自己的路,依靠决心和勇气战胜不可避免的失败。

    First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee high school graduates : Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitable failures with determination and grit .

  21. 每年的毕业季,大学校园都会变身成跳蚤市场,即将离校的毕业生们摆起地摊,低价出售那些无法搬回家里或租住地的个人物品。

    College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation . Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses .

  22. 当被问及穿着结婚礼服来纪念毕业季有何感觉时,她们说,会让人情不自禁地哭出来,感觉就像“离家出嫁一样。”

    When asked about wearing wedding dresses to commemorate their graduation , they said they couldn 't help but weep since they felt like they were " leaving home and getting married . "

  23. 来自世纪佳缘交友网的情感专家张佳芮(音译)认为,大学生之所以容易在毕业季时选择分手,也是感情生活缺乏规划所致。

    Zhang Jiarui , a relationship expert at Jiayuan.com , believes that students " tendency to break up in graduation season is also the result of a lack of planning in their love life .

  24. 根据该报纸报道,随着毕业季来临,中国高校许多大学生纷纷在阿里巴巴旗下网络跳蚤市场闲鱼上出售教科书、学习资料。

    With the approach of graduation season , many students from universities in China are selling their textbooks and study material on Xianyu , Alibaba 's online flea market , according to the newspaper .

  25. 他说:情侣们在毕业季时往往会面临两个难题:一是他们要各奔东西,二是由于不同的工作经验与社会阅历,他们的世界观也各异。

    In graduation season , couples often face two problems : They will go to different places , and they will cultivate different world views due to their different social and work experiences , he says .

  26. 25岁的李毅(音译)就读于北京交通大学交通运输工程系,当他看着女友发来的分手短信时,感觉自己心碎一地,这给他本已喜忧参半的毕业季又平添了几许凄凉。

    Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces . The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend , who had just broken up with him . It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful .

  27. 开学季新生装备进入万元时代、月生活费千元起步、谈不起的校园恋爱、毕业季豪华消费致青春已成为人们热议的话题。

    The consumption of college students has become a hot topic , such as entrance equipment entering one million yuan times , monthly living expenses more than one thousand yuan , not affording the high cost of campus love , luxury consumption for youth in graduation season .

  28. 大学毕业典礼演讲季或许是学习如何提高沟通效果的最佳时机。

    College commencement speech season may be the best time to learn how to communicate powerfully .

  29. 为自己的毕业舞会女伴选一个能够跟她的礼服相配的手花大概是一些年轻人很头疼的事情。不过,这个毕业季,肯德基推出了一款能跟任何礼服搭配的炸鸡手花来救场。

    Choosing a corsage that matches your date 's prom dress can be a major source of anxiety for some young men , but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything .